Why is Ron DeSantis behaving like a Castro/ Chavez style socialist?

That's amusing, dr jekyll. You're assuming only 35 million were infected. That's not correct because it doesn't account for all the people who were infected and never were tested. Surely, you understand that. You honestly think that number stops at 35 million when there are what? 330 million people in the US? Seriously?
And you get to guess at that number? Sorry, that is not the way statistics work.
Fort Fun Indiana
tRump and their RW media that keeps pissing in their ears about how dangerous the vaccine is and how they should not get it. When in all probability their media icons and tRump have been vaccinated!!!!
when did Trump say the vaccine was dangerous and people should not get it?

The only political leaders I heard suggest it was dangerous was Harris and Cuomo back in late 2020. I can't say I heard Trump ever suggest it was. Can you provide a quote from Trump?

Here are some quotes from Harris and Cuomo to prove my point:

And you get to guess at that number? Sorry, that is not the way statistics work.

The way statistics work is that to know how many asymptomatic are not being counted, you have to take an entire community and test everyone.
They have done this in prisons, military camps, religious orders, etc. and the statistics say the actual number of infected is over 3 times what we knew about.
That is not absolute because these closed communities they tested may also have higher infection rates due to their close contact.
But it shows that most people are asymptomatic, and therefore inherently already immune. Which is what we should expect, since humans have been slightly immune to coronaviruses for millions of years.
It's difficult to understand why a sitting governor would do everything within his power to spread a widely fatal disease among his constituents, particularly in a state that is experiencing the highest rate of infections in the nation.

It would be very generous to attribute such actions to incompetence, but I find that the Florida governor's motive to be absolutely and intentionally malevalent.

If any of you are republicans who are angry at people who don't vote for republican candidates, take into account this trend among republicans to attack the wellbeing and rights of the American people, and not just with respect to the pandemic. The republican party used to be a respectable party that represented people with a particular viewpoint. Now it has morphed into a party dedicated to doing evil at the expense of all of us.
Florida is not the West Coast States. There are many people here who have been in the state for generations. And some resent all the people that have moved here. But with the people coming in has brought money with it. Tourism and retirees has enriched the state and cause massive growth. The only thing we have to do is smooth out the rough edges of one way of thinking. But not do what we see in the Miami/Ft; Lauderdale area, parts of Tampa and Orange County/Orlando. Turning Prog and bringing more problems with it. Frankly, Prog politicians will kill their own for their allegiance to globalist masters. and we have seen it in living color in many blue cities.
Fort Fun Indiana
tRump and their RW media that keeps pissing in their ears about how dangerous the vaccine is and how they should not get it. When in all probability their media icons and tRump have been vaccinated!!!!

Not true.
Trump was always pro mRNA vaccines and was very public about getting vaccinated.
The resistance to the experimental and not FDA approved vaccines comes from scientists, doctors, nurses, etc., who realize they are very risky and unnecessary.
It's difficult to understand why a sitting governor would do everything within his power to spread a widely fatal disease among his constituents, particularly in a state that is experiencing the highest rate of infections in the nation.

It would be very generous to attribute such actions to incompetence, but I find that the Florida governor's motive to be absolutely and intentionally malevalent.

If any of you are republicans who are angry at people who don't vote for republican candidates, take into account this trend among republicans to attack the wellbeing and rights of the American people, and not just with respect to the pandemic. The republican party used to be a respectable party that represented people with a particular viewpoint. Now it has morphed into a party dedicated to doing evil at the expense of all of us.

There are a number of possible strategies for ending any epidemic, and they all work as fast as possible, like less than a month.
One of them is deliberate infection, called variolation, among those most likely to survive.
That quickly uses up the easy local hosts, and quickly ends any epidemic that is not very lethal, like covid-19, and results in the smallest death total.

The worst possible practice is "flattening the curve", which prevents all epidemics from ending, and ensures the largest possible death total over the greatest period of time.
Fort Fun Indiana
tRump and their RW media that keeps pissing in their ears about how dangerous the vaccine is and how they should not get it. When in all probability their media icons and tRump have been vaccinated!!!!

Trump is the one who pushed operation warp speed and the injections. You can't whitewash it. Lol.
No, 99.7 percent recovery rate is real. Thats not a guess. This virus is not even in the same league with the spanish flu.
The problem here? Is you do research and reading from sources other than the propaganda that is controlled by the interlocking directorate.

Dr. Love restricts his trust to CFR controlled sources.

I do believe, you are going by Infection Fatality Rates, and he is going by strictly Case Fatality Rates. Also, there is the question of whether you are talking about global rates, or just US rates.

So? There is the possibility that YOU ARE BOTH RIGHT. There was that infamous hearing when Dr. Fauci screwed up his testimony, and said "Case Fatality Rates," when he should have said, "Infection Fatality Rates."

“. . . Furthermore, the WHO reported that the CFR of the H1N1 influenza virus is also 2–3%, similar to the unadjusted 2–3% CFR of the coronavirus reported in Congressional testimony, with no meaningful difference in mortality,” he added. “Evidence from the WHO confirmed that the approximate CFR of the coronavirus is generally no higher than that of seasonal influenza.”

As follows,

  • Covid-19 has an IFR of 1% and CFR of 2–3%. More recent data by the CDC and WHO, however, estimates that Covid-19 has an IFR of 0.65% and CFR 0.5-1%, respectively.
  • The flu has an IFR of 0.1% or lower and CFR of 2–3%. (Please also see the update below about this.)
Thus, among those who became symptomatic (i.e., CFR), Covid-19 is not any deadlier than the flu. This had led to the notion that lockdowns were not necessary as Covid-19 is just like the seasonal flu.

Overall, a higher transmission rate leads to more infections and then more cases and, eventually, more deaths. Now, the CFR alone is not as important.
But such proponents seem to have been confused about the differences between CFR and IFR, as Dr. Fauci and others did. Among the total infection events (i.e., IFR), Covid-19 is still 6.5-times deadlier than the flu.

This means that a person is more likely to become a case (symptomatic) when infected with SARS-CoV-2 than with the influenza virus. The main reason is that SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus in which little preexisting immunity exists, so a lot more infected people will get sick. . . "
In my opinion DeSantis has done an excellent job handling COVID-19.

Democrats are once again saying we should all wear masks if in doors and of course get vaccinated.

Well then explain to me why democrats and the CDC are not pissed at the Biden administration allowing illegal immigrants, many with COVID-19 or one of its variations, to be bussed or flown all over our nation. They are just dropped off in cities which are never informed of their arrival.

I have to admit Biden and his crew have found an excellent way to insure we will be fighting this virus for months to come if not until the midterm election. Of course Biden and the MSM will blame everything on republicans who support Trump.

It is fairly obvious the democrats care more about illegals than the citizens of our nation.

How many American citizens will be exposed to COVID-19 whose original source was from an illegal alien and end up six feet under?

The problem here? Is you do research and reading from sources other than the propaganda that is controlled by the interlocking directorate.

Dr. Love restricts his trust to CFR controlled sources.

I do believe, you are going by Infection Fatality Rates, and he is going by strictly Case Fatality Rates. Also, there is the question of whether you are talking about global rates, or just US rates.

So? There is the possibility that YOU ARE BOTH RIGHT. There was that infamous hearing when Dr. Fauci screwed up his testimony, and said "Case Fatality Rates," when he should have said, "Infection Fatality Rates."

“. . . Furthermore, the WHO reported that the CFR of the H1N1 influenza virus is also 2–3%, similar to the unadjusted 2–3% CFR of the coronavirus reported in Congressional testimony, with no meaningful difference in mortality,” he added. “Evidence from the WHO confirmed that the approximate CFR of the coronavirus is generally no higher than that of seasonal influenza.”

As follows,

  • Covid-19 has an IFR of 1% and CFR of 2–3%. More recent data by the CDC and WHO, however, estimates that Covid-19 has an IFR of 0.65% and CFR 0.5-1%, respectively.
  • The flu has an IFR of 0.1% or lower and CFR of 2–3%. (Please also see the update below about this.)
Thus, among those who became symptomatic (i.e., CFR), Covid-19 is not any deadlier than the flu. This had led to the notion that lockdowns were not necessary as Covid-19 is just like the seasonal flu.

But such proponents seem to have been confused about the differences between CFR and IFR, as Dr. Fauci and others did. Among the total infection events (i.e., IFR), Covid-19 is still 6.5-times deadlier than the flu.

This means that a person is more likely to become a case (symptomatic) when infected with SARS-CoV-2 than with the influenza virus. The main reason is that SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus in which little preexisting immunity exists, so a lot more infected people will get sick. . . "

Yeah, dr seuss may be right if we go by the numbers that we are given. I'm very suspect of those numbers now considering the PCR tests were under emergency use and now they're pulling them because they produce false positives, incapable of correct sequencing, misidentifying the flu etc. And that's another misnomer also. The flu didn't take a vacation last year.
And you get to guess at that number? Sorry, that is not the way statistics work.

Off subject, you doing virtual flyfishing now? Lol. You wanna hear something really funny. I was 6 miles in hiking trappers peak in montana and ran into a guy walking the trail by himself, all face diapered up. Lol
In my opinion DeSantis has done an excellent job handling COVID-19.

Democrats are once again saying we should all wear masks if in doors and of course get vaccinated.

Well then explain to me why democrats and the CDC are not pissed at the Biden administration allowing illegal immigrants, many with COVID-19 or one of its variations, to be bussed or flown all over our nation. They are just dropped off in cities which are never informed of their arrival.

It is fairly obvious the democrats care more about illegals than the citizens of our nation.
Plainly the Dems want Mexico and Honduras and Guatemala to all move north. Along with all their Covid, the Delta and soon Lambda, since further south is where the Lambda variant is coming from.
Florida is not the West Coast States. There are many people here who have been in the state for generations. And some resent all the people that have moved here. But with the people coming in has brought money with it. Tourism and retirees has enriched the state and cause massive growth. The only thing we have to do is smooth out the rough edges of one way of thinking. But not do what we see in the Miami/Ft; Lauderdale area, parts of Tampa and Orange County/Orlando. Turning Prog and bringing more problems with it. Frankly, Prog politicians will kill their own for their allegiance to globalist masters. and we have seen it in living color in many blue cities.

So why is your governor trying to kill his constituents? He is trying to turn your state into a third-world shithole like Texas. One resident is the same as another. It is irrelevant who some assholes "resent." BTW: it has been the right-winger "conservative" slobs who cause the most problems for the most people.
Pretty sad when Dr. Stoopid has to rely on two of his socks to get any support at all.

Go away little Chinese stooge.

You're boring as well as stupid.
Democrats have been behaving like a 3rd world banana republic since old Joe was elected and locking up political dissidents while inviting comrades from South and Central America to steal America's resources but they attack and accuse a Florida republican of being like Castro. Alinsky lives.
Polls indicate that Floridians are not on board with Ron's special brand of autocratic socialism.

1. Free markets? BS - He's telling cruise lines and other private businesses what they can and cannot do. If I'm a restaurant owner and I believe that asking to see vax cards is in the best interest of me, my employees, my customers and public health in general, that makes me a free market capitalist. Ron? Hardly.

2. Local control? BS - He's telling local governments and school districts what they can and can't do. I've never seen such a thing out of a true conservative.

Look, if Ronnie doesn't want a state mask mandate as his state becomes the worst COVID hotspot in the nation, that is stupid but well within his power. The rest of it is bullshit. He is more interested in kowtowing to the base to prop up his presidential aspirations than he is Floridians.

DeSantis scares the shit out Dims. Good. :D

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