Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.
Corporate welfare in the US, is alive and well.
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.
Corporate welfare in the US, is alive and well.
I'm all for ending that. But here's the thing the left will never let happen. You'll actually have to pay market price for your goods. We can't have that they say because the poor will pay the price. Of course they will. Along with everyone else until it balances out. Once it does we will all be better off.
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.
Corporate welfare in the US, is alive and well.
Only thing worse than corporate welfare is welfare in general
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.
Corporate welfare in the US, is alive and well.

Give us an example of “corporate welfare” Danny.
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.

Very well said. That's exactly what I was trying to say, namely to the people on this thread who said we need socialism because we have an oligarchy. Well duh, the oligarchs want socialism, because they will still be Filthy Rich, and all the rest of us will be poor and "equal."
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.

Very well said. That's exactly what I was trying to say, namely to the people on this thread who said we need socialism because we have an oligarchy. Well duh, the oligarchs want socialism, because they will still be Filthy Rich, and all the rest of us will be poor and "equal."

No shit they can't even pay attention our politicians are already making millions and they only get paid like what $175,000 a year?

Liberals are stupid.

Average Joes are tired of being stomped on by the American oligarchy.

What a loser...
Talking to yourself again there dino?

I know your ears were burning, I was talking about you and yours...
Ah, so it was wishful thinking then.

Face Facts....

As a bonafide libtard you are a loser.....
Lol, I'm not the one who losing here my friend.
We live in a plutocracy. Defining socialism as "government control" provides no value in this political atmosphere. The government is already owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class already uses the government to bend the economy to their benefit, as the example of the military illustrates. That is not socialism, it is capitalism.

You're halfway there, but you're still incorrect. The powers-that-be want socialism for all of us 'peasants' (it's about control and keeping people down) but the ruling class live like kings. Just like in communist countries around the world. And what we've been going towards is corporatism, which is a form of collectivism...It is absolutely not capitalism when the government is in bed with big business. That is the very opposite of a free market.
This is what capitalism looks like at an advanced state. It is inevitable. There really is no way to maintain a free market in an economic system built on profit and driven by ambition. Once you understand this clearly then we can begin a transition to a new economic model. There is no going back.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Probably because people are getting really annoyed at the current system. They want something better.

The politicians are all on the take. They're not doing their jobs, not representing the people, but the rich.

So they seek something different. Something fairer.

I don't think socialism, for the most part, is the answer. I think that changing the way politicians are elected is the answer.
Socialism is always sold to the gullible on someone else is going to take care of you. The rich will do it. If you tax that guy driving the Mercede's more you can both have a Yugo. Yet both of you end up walking. Not the government guy though he has the limo. You can get your food paid for if the other guy just didn't eat steak and lobster and you both had hamburgers on his dime. Yet you both end up trying to scrounge something out of a trash pile to eat. Meanwhile the government guy is having lavish feasts.

We saw this in Venezuela over the last ten years. Germany, China, Italy before that. Why are you people so fucking stupid? The richest woman in Venezuela today? Chavez's daughter. Obviously because she provided a service nobody could live without. Kinda like Sanders owning three homes.

Very well said. That's exactly what I was trying to say, namely to the people on this thread who said we need socialism because we have an oligarchy. Well duh, the oligarchs want socialism, because they will still be Filthy Rich, and all the rest of us will be poor and "equal."
And that is why we must end the economic system of production that is built on private ownership. The means of production (land, labor and material) needs to be socialized. And by that, it is not meant to hand it to a government that is already owned by private wealth, but to truly socialize it. The state as we know it will necessarily cease to function.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
What I've noticed is that most of the supporters of socialism do not know what it means. There has been an ongoing disinformation campaign in our institutions of higher learning that was started by the Soviets decades ago.

Many students falsely believe that being a socialist will get them out of that $80,000 loan they signed for a worthless degree in music history, that they only signed up for to delay becoming a responsible adult for a few more years after high school.

They eschew personal responsibility.
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What a loser...
Talking to yourself again there dino?

I know your ears were burning, I was talking about you and yours...
Ah, so it was wishful thinking then.

Face Facts....

As a bonafide libtard you are a loser.....
Lol, I'm not the one who losing here my friend.

Who's your President Dumb Ass?

You libtards are all parasites.....
Talking to yourself again there dino?

I know your ears were burning, I was talking about you and yours...
Ah, so it was wishful thinking then.

Face Facts....

As a bonafide libtard you are a loser.....
Lol, I'm not the one who losing here my friend.

Who's your President Dumb Ass?

You libtards are all parasites.....
The US currently has no legitimate president.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Probably because people are getting really annoyed at the current system. They want something better.

The politicians are all on the take. They're not doing their jobs, not representing the people, but the rich.

So they seek something different. Something fairer.

I don't think socialism, for the most part, is the answer. I think that changing the way politicians are elected is the answer.
And the American people don’t believe ‘socialism’ is the answer – consistent with the fact it’s not popular, ‘all of a sudden’ or otherwise.
I know your ears were burning, I was talking about you and yours...
Ah, so it was wishful thinking then.

Face Facts....

As a bonafide libtard you are a loser.....
Lol, I'm not the one who losing here my friend.

Who's your President Dumb Ass?

You libtards are all parasites.....
The US currently has no legitimate president.

So says every left wing anarchist….

This is why the good decent America loving

People need to Stomp your Ass in the Ground…..

Politically of course, unless you push to far……………
People need to Stomp your Ass in the Ground…..

Politically of course, unless you push to far……………
Fascism, goes hand in hand with democratic socialism.

On the one hand you have people that want to use their democratic rights to create a more just economic system. On the other hand you have people who will tolerate only so much economic justice until they threaten violence.

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