Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

All I hear from the Right is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-safety net, and anti-entitlements. That's pretty libertarian.
None of those things are the sole province of libertarians but feel free to continue to use what you clearly know nothing about as your scapegoat.

Most people don't agree with such a binary approach.

Yeah it's binary alright.
Those that have principles that they are unwilling to compromise and will stand up for what they believe in whether it's popular or not.


Those that are guided solely by political expedience and can be counted on to surrender one inch at a time in pursuit of "compromise".

… I know which side I'm on and I'm starting to get a pretty good idea which one you're on board with.
I don't have use for either tribe, they're the ones causing the problems.

But feel free.

It has nothing to do with "tribes" and everything to do with how and where your morality is grounded.

No wonder you're so confused that you're attempting to blame libertarianism for the increase in popularity of socialism, which is akin to blaming cancer on the researchers that are trying to cure it because they won't "compromise" and only work on ways to make cancer patients feel better about having cancer.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
/----/ It's not mainstream nor popular. It's another attempt by the leftards to make it appear so. Here are some average Venezuelans protesting demanding even more socialism because it works so well.
association fallacy that is not denmark
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
/----/ It's not mainstream nor popular. It's another attempt by the leftards to make it appear so. Here are some average Venezuelans protesting demanding even more socialism because it works so well.
association fallacy that is not denmark
/----/ When did I say it was Denmark? Venezuela is a failed socialist slave state. So is NK and Cuba
All I hear from the Right is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-safety net, and anti-entitlements. That's pretty libertarian.
None of those things are the sole province of libertarians but feel free to continue to use what you clearly know nothing about as your scapegoat.

Most people don't agree with such a binary approach.

Yeah it's binary alright.
Those that have principles that they are unwilling to compromise and will stand up for what they believe in whether it's popular or not.


Those that are guided solely by political expedience and can be counted on to surrender one inch at a time in pursuit of "compromise".

… I know which side I'm on and I'm starting to get a pretty good idea which one you're on board with.
I don't have use for either tribe, they're the ones causing the problems.

But feel free.

It has nothing to do with "tribes" and everything to do with how and where your morality is grounded.

No wonder you're so confused that you're attempting to blame libertarianism for the increase in popularity of socialism, which is akin to blaming cancer on the researchers that are trying to cure it because they won't "compromise" and only work on ways to make cancer patients feel better about having cancer.
I think that compromise and collaboration between disparate and thoughtful adults yields the most dynamic, innovative and longest-lasting results.

A pretty good example would be a certain convention that took place in 1787 in Philadelphia.

Right now, our political discourse is rendered constipated by narcissists whose egos won't allow them to give an inch.
All I hear from the Right is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-safety net, and anti-entitlements. That's pretty libertarian.
None of those things are the sole province of libertarians but feel free to continue to use what you clearly know nothing about as your scapegoat.

Most people don't agree with such a binary approach.

Yeah it's binary alright.
Those that have principles that they are unwilling to compromise and will stand up for what they believe in whether it's popular or not.


Those that are guided solely by political expedience and can be counted on to surrender one inch at a time in pursuit of "compromise".

… I know which side I'm on and I'm starting to get a pretty good idea which one you're on board with.
I don't have use for either tribe, they're the ones causing the problems.

But feel free.

It has nothing to do with "tribes" and everything to do with how and where your morality is grounded.

No wonder you're so confused that you're attempting to blame libertarianism for the increase in popularity of socialism, which is akin to blaming cancer on the researchers that are trying to cure it because they won't "compromise" and only work on ways to make cancer patients feel better about having cancer.
I think that compromise and collaboration between disparate and thoughtful adults yields the most dynamic, innovative and longest-lasting results.
Not when it involves compromising your principles, if you're going to do that , why even bother having principles in the first place? after all in your mode "collaboration and compromise" is more important than standing by what you believe is right.

A pretty good example would be a certain convention that took place in 1787 in Philadelphia.
If the founders had followed your formula there would never have been a "certain convention that took place in 1787 Philadelphia", they'd still be "collaborating and compromising" with the British Crown to come up with "the most dynamic, innovative and longest lasting results", in other words we'd still be a collection of British Colonies.

Fortunately for us, they decided to stand and fight for what they believed was right and refused to sacrifice their principles on the altar of political expediency.

Right now, our political discourse is rendered constipated by narcissists whose egos won't allow them to give an inch.
Our political discourse isn't fucked up because people are unwilling to compromise on their principles, our political discourse is fucked because everyone is singularly focused on acquiring, consolidating and holding onto power and is willing to do stoop to anything to achieve it, including doing what they know is wrong and dehumanizing anybody that doesn't see things their way.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Various forms of socialism have been conceived at least since the beginnings of civilization. Mostly since the late 1700s.

There are a huge variety of concepts of socialism. The worst of which are the communist/Stalinist/Maoists versions.

However, there have been lots of versions of socialism that are very compatible with Democracy, personal liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

In the U.S. socialism was considered a viable and valid possibility up until the Korean war. Several of our Presidents have supported various programs that could be labeled 'socialist' - some of which have been enacted and have been a part of America for many many years.

Unfortunately, anti-Socialists took control of the American conservative wing after the Second World War. They first instigated a cold war with the Soviet Union, they intentionally let American troops get over run by the Chinese in North Korea and kept that war a stalemate for as long as they possibly could (i.e. until the N. Koreans & Chinese were positioned to destroy Seoul).

After that they instigated the War in Vietnam by supporting the remnants of French colonialism against a popular democratic movement. They told the American people that it was all about Capitalism vs. Communism, rather than what it really was - The Vietnamese second war of independence.

The result of these wars was - as Conservatives had hoped for - a core of fanatically anti-communist working class Americans who were then led to believe that all forms of socialism were equal with communism.

Well, there's a new generation of Americans who are no longer falling for this Bullshit.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

A. Liberal propaganda via the web and TV.
B. Progressives hate Trump. It doesn't matter he's proved a success thus far. If he says up they say down.
C. People are lazier now and more entitled.
D. People have dumbed down and are more vulnerable.
E. Emotions carry more weight than rational thought.
F. Over-crowding.
G. Integration and immigration.
H. Feminism, including the assault on males.
I. People are more disrespectful and quick to dismiss traditional values.
J. Social decline due to mixed cultures and gadgets.

What I win?
All I hear from the Right is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-safety net, and anti-entitlements. That's pretty libertarian.
None of those things are the sole province of libertarians but feel free to continue to use what you clearly know nothing about as your scapegoat.

Most people don't agree with such a binary approach.

Yeah it's binary alright.
Those that have principles that they are unwilling to compromise and will stand up for what they believe in whether it's popular or not.


Those that are guided solely by political expedience and can be counted on to surrender one inch at a time in pursuit of "compromise".

… I know which side I'm on and I'm starting to get a pretty good idea which one you're on board with.
I don't have use for either tribe, they're the ones causing the problems.

But feel free.

It has nothing to do with "tribes" and everything to do with how and where your morality is grounded.

No wonder you're so confused that you're attempting to blame libertarianism for the increase in popularity of socialism, which is akin to blaming cancer on the researchers that are trying to cure it because they won't "compromise" and only work on ways to make cancer patients feel better about having cancer.
I think that compromise and collaboration between disparate and thoughtful adults yields the most dynamic, innovative and longest-lasting results.
Not when it involves compromising your principles, if you're going to do that , why even bother having principles in the first place? after all in your mode "collaboration and compromise" is more important than standing by what you believe is right.

A pretty good example would be a certain convention that took place in 1787 in Philadelphia.
If the founders had followed your formula there would never have been a "certain convention that took place in 1787 Philadelphia", they'd still be "collaborating and compromising" with the British Crown to come up with "the most dynamic, innovative and longest lasting results", in other words we'd still be a collection of British Colonies.

Fortunately for us, they decided to stand and fight for what they believed was right and refused to sacrifice their principles on the altar of political expediency.

Right now, our political discourse is rendered constipated by narcissists whose egos won't allow them to give an inch.
Our political discourse isn't fucked up because people are unwilling to compromise on their principles, our political discourse is fucked because everyone is singularly focused on acquiring, consolidating and holding onto power and is willing to do stoop to anything to achieve it, including doing what they know is wrong and dehumanizing anybody that doesn't see things their way.
Looks like we disagree.

My stands on positions may be wrong. Or maybe someone else has a better idea. Or maybe between the two of us, we can come up with an even BETTER idea.

I can't imagine going through life thinking my way is the only way. I have no such needs.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Various forms of socialism have been conceived at least since the beginnings of civilization. Mostly since the late 1700s.

There are a huge variety of concepts of socialism. The worst of which are the communist/Stalinist/Maoists versions.

However, there have been lots of versions of socialism that are very compatible with Democracy, personal liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

In the U.S. socialism was considered a viable and valid possibility up until the Korean war. Several of our Presidents have supported various programs that could be labeled 'socialist' - some of which have been enacted and have been a part of America for many many years.

Unfortunately, anti-Socialists took control of the American conservative wing after the Second World War. They first instigated a cold war with the Soviet Union, they intentionally let American troops get over run by the Chinese in North Korea and kept that war a stalemate for as long as they possibly could (i.e. until the N. Koreans & Chinese were positioned to destroy Seoul).

After that they instigated the War in Vietnam by supporting the remnants of French colonialism against a popular democratic movement. They told the American people that it was all about Capitalism vs. Communism, rather than what it really was - The Vietnamese second war of independence.

The result of these wars was - as Conservatives had hoped for - a core of fanatically anti-communist working class Americans who were then led to believe that all forms of socialism were equal with communism.

Well, there's a new generation of Americans who are no longer falling for this Bullshit.
/——-/ Saying there are various forms of socialism is like saying there are various forms of diarrhea. At the end of the day they are all ozzing piles of smelly shyt.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Various forms of socialism have been conceived at least since the beginnings of civilization. Mostly since the late 1700s.

There are a huge variety of concepts of socialism. The worst of which are the communist/Stalinist/Maoists versions.

However, there have been lots of versions of socialism that are very compatible with Democracy, personal liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

In the U.S. socialism was considered a viable and valid possibility up until the Korean war. Several of our Presidents have supported various programs that could be labeled 'socialist' - some of which have been enacted and have been a part of America for many many years.

Unfortunately, anti-Socialists took control of the American conservative wing after the Second World War. They first instigated a cold war with the Soviet Union, they intentionally let American troops get over run by the Chinese in North Korea and kept that war a stalemate for as long as they possibly could (i.e. until the N. Koreans & Chinese were positioned to destroy Seoul).

After that they instigated the War in Vietnam by supporting the remnants of French colonialism against a popular democratic movement. They told the American people that it was all about Capitalism vs. Communism, rather than what it really was - The Vietnamese second war of independence.

The result of these wars was - as Conservatives had hoped for - a core of fanatically anti-communist working class Americans who were then led to believe that all forms of socialism were equal with communism.

Well, there's a new generation of Americans who are no longer falling for this Bullshit.
/——-/ Saying there are various forms of socialism is like saying there are various forms of diarrhea. At the end of the day they are all ozzing piles of smelly shyt.
we have a mixed market economy; part socialism part capitalism.
It’s funny, why must progressives force socialism on people that want nothing to do with it, cannot afford it and will not benefit from it?

It's mostly about power. They think they can make society better if they have control over the economy.
Hence the 100% failure rate

I guess it depends on what you mean by failure. There are countries that have employed a significant amount of socialism that seem to be doing ok.
Socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term… Anything that has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, cannot benefit from it and cannot afford it will fail 100% of the time.

There is no free lunch

So, the socialist states that are succeeding just haven't failed yet?

Your 100% nonsense just feeds into Mac's claim that opposition to socialism is primarily ignorant.
Socialism is always a sinking ship, funded by other people
Practice should lead to forms of Perfection; Men know this.
It seems Albert Einstein was right, trying something over and over again and expecting different results is insanity… Socialism
the right wing, never gets it. implementation is Every Thing.


practicing morality should lead to forms of holiness,


institutionalized that concept.
Socialism depends on humans, humans are flawed.... Socialism is even more flawed...
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
It's not full socialism. It's just a realization that capitalism and favoring the rich has serious short comings that need to be addressed. Healthcare for instance, needs to focus on well being not profit because we want to maximize well being not profit. This is critical for us to get right because social security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA benefits, other retirement related funds are nearing critical mass. To me the best way to fix it is to prioritize life long well being, lower obesity and addiction rates, cut through the marketing bs surrounding food and other consumables with proper and thorough education. Why do you think welfare queens are out there trying to buy mountain dew, pizza, and other unhealthy crap with food stamps? Because education has failed, marketing has won and captured another lifelong unhealthy person.

At the end of the day we need to seriously consider the markets and products that actively harm our people because that explodes into costs that no one can or should cover. That's just not worth it. It's not worth a half percent gdp to continue killing ourselves and taking on debt to save us.
Millions of Americans receive no benefit from socialism, because it just passes along debt to future generations
Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it

Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.
Neither are the police, fire department and health insurance industry, for that matter.
Military/police/fire are an necessary… And insurance is not healthcare. So shut the fuck up

Another angry person, looking to blame, spit, curse using this mode of communicado as a shield does not impress anyone

grow up

Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it

Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it


The purpose of government is power and the protection of the ruling/moneyed class. Divide and conquer is plainly
demonstrated by the policies of the US government. Keep the laboring class at each others throats and the ruling/moneyed class is free to do what it will.
Practice should lead to forms of Perfection; Men know this.
It seems Albert Einstein was right, trying something over and over again and expecting different results is insanity… Socialism
the right wing, never gets it. implementation is Every Thing.


practicing morality should lead to forms of holiness,


institutionalized that concept.
Socialism depends on humans, humans are flawed.... Socialism is even more flawed...
It is why we have the Expense of Government.

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