Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
If You Don't Hate Preppies, You Have No Right to Be a Citizen

From its beginning, it has had a power-freak attraction to richkid heiristocrats who were brainwashed by their parents that they were Born to Rule. The spoiled scumbags feared that the rising democratic movements would destroy their previously guaranteed future unless they took them over with this scam. Idealism is the disguise sadism dresses up in.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Simple. It is no more popular than it was previously- but now the leftists shed their masks and actually are being more direct about it because they have mainstreamed it in all of their major venues.

Socialism results in the exact opposite of its outward goals- it polarizes an elite class and a working class resulting in hyperinflation, loss of freedom and mass graves. For some reason these points just don’t sell well to the American people.

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Prep Schools Graduate All the Commies, Birchers, and RINOs

Historically, spoiled Leftist snobs once had little appeal to the American people. Quit pretending that this is anything but false-flag class warfare orchestrated from the top against the only people who deserved to call themselves Americans.
The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it


The purpose of government is power and the protection of the ruling/moneyed class. Divide and conquer is plainly
demonstrated by the policies of the US government. Keep the laboring class at each other's throats and the ruling/moneyed class is free to do what it will.
The Goal of Integration Is Disintegration

The Liberal division of our hereditary ruling class purposely forced incompatible minorities in with Whites in order to achieve the Divide-and-Conquer goal that you pretend is only a Conservative tactic.
I see...

so what's Halle Berry been up to lately?


I know your ears were burning, I was talking about you and yours...
Ah, so it was wishful thinking then.

Face Facts....

As a bonafide libtard you are a loser.....
Lol, I'm not the one who losing here my friend.

Who's your President Dumb Ass?

You libtards are all parasites.....
The US currently has no legitimate president.

Tyrants Invented the Lie That There Can Ever Be a "Tyranny of the Majority"

It has too many illegitimate voters, including the Affirmative Action ones who were enfranchised against the will of the majority, which is the only supreme law of the land. Any real American would take the elitist Constitution and shove it in the rulers' mouths.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Probably because people are getting really annoyed at the current system. They want something better.

The politicians are all on the take. They're not doing their jobs, not representing the people, but the rich.

So they seek something different. Something fairer.

I don't think socialism, for the most part, is the answer. I think that changing the way politicians are elected is the answer.
And the American people don’t believe ‘socialism’ is the answer – consistent with the fact it’s not popular, ‘all of a sudden’ or otherwise.

No, not necessarily more popular, but certainly a little more in focus, but that's because of one person. In the UK it seems to be more popular, not popular enough to win Corbyn an election.

These types of politics go up and down in waves dependent on the personalities behind them.
Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
Venezuela is a case of crime, corruption along with damage inflicted from other countries.
Cuba is doing ok. with good scores on education and healthcare, otherwise nothing spectacular.
USSR is a victim of bad Gorbachev policies. nothing to do with Marxism or socialism, but just policies inappropriate for the situation.

Yet, one of the most important collapse is Greece. caused by exploitation by our banks. but you can fault them for allowing themselves to be exploited.

But none of this comes close to the failed states in Africa. not even close.
you are, w/o any doubt, the best informed idiot I have ever seen.

through every example I listed the main and only constant was central government (socialism)

and yet you think it's not to blame

stunning, just stunning.

but yes, African countries can't get going do to using leftist style governments.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
What I described is what is actually happening. That is the goal. If the Right keeps fighting ghosts like this, it will lose.

Screaming SOCIALISM or VENEZUELA or CUBA is no longer good enough. There is enough momentum now that the Right will actually have to start using reason and intelligence if they want to avoid what's probably coming.

Or not, that's up to you. But the momentum is building.
Socialism always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will not benefit from it and cannot afford it. And you wonder why people want nothing to do with it
They're okay with it in Canada, Germany and Australia.

More and more people here are interested now, too.
do some research on that free Canadian healthcare

germany has a large jump in the number of rapes

why did England leave the EU?
do some research on that free Canadian healthcare
germany has a large jump in the number of rapes
why did England leave the EU?
There is certainly no perfect system. But more and more people are comfortable with the idea that a stronger safety net would be a good thing in the most prosperous nation on the planet.

Just pointing at imperfections and screaming SOCIALISM MARXISM VENEZUELA AAAUUUGGGHHH simply won't be good enough any more.
do some research on that free Canadian healthcare
germany has a large jump in the number of rapes
why did England leave the EU?
There is certainly no perfect system. But more and more people are comfortable with the idea that a stronger safety net would be a good thing in the most prosperous nation on the planet.

Just pointing at imperfections and screaming SOCIALISM MARXISM VENEZUELA AAAUUUGGGHHH simply won't be good enough any more.
b/c of that, we don't need a strong safety net.

hope that sinks in
do some research on that free Canadian healthcare
germany has a large jump in the number of rapes
why did England leave the EU?
There is certainly no perfect system. But more and more people are comfortable with the idea that a stronger safety net would be a good thing in the most prosperous nation on the planet.

Just pointing at imperfections and screaming SOCIALISM MARXISM VENEZUELA AAAUUUGGGHHH simply won't be good enough any more.
b/c of that, we don't need a strong safety net.

hope that sinks in
Great, run with that.
Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.
No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
Venezuela is a case of crime, corruption along with damage inflicted from other countries.
Cuba is doing ok. with good scores on education and healthcare, otherwise nothing spectacular.
USSR is a victim of bad Gorbachev policies. nothing to do with Marxism or socialism, but just policies inappropriate for the situation.

Yet, one of the most important collapse is Greece. caused by exploitation by our banks. but you can fault them for allowing themselves to be exploited.

But none of this comes close to the failed states in Africa. not even close.
you are, w/o any doubt, the best informed idiot I have ever seen.

through every example I listed the main and only constant was central government (socialism)

and yet you think it's not to blame

stunning, just stunning.

but yes, African countries can't get going do to using leftist style governments.
Venezuela economy is mostly privatized. Youre ignorance is again laid bare.
do some research on that free Canadian healthcare
germany has a large jump in the number of rapes
why did England leave the EU?
There is certainly no perfect system. But more and more people are comfortable with the idea that a stronger safety net would be a good thing in the most prosperous nation on the planet.

Just pointing at imperfections and screaming SOCIALISM MARXISM VENEZUELA AAAUUUGGGHHH simply won't be good enough any more.
stronger? you make it seem like we need to launch a war and then refuse to pay for it, like the right wing.

Providing for the General Welfare is simply that; it is not, major, specific, or common. Comprehensive is what general is for.
Providing for the General Welfare is simply that; it is not, major, specific, or common. Comprehensive is what general is for.
The term remains subjective, and it would be better for all if the two wings would grow up and find a point of equilibrium with which they could survive.
i agree to disagree. Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve the problems of our Republic. We really just need to ask the Right Wing, any more problems?
Providing for the General Welfare is simply that; it is not, major, specific, or common. Comprehensive is what general is for.
The term remains subjective, and it would be better for all if the two wings would grow up and find a point of equilibrium with which they could survive.
i agree to disagree. Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve the problems of our Republic. We really just need to ask the Right Wing, any more problems?
Do you feel it's the authority of Congress to tax to ANY degree and solve EVERY problem?

If not, then the task is finding a point of equilibrium for both.

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