Why is Ron DeSantis behaving like a Castro/ Chavez style socialist?

The Okie is very unique among Republicans, one that doesn't give a republican politician in a free pass to do the same things that a Democrat would be condemned for.

As you can see by all the post calling me OP,'s post bulshit wow not actually adding anything of substance to the conversation most Republicans, especially those on the far right are more than happy to see government used to dictate the rights of private businesses and private citizens as long as those businesses are doing things that they disagree with. Two Republicans free marrket, and lo regulation is only good if businesses do exactly the things that they think they should do and operate the exactly the way they think they should operate any businesses that operate in a manner they just like should be regulated in their eyes.

This is nothing new Republicans have always attacked businesses that have policies that they don't like in general. Play in the past have attacked businesses that disallow concealed weapons on their property. Republicans in Indiana haymount in forreston attacked businesses in Indiana such as bars that required you to be searched before entering the property for weapons. They tried to sue for a second amendment violations but courts ruled that businesses are private property in the Second Amendment only applied to public property in a business owners have every right to require you to submit to a search before entering their property.
Uh, i have news for you. Trump is a moron. Warp Speed was not his idea. He knows less than nothing about it. He gets credit for not dropping dead before it was implemented.

Yeah, it was his idea and he pushed it. Regardless, I didn't take his snake juice but most libs ran like crazy to get their snake juice.
Trump built a multi billion dollar empire employing thousands of people. What have you built? Jack shit now shut it.
Uhhh, who cares?! captain random. That has nothing to do with the conversation. Damn you’re a bad debater
The way statistics work is that to know how many asymptomatic are not being counted, you have to take an entire community and test everyone.
They have done this in prisons, military camps, religious orders, etc. and the statistics say the actual number of infected is over 3 times what we knew about.
That is not absolute because these closed communities they tested may also have higher infection rates due to their close contact.
But it shows that most people are asymptomatic, and therefore inherently already immune. Which is what we should expect, since humans have been slightly immune to coronaviruses for millions of years.
Translation: I get to SWAG the REAL mortality percentage -
Translation of Translation: You go boi!
Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.

DeSantis is a Trumper which means he has no core values. The OP is spot on.
The cost of stupidity will be in cancelled tourism and conferences for Floriduh and their idiot Governor.
I cancelled a fishing trip out of Tampa last week - but it gets worse. WAY worse!

So the news is generally good - But until the derp south catches a clue and gets northward of their 30-50% vax rate, we'll all be pretty much screwed.
Uhhh, who cares?! captain random. That has nothing to do with the conversation. Damn you’re a bad debater
So typical of the left. Their idiot Dems have no demonstrated leadership or experience, yet with zero resume they assume they are great leaders. cough Obama cough So hate on Desantis all you want fools, again it's not a popularity contest.
So typical of the left. Their idiot Dems have no demonstrated leadership or experience, yet with zero resume they assume they are great leaders. cough Obama cough So hate on Desantis all you want fools, again it's not a popularity contest.
Translation: I GOT NOTHING
So typical of the left. Their idiot Dems have no demonstrated leadership or experience, yet with zero resume they assume they are great leaders. cough Obama cough So hate on Desantis all you want fools, again it's not a popularity contest.
Gladly, the dude is very easy to dislike.
DiSantis does seem to be applying the heavy hand of politics here in not ALLOWING school districts to do what they see fit

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