Why is Ron DeSantis behaving like a Castro/ Chavez style socialist?

I'll do as I please. Have a large client I see about once a year in Florida, but looks like we'll do Zoom this time around. Even they are still working out of their homes.
My "totalitarian state" is well over 70% with at least one shot. Florida may have barely topped 50.
Not a safe place to be right now.

States with higher vaccination rates are more dangerous. Throw in the totalitarianism and you have a deadly mix. You're fully vaccinated and terrified. That's pretty amazing to me. Over a bug with a 99.7 recovery rate. I'd hate to see what would happen if an ebola type virus with a kill rate of 70 percent came around.
Some puke Dem mayor mouths off and Fauci's boss dares even speak and that's the basis of your OP? Where's the link to the polls you say supports your OP?
Don’t get fussy BL. Ronny is a very unlikable guy. It would not be a surprise to know that the majority of people don’t like him
States with higher vaccination rates are more dangerous. Throw in the totalitarianism and you have a deadly mix. You're fully vaccinated and terrified. That's pretty amazing to me. Over a bug with a 99.7 recovery rate. I'd hate to see what would happen if an ebola type virus with a kill rate of 70 percent came around.
The dangerous lies and disinformation continue ^ You're a good little authoritarian socialist. Donald, DeSantis, and the ghosts of Hugo and Fidel approve! :D
It's difficult to understand why a sitting governor would do everything within his power to spread a widely fatal disease among his constituents, particularly in a state that is experiencing the highest rate of infections in the nation.

It would be very generous to attribute such actions to incompetence, but I find that the Florida governor's motive to be absolutely and intentionally malevalent.

If any of you are republicans who are angry at people who don't vote for republican candidates, take into account this trend among republicans to attack the wellbeing and rights of the American people, and not just with respect to the pandemic. The republican party used to be a respectable party that represented people with a particular viewpoint. Now it has morphed into a party dedicated to doing evil at the expense of all of us.
It's difficult to understand why a sitting governor would do everything within his power to spread a widely fatal disease among his constituents, particularly in a state that is experiencing the highest rate of infections in the nation.

It would be very generous to attribute such actions to incompetence, but I find that the Florida governor's motive to be absolutely and intentionally malevalent.

If any of you are republicans who are angry at people who don't vote for republican candidates, take into account this trend among republicans to attack the wellbeing and rights of the American people, and not just with respect to the pandemic. The republican party used to be a respectable party that represented people with a particular viewpoint. Now it has morphed into a party dedicated to doing evil at the expense of all of us.

The most likely people to be unvaccinated in the US are blacks and hispanics:

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.
Those are well known facts, Dr Hyde. Lol
No Dear, they are lies. Very few are dying in states with a vax rate of over 65%.

99.7 recovery rate? Sorry, of those testing positive between 1.9 and 2% die. You don't get to take SWAGS (Scientific Wild Ass Guesses) as to the number who may have had it but were asymptomatic and never tested.

96% of hospitalizations and death are among the unvaccinated. If you can't stop lying, then the least you could do is shut your pie-hole.
States with higher vaccination rates are more dangerous. Throw in the totalitarianism and you have a deadly mix. You're fully vaccinated and terrified. That's pretty amazing to me. Over a bug with a 99.7 recovery rate. I'd hate to see what would happen if an ebola type virus with a kill rate of 70 percent came around.
Haha, the lobotomized cult logic on display. Covid isnt dangerous at all, but vaccinated States are more dangerous. You freaks cant even string two cogent thoughts together in a row. Trump has turned your brains to soup.
Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.

Boy, you really are dumb.....you aren't supposed to compare him to Castro or Chavez....you are supposed to say he is worse than hitler.......

Are you really this dumb that you can't even get your lies and smears right....?
No Dear, they are lies. Very few are dying in states with a vax rate of over 65%.

99.7 recovery rate? Sorry, of those testing positive between 1.9 and 2% die. You don't get to take SWAGS (Scientific Wild Ass Guesses) as to the number who may have had it but were asymptomatic and never tested.

96% of hospitalizations and death are among the unvaccinated. If you can't stop lying, then the least you could do is shut your pie-hole.

No, 99.7 percent recovery rate is real. Thats not a guess. This virus is not even in the same league with the spanish flu.
Haha, the lobotomized cult logic on display. Covid isnt dangerous at all, but vaccinated States are more dangerous. You freaks cant even string two cogent thoughts together in a row. Trump has turned your brains to soup.

We'll stay away from your branch covidian cult.
DeSantis for President! Hooray, DeSantis!

If all you commies have is cruise lines, you are in such big trouble.

(I'd vote Trump, if he runs, though.)
No, 99.7 percent recovery rate is real. Thats not a guess. This virus is not even in the same league with the spanish flu.


Sorry - divide deaths by the number of cases. That will give you a true number. Yours came from your butt. It is quite smelly, so flush it or put it back. That percentage is actually coming down due to breakthrough cases of Delta among vaccinated. Those people are not dying. Currently I get about 1.75%.


United States​

Coronavirus Cases:​





Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.

LOL. Seriously? How about Bernie promoting both Cuba and Venezuela?
The cruise lines are continuing to give the little asshole the middle finger. Many small businesses will follow suit. He has no right to tell them not to follow CDC guidelines or how they should run their business.

I don't recall seeing anything saying he told them they can't follow the guidelines. Can you show me?
It's in my cruise link. The cruise lines will continue to enforce CDC guidelines.
Cool...when did the Gov say they couldn't?

The issue in your link was how the Feds overstepped by shutting them down...and won on that.

Sorry - divide death by the number of cases. That will give you a true number. Yours came from your butt. It is quite smelly, so flush it or put it back. That percentage is actually coming down due to breakthrough cases of Delta among vaccinated. Those people are not dying. Currently I get about 1.75%.


United States​

Coronavirus Cases:​






That's amusing, dr jekyll. You're assuming only 35 million were infected. That's not correct because it doesn't account for all the people who were infected and never were tested. Surely, you understand that. You honestly think that number stops at 35 million when there are what? 330 million people in the US? Seriously?

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