Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Socialism is the collective
(government) control of the means of production and distribution

The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it

We live in a plutocracy. Defining socialism as "government control" provides no value in this political atmosphere. The government is already owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class already uses the government to bend the economy to their benefit, as the example of the military illustrates. That is not socialism, it is capitalism.
The Gub'Mit controls & distrubutes the military

Mostly to sh*thole countries that vote against us in the UN

welcome to dystopia , where your vote is a facade , cloaked in the guise of freedom

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it

We live in a plutocracy. Defining socialism as "government control" provides no value in this political atmosphere. The government is already owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class already uses the government to bend the economy to their benefit, as the example of the military illustrates. That is not socialism, it is capitalism.

Know that i read here more than post, and often read you Tehon, i've no time for anything less that which is 'neck up' stimulation .

That said i find the term socialism is rather at definitional odds. It would seem to me that it's always the welfare queens, the slackers, the loosers that we have to PAY for that are targeted.

In other words, it's a complete handout, no gain, all pain, vs. a handup

To be honest there's a lot of that going around, and yeah we get down on them

In my universe , which has been mostly God's special children in construction since Regan was in office, we sexually, politically,and racially stick anything we can up your aZZ, and you WILL like it, no slacker or snowflake need apply, we'll send you home crying every night. we're aZZholes, and we're PROUD of it!

But I digress.....Stop me if i sound too liberal please....

Further, and more towards my point, the epithany that this behavior is exactly what the elites wish me, along with my fellow troglodyes, WISH us to parrot in order to take the focus off of THEM does not escape me

As such, socialism for the elities, and capitalism for the rest of us is clearly on the table here

To plea enlightenment from my lowly stance is, futility's finest hour (or minute in my case)

Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

A. Liberal propaganda via the web and TV.
B. Progressives hate Trump. It doesn't matter he's proved a success thus far. If he says up they say down.
C. People are lazier now and more entitled.
D. People have dumbed down and are more vulnerable.
E. Emotions carry more weight than rational thought.
F. Over-crowding.
G. Integration and immigration.
H. Feminism, including the assault on males.
I. People are more disrespectful and quick to dismiss traditional values.
J. Social decline due to mixed cultures and gadgets.

What I win?

Oooops, forgot some:

K. People are spoiled and develop things to complain about. It's a great way to introduce socialism as they declare capitalism naughty.
L. Deep state liberals intent on one world order.

Read 45 declarations for communist takeover. Coincidence? Looks like the liberal playbook to me.
Crank up the fiddle

The military is not a system of production.

Global domination produces , just ask out lovely Oilocracy

The military protects the wealth of the American ruling class. It doesn't produce anything.
Bingo Tehon
so basically the elites have conscripted the idiot class into serving their whims
perhaps it defines extortion more than socilaism ,save for the fact the gub'mit controls it

We live in a plutocracy. Defining socialism as "government control" provides no value in this political atmosphere. The government is already owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class already uses the government to bend the economy to their benefit, as the example of the military illustrates. That is not socialism, it is capitalism.

Know that i read here more than post, and often read you Tehon, i've no time for anything less that which is 'neck up' stimulation .

That said i find the term socialism is rather at definitional odds. It would seem to me that it's always the welfare queens, the slackers, the loosers that we have to PAY for that are targeted.

In other words, it's a complete handout, no gain, all pain, vs. a handup

To be honest there's a lot of that going around, and yeah we get down on them

In my universe , which has been mostly God's special children in construction since Regan was in office, we sexually, politically,and racially stick anything we can up your aZZ, and you WILL like it, no slacker or snowflake need apply, we'll send you home crying every night. we're aZZholes, and we're PROUD of it!

But I digress.....Stop me if i sound too liberal please....

Further, and more towards my point, the epithany that this behavior is exactly what the elites wish me, along with my fellow troglodyes, WISH us to parrot in order to take the focus off of THEM does not escape me

As such, socialism for the elities, and capitalism for the rest of us is clearly on the table here

To plea enlightenment from my lowly stance is, futility's finest hour (or minute in my case)

I know your trade very well, btw.
The conservatives say they want to offer choice. Yet they don't give us a choice. Just the same insurance companies in other states. It's not a choice.

Why not off a public option AND private insurance. Those who want private insurance can keep it. Those who want a public option can move to that.

It seems to me that the only reason that isn't offered is that most people would leave the insurance companies for that public option. Most people are so sick and tired of insurance companies.

That, and because it would require radically increasing taxes, and neither party has the balls to propose such a thing.

That surgery was very needed yet my doctors and I had to fight for months for them to allow it. Then when they did allow it they went back on their word. No one should have to go through this.

I hear you. Insurance is the problem, not the solution. That's why it was so painful to see Obama cave to the insurance industry and sign ACA.

I'm no fan of the welfare state, so I couldn't get behind the public option, but I think we can agree insurance has proven to be a massive a failure as a means of financing health care.
Years of indoctrination by schools, media, etc.

(I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if someone already said that.)
We live in a plutocracy. Defining socialism as "government control" provides no value in this political atmosphere. The government is already owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class already uses the government to bend the economy to their benefit, as the example of the military illustrates. That is not socialism, it is capitalism.

You're halfway there, but you're still incorrect. The powers-that-be want socialism for all of us 'peasants' (it's about control and keeping people down) but the ruling class live like kings. Just like in communist countries around the world. And what we've been going towards is corporatism, which is a form of collectivism...It is absolutely not capitalism when the government is in bed with big business. That is the very opposite of a free market.
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And what we've been going towards is corporatism, which is a form of collectivism...It is absolutely not capitalism when the government is in bed with big business. That is the very opposite of a free market.


I don't even like the word capitalism. What we have is Keynesianism masquerading as capitalism. The government is telling the market what to do instead of the other way around like it should be where the market is supposed to tell the government what to do.

But if you say free-market and capitalism together, no, we don't have that. We're Keynsians.

What we have is economic interventionism by the government. We have corporatism. We have protectionism. We have a planned economy. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have inflationism. We have a belief in deficit financing. We have a welfare state.

This is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it's laughable to call it that.

It is socialist because it is Keynesian.

As far as the wealth gap, the 1 percenters get all of that freshly printed currency and they get to put it into the economy first. Of course, these are special interest groups. Lobbyists. Military contractors. Multinational corporations, etc.

Of course, all the working class get out of it is the responsibility for paying the principal plus interest on that Treasury bond that the Federal Reserve bought with a check which was drawn on an account that has nothing in it prior to giving all of that fresh currency to the one percenters. And it just repeats infinite.

We need to get back to free markets. The problem is that people see all of this happening and they say look, capitalism is so bad, what we need is socialism. But what we have is already socialist. Crazy.
I think socialism is gaining in popularity, in the US, for the same basic reasons that that fascism is on the upswing. People are scared, they feel powerless, and they want government to do something about it.
We need to get back to free markets. The problem is that people see all of this happening and they say look, capitalism is so bad, what we need is socialism. But what we have is already socialist. Crazy.

EXACTLY! :thankusmile:

That reminds me of a silly little video I put together about 4 or 5 years ago. Shameless plug, haha

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