Why is Ron DeSantis behaving like a Castro/ Chavez style socialist?

Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.


Desantis is your typical dishonest, authoritarian conservative.
Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.

He's acting like a Trumpster. He knows where his bread is buttered.
Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.

It's difficult to understand why a sitting governor would do everything within his power to spread a widely fatal disease among his constituents, particularly in a state that is experiencing the highest rate of infections in the nation.

It would be very generous to attribute such actions to incompetence, but I find that the Florida governor's motive to be absolutely and intentionally malevalent.

If any of you are republicans who are angry at people who don't vote for republican candidates, take into account this trend among republicans to attack the wellbeing and rights of the American people, and not just with respect to the pandemic. The republican party used to be a respectable party that represented people with a particular viewpoint. Now it has morphed into a party dedicated to doing evil at the expense of all of us.

It's not difficult at all - he wants to run for President in 2024 and is biting off any red meat and publicity he can think of.

He wants to out-Trump Trump which unfortunately comes at Florida's expense.
Why is this so hard for you?
For me? No, it isn’t hard at all. Trump got vaccines in record time, I consulted with my doctor, and got the vaccine. Thank you pres Trump.

The pandemic for me is over.
Withholding funds from school districts? What a freaking Nazi. Ronnie is a bully just like his Daddy Donald.
Saw on Morning Joe today that Charlie Christ is two points up in the latest poll.
That represents a 10 point dump for the bully in just the last month! :cool-45:
He needs to leave it up to individuals cities, school districts and businesses what they want to do.

Funds from schools are not controlled by him but rather appointee Cochran. Taking my taxes to control the school district I live. Haven't had any kids in this school district for 22 years, maybe I should take this school tax to court. I'm sick of paying it to a Nazi government.

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