Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden
As our nation swells with lowlife, thirdworld wetbacks whom can’t afford to live here the need for free shit grows as does the requests....The nations bottom feeders join in and beg for a free ride as they become a little more vocal and a little more shameless with each passing year. End of story...This is simple shit for third graders.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
I know European republicans who fully support single payer.

You American conservatives who don’t are against it because you personally have good healthcare through your work. You don’t think about if you lose your job. You don’t think one day you’ll be old and want to retire.

The dependency on employers for health care was foisted on us by socialists in the first place, so your point is not without irony. But there's still a key difference you can't seem to accept: If you get fed up with your employer, or the health benefits they provide, you can get another job - or buy your own insurance. You can't 'quit' the government, and good luck trying to change policy. If your values don't align with the majority, you're just fucked.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Because time has caught up.

For decades now socialists have been dominating academia and colleges and programing socialist ideology while suppressing alternative views.

Now those former students are out in the world preaching what they were taught and shocked that others disagree.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
I know European republicans who fully support single payer.

You American conservatives who don’t are against it because you personally have good healthcare through your work. You don’t think about if you lose your job. You don’t think one day you’ll be old and want to retire.

The dependency on employers for health care was foisted on us by socialists in the first place, so your point is not without irony. But there's still a key difference you can't seem to accept: If you get fed up with your employer, or the health benefits they provide, you can get another job - or buy your own insurance. You can't 'quit' the government, and good luck trying to change policy. If your values don't align with the majority, you're just fucked.
What if no employers offer any better? I’ve worked for some pretty big companies and even our healthcare costs have gone up and up.

Don’t think workers with healthcare haven’t suffered increases.

My English buddy made a good point. We are already paying more than we should for healthcare now. More than we would if we went to single payer. We just need to shift where we are paying. Instead of 5 secretaries for 1 doctor it should be 5 doctors and one secretary.

And why do healthcare giants spend so much on advertising?

I asked my vp bro why companies aren’t for single payer and taking this cost off their books. He didn’t give me a good answer.

And if we made companies offer healthcare why is it you fighting to keep it this way? Was it a good idea?
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
I know European republicans who fully support single payer.

You American conservatives who don’t are against it because you personally have good healthcare through your work. You don’t think about if you lose your job. You don’t think one day you’ll be old and want to retire.

The dependency on employers for health care was foisted on us by socialists in the first place, so your point is not without irony. But there's still a key difference you can't seem to accept: If you get fed up with your employer, or the health benefits they provide, you can get another job - or buy your own insurance. You can't 'quit' the government, and good luck trying to change policy. If your values don't align with the majority, you're just fucked.
Yea buy your own insurance as if anyone can afford that. I’m complaining that our employer provided healthcare sucks and your solution is for me to go buy my own?

You republicans promised to make America great again. You said you’d make healthcare more affordable. What are you waiting for?
What if no employers offer any better? I’ve worked for some pretty big companies and even our healthcare costs have gone up and up.

Well, that's kind of a ridiculous 'what if', but if I'll join you in a campaign to end the employer provided health care bullshit, if that's what you're after. It's the biggest problem with the health care market. But, despite your what ifs, it's still better than single-payer (essentially reducing it to one "employer").

And if we made companies offer healthcare why is it you fighting to keep it this way? Was it a good idea?

No, it was a horrible idea. It was introduced as a "inroad" to socializing health care, deliberately, by socialists.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden
As our nation swells with lowlife, thirdworld wetbacks whom can’t afford to live here the need for free shit grows as does the requests....The nations bottom feeders join in and beg for a free ride as they become a little more vocal and a little more shameless with each passing year. End of story...This is simple shit for third graders.
lousy capitalists lose money on public policies, good capitalists don't.
Yea buy your own insurance as if anyone can afford that. I’m complaining that our employer provided healthcare sucks and your solution is for me to go buy my own?

If your employer was allowed to just give you the money they spend on your health insurance, you could. Current law prevents this.

You republicans promised to make America great again. You said you’d make healthcare more affordable. What are you waiting for?
I'm not a Republican. The Republicans in Congress aren't waiting. They have no intention of repealing ACA. They like it fine as it is.
What part of 100% failure rate don’t you understand?
You'll have a difficult time convincing people that Canada, Germany and Australia are failures.

You're fighting ghosts. Talk radio platitudes aren't going to cut it any more.

Don’t bottom feeders pay income taxes in those countries?
Isn’t the average effective tax rate of 20% ish in those nations?
Wouldn’t you cry if our bottom feeders couldn’t get their negative effective rate and paid to have babies here? What if those middle classers you love so much had to pay an additional 5-6%?
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
It's not full socialism. It's just a realization that capitalism and favoring the rich has serious short comings that need to be addressed. Healthcare for instance, needs to focus on well being not profit because we want to maximize well being not profit. This is critical for us to get right because social security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA benefits, other retirement related funds are nearing critical mass. To me the best way to fix it is to prioritize life long well being, lower obesity and addiction rates, cut through the marketing bs surrounding food and other consumables with proper and thorough education. Why do you think welfare queens are out there trying to buy mountain dew, pizza, and other unhealthy crap with food stamps? Because education has failed, marketing has won and captured another lifelong unhealthy person.

At the end of the day we need to seriously consider the markets and products that actively harm our people because that explodes into costs that no one can or should cover. That's just not worth it. It's not worth a half percent gdp to continue killing ourselves and taking on debt to save us.
All successful developed first world nations are a hybrid of both capitalism and socialism.

The only question is where along the axis a country chooses to be, i.e., "more" socialism or "less" socialism.

Unfortunately, many have been trained to view this an an "all or nothing" proposition, which renders them useless (and counter-productive) in the conversation.

The reason why they do the all or nothing thing is to make sure nothing changes.

They do it with alternative energy too. Since 100% of our energy can't come from alternative sources we can't have any energy from alternative sources.

They've been doing this for decades.
What if no employers offer any better? I’ve worked for some pretty big companies and even our healthcare costs have gone up and up.

Well, that's kind of a ridiculous 'what if', but if I'll join you in a campaign to end the employer provided health care bullshit, if that's what you're after. It's the biggest problem with the health care market. But, despite your what ifs, it's still better than single-payer (essentially reducing it to one "employer").

And if we made companies offer healthcare why is it you fighting to keep it this way? Was it a good idea?

No, it was a horrible idea. It was introduced as a "inroad" to socializing health care, deliberately, by socialists.

The conservatives say they want to offer choice. Yet they don't give us a choice. Just the same insurance companies in other states. It's not a choice.

Why not off a public option AND private insurance. Those who want private insurance can keep it. Those who want a public option can move to that.

It seems to me that the only reason that isn't offered is that most people would leave the insurance companies for that public option. Most people are so sick and tired of insurance companies.

I know I am and I have very good insurance compared to most. Yet they still lie and go back on their word to me. Such as a surgery they at first denied, then my doctors had to fight with the insurance company. The insurance company agreed to allow the surgery. I had the surgery. When the bills went to the insurance company they denied paying them. Even though I had a written letter from them saying they would pay for it 100%. I called the insurance company and they didn't care. They weren't going to pay for it.

I was lucky, I had a union to go to. A union rep who's only job is to work with the insurance companies on problems. I went to them on a Thursday. By Tuesday of the next week the insurance company agreed to keep their word and pay that bill.

That surgery was very needed yet my doctors and I had to fight for months for them to allow it. Then when they did allow it they went back on their word. No one should have to go through this.

No insurance company should be deciding if a person can have a surgery or not. No institution that will financially benefit from denying very needed surgery should be allow to make those decisions. That should be up to the doctor and patient.

That is just ONE of the many times I have had to fight with the insurance company just to get the health care my premiums, deductibles and co payments are supposed to pay for. It's MY money yet a greedy insurance company gets to tell me I can't use it.

People are sick and tired of this garbage and we want it stopped. The only way to stop it is to get rid of the insurance companies. Those of us who want a public option should be able to buy into one. Those who want to stay on private insurance should be able to keep it.

That is the solution that America needs.

We aren't a one size fits all society. Neither should our health care.
Why not off a public option AND private insurance. Those who want private insurance can keep it. Those who want a public option can move to that.
Are You suggesting that private insurance companies compete in the market place with the federal government which sets all the rules, can literally print money, has no profit motive and would be funded in part by the very private insurance companies that it's competing with?
What part of 100% failure rate don’t you understand?
You'll have a difficult time convincing people that Canada, Germany and Australia are failures.

You're fighting ghosts. Talk radio platitudes aren't going to cut it any more.

Don’t bottom feeders pay income taxes in those countries?
Isn’t the average effective tax rate of 20% ish in those nations?
Wouldn’t you cry if our bottom feeders couldn’t get their negative effective rate and paid to have babies here? What if those middle classers you love so much had to pay an additional 5-6%?
Looks like you don't think they're so bad, then.

That doesn't stop you from bitching and moaning and squealing about "Venezuela", though.

Talk radio has you people all OVER the place. I don't know how you make it through a freakin' day.
All I hear from the Right is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-safety net, and anti-entitlements. That's pretty libertarian.
None of those things are the sole province of libertarians but feel free to continue to use what you clearly know nothing about as your scapegoat.

Most people don't agree with such a binary approach.

Yeah it's binary alright.
Those that have principles that they are unwilling to compromise and will stand up for what they believe in whether it's popular or not.


Those that are guided solely by political expedience and can be counted on to surrender one inch at a time in pursuit of "compromise".

… I know which side I'm on and I'm starting to get a pretty good idea which one you're on board with.
All I hear from the Right is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-safety net, and anti-entitlements. That's pretty libertarian.
None of those things are the sole province of libertarians but feel free to continue to use what you clearly know nothing about as your scapegoat.

Most people don't agree with such a binary approach.

Yeah it's binary alright.
Those that have principles that they are unwilling to compromise and will stand up for what they believe in whether it's popular or not.


Those that are guided solely by political expedience and can be counted on to surrender one inch at a time in pursuit of "compromise".

… I know which side I'm on and I'm starting to get a pretty good idea which one you're on board with.
I don't have use for either tribe, they're the ones causing the problems.

But feel free.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
You are going to get a lot of retarded answers from pseudocons who have been dumbed down to the point they are incapable of thinking for themselves and have only bumper sticker memes to puke out of their pieholes. They can't tell you why socialism is growing in popularity. They can only say shit like "soshulism sucks!" and "Venezuela! Venezuela!". It is beyond their mental abilities to even consider that if socialism sucks so much, how does it look better than what we have now to some people?

The reason socialism, or even marxism, becomes attractive to people is because when you make someone feel oppressed for far too long, then they look at the system which is doing the oppressing and reject it. So the polar opposite of that system looks very appealing.

It's a swinging of the pendulum.

The problem is that "capitalism" does not really exist in America any more. But those who feel like they are trapped or being held down are told it is "capitalism" which has failed them.

The pseudocons can't see they support a complete and total corruption of capitalism. They are helping to perpetuate a disease.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
/----/ It's not mainstream nor popular. It's another attempt by the leftards to make it appear so. Here are some average Venezuelans protesting demanding even more socialism because it works so well.
This last round of "tax reform" is an example of capitalism no longer existing in America.

It's true out corporate tax rate is too high. But, as I have explained a zillion times, the reason the rate is so high is because the tax code is stuffed with government gifts to special interests. Those government gifts are paid for by raising tax rates on everyone else.

So the simple and blazingly obvious solution to this massively corrupt system is to remove all those handouts to special interests and then you can lower the tax rates on everyone.

But you know what Trump and the GOP did instead?

You are not going to believe this.

Trump and the GOP put MORE special interest handouts in the tax code and lowered the tax rate!

They even gave a handout to windmills in this most recent tax "reform". I shit you not.

Tax "reform". What a fucking joke.

The end result is another $1.5 trillion of debt transferred onto the backs of our children.

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