Why is republican's top polling candidate missing any actual political positions?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News
yeah man. we need to have someone like comrade Hillary who is PLEDGING BILLIONS of taxpayers monies to be given out IF you all vote for her

I mean can you get any more shady or crooked. She isn't even PRESIDENT and she's already spending OUR TAX DOLLARS
yeah man. we need to have someone like comrade Hillary who is PLEDGING BILLIONS of taxpayers monies to be given out IF you all vote for her

I mean can you get any more shady or crooked. She isn't even PRESIDENT and she's already spending OUR TAX DOLLARS
Leave it to you Stephanie to ignore the topic at hand and bring up Hillary.
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News

What would I do?

Immigration...Repeal the 1965 immigration act, get rid of birth right citizenship, and fine businesses harshly that hire illegals. Make it uneconomic to hire them...

Healthplane = universal healthcare with tax payer support for healthcare r&d!

Job and economic growth! = Tariff imports by 10% to allow for our businesses to compete within our country...Raise taxes on all corporations 5% and tax the top 1% another 5%. This would allow us to spend more money on infrastructure, science and r&d investment...I'd also break up massive corporations and put in place laws that favor smaller businesses. Pretty much favor American businesses and make it harder for the big ones to control the market.

I'd pull America out of nafta and end our most favorite trading status with China.
The right doesn't care about positions. Just give them MORE CRAZY!!!!

It certainly seems that way. Some loud mouthed blow hard spews the rhetoric they want to hear and they line up behind him like lambs to the slaughter despite him being an empty suit.
The right doesn't care about positions. Just give them MORE CRAZY!!!!

It certainly seems that way. Some loud mouthed blow hard spews the rhetoric they want to hear and they line up behind him like lambs to the slaughter despite him being an empty suit.

pretty much what the left/democrat base did with Obama. so what's new

You're saying your fellow conservatives are as big of idiots as Obamabots?
It's called "leadership." Look it up.

A lack of policy detail is what you consider to be leadership?

Hey, it worked for the dear leader, bumper sticker slogans was all he ever offered.

Contrary to the dear leader, I've heard Trump speaking to details on all 3 subjects mentioned in the OP, I guess the liar just isn't listening.
"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best." -- George W. Bush.

Only limp-wristed liberals put forth policies. Real leaders like DearLeaderBush simply decide at the spur of the moment. That's why conservatives made him their messiah.
The right doesn't care about positions. Just give them MORE CRAZY!!!!

It certainly seems that way. Some loud mouthed blow hard spews the rhetoric they want to hear and they line up behind him like lambs to the slaughter despite him being an empty suit.

pretty much what the left/democrat base did with Obama. so what's new

You're saying your fellow conservatives are as big of idiots as Obamabots?

I'm sure there are some but wont ever compare to those Obots. they freaking put him in as President. I don't think Trump has that a big a following as the media want to make out to be. but so what for now. its' not hurting anything
In case you have not noticed, Republicans are not very big on subtance. Their debate reminded of a high class election. Each candidate promises more dances and never explains where money will come from.

RePugs do not want subtance, they want empty unfulfilling promises that mean nothing. Trump is Tailor Made for them.
Good Presidents are not policy wonks. Unlike Carter, Reagan hired good people and gave them broad guidelines and objectives to accomplish. Comprende?
In case you have not noticed, Republicans are not very big on subtance. Their debate reminded of a high class election. Each candidate promises more dances and never explains where money will come from.

RePugs do not want subtance, they want empty unfulfilling promises that mean nothing. Trump is Tailor Made for them.

In case you haven't noticed, probably because the Democrats are destroying Ferguson again, but Republicans are tired of all of your representatives, and all of ours. At least we are being given a choice and all are discussing issues, you have no one saying anything. You have Hitlery who stays in touch through selfies with Kim, and Vladimir Sanders.
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