Why is Strzok and Page's anti-Trump bias a big deal?

You can't be that stupid can you?

"On July 27, 2016, Page texted Strzok: “She just has to win now. I’m not going to lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about Trump.’’

FBI texts reveal anti-Trump, pro-Clinton comments
Before going any further...

So The Washington Post is a sound and credible source for stories and facts accepted from the right now?

Is that it?

So long as a source reports accurately i don't care who they are. i use cnn all of the time so long as I check their story and make sure that others sources confirm what they are saying.
strzok and page

get old in jail you two scum

you two pieces of shit.....

never to se the normal air again!

burn in hell....as you should!
provide a link to it please.

U.S. Justice Department recovers FBI officials' missing text messages

From the article "In a letter to several key Republican lawmakers, Inspector General Michael Horowitz said he would not object if the Justice Department shares with congressional committees the messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that were recovered using forensic tools."

Where are their anti hillary texts that you claim exist? i don't see them here.
That's what we're waiting on the memo for. You sound awful desperate dude, just sayin...
What am I despearate of exactly? You're the one desperate that your Fuher Donnie Short Fingers ISN"T under investigation and you're the one desperate for this bogus claptrap about "secret societies" and corrupt FBI agents to be real.

You really are laughable...



If anything happens to Trump where he is either impeached or he resigns, Westwall will just come out and say he never supported Trump in the first place and all didn't matter.

A laughable assertion. I'll remind you of that when he gets reelected.

Hey Westwall.....I wouldn't be so confident. The Dims have a deep bench and this guy says he's going to throw his hat back in the ring. :D

strzok and page

get old in jail you two scum

you two pieces of shit.....

never to se the normal air again!

burn in hell....as you should!
This one has lost it folks. I'm afraid she's out to lunch...permantly.

Yes FBI agents are allowed to express their opinions but when it seems they used one set of standards when investigating Hillary Clinton and another for Investigating Donald Trump we have a problem. Lets do a hypothetical if you had FBI agents from the George W Bush Presidency saying this same stuff about Barak Obama and the possibility of him being elected President would you have considered that a big deal? When you have FBI agents talking about having back up plans and insurance policies if someone they don't like is elected President I for one find that troubling I don't care if the person is a Republican or Democrat.
So long as a source reports accurately i don't care who they are. i use cnn all of the time so long as I check their story and make sure that others sources confirm what they are saying.
Sounds like you're trying to setup something where you can pick and choose whether any single source is accurate or not at any given time. Doesn't work that way. A source either reports accurately or they don't.

So is WAPO considered a credible source in the far rightwing book now, or not?
Aren't they American voters? Is there a rule stating that FBI officials aren't allowed to share the same opinions as other Americans? Would picking only Trump supporters for the special counsel investigation be more fair?
I'll let you know when the secret society institutes the insurance plan....

I just gave you one. YOU made the claim dude. I delivered, you're dancing like a little 'tard.
So asking someone for a standard YOU YOURSELF CANNOT meet...yeah, that's what I thought. A bonifide Republican.

Please hold your breath while you wait for my link.
hang the traitor...what a piece of scum he is!



Trump Campaign Under FBI Investigation For Russian Ties
FBI investigations into Trump-Russia ties yield little - CNNPolitics
Trump Advisor Under Investigation for Russia Ties: Report

Comey waited until two weeks before the election to inform Congress that they were reopening the investigation into Clinton's emails. If they were actively trying to torpedo Trump's campaign they had a funny way of showing it.
Moreover, the American voters ALWAYS knew they were "investigating" Hillary. Yet, they NEVER were told that Donnie Short Fingers was ALSO under investigation.

But we're supposed to believe that the FBI were all anti-Trump...somehow.
I just gave you one. YOU made the claim dude. I delivered, you're dancing like a little 'tard.
So asking someone for a standard YOU YOURSELF CANNOT meet...yeah, that's what I thought. A bonifide Republican.

Please hold your breath while you wait for my link.
I just gave you one. YOU made the claim dude. I delivered, you're dancing like a little 'tard.
So asking someone for a standard YOU YOURSELF CANNOT meet...yeah, that's what I thought. A bonifide Republican.

Please hold your breath while you wait for my link.

I'm a Democrat, silly person. And it is YOU who are dancing like a twit. Here you go, Once again I PRODUCE, while you dance and weave like the lying piece of poo you are..

"God(,) Trump is a loathsome human," Page added in another, to which Strzok replies: "Yet he may win."

"I cannot believe Donald Trump is likely to be an actual, serious candidate for president," Page texted Strzok on March 16, 2016.

Later in a text from August 15, 2016, Strzok tells Page: "I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office" -- an apparent reference to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe -- "that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40 . . . . " Page does not appear to have responded, according to records reviewed by CNN.

FBI agent's anti-Trump text messages released to Congress - CNNPolitics
Regarding Clinton, Strzok once texted, "I’m worried about what happens if HRC is elected." He also referred to Clinton's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, as "self-entitled," and dismissed Sen. Bernie Sanders, I - Vt., as an "idiot." Page also called Sanders supporters "idiots." They also both had low opinions of President Barack Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, with Strzok writing it was "wildly offensive" for Holder's portrait to be next to that of iconic Attorney General Elliott Richardson and insisting that a television be turned off when Holder spoke at the Democratic National Convention.

Page perhaps best summed up their worldview when she texted Strzok during lunch with an unidentified person: "We both hate everyone and everything."
Why did the Justice Department selectively release anti-Trump texts...
Regarding Clinton, Strzok once texted, "I’m worried about what happens if HRC is elected." He also referred to Clinton's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, as "self-entitled," and dismissed Sen. Bernie Sanders, I - Vt., as an "idiot." Page also called Sanders supporters "idiots." They also both had low opinions of President Barack Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, with Strzok writing it was "wildly offensive" for Holder's portrait to be next to that of iconic Attorney General Elliott Richardson and insisting that a television be turned off when Holder spoke at the Democratic National Convention.

Page perhaps best summed up their worldview when she texted Strzok during lunch with an unidentified person: "We both hate everyone and everything."
Why did the Justice Department selectively release anti-Trump texts...

So, strzok was "worried" about what would happen were she elected. Not anti hillary, worried about what trump would do, or the American People. They both hated bernie, that is clear, he actually had a chance to win the candidacy. People actually went to see him as opposed to the tiny "crowds" she was able to entice to her events. So, not anti hilary at all.
So, strzok was "worried" about what would happen were she elected. Not anti hillary, worried about what trump would do, or the American People. They both hated bernie, that is clear, he actually had a chance to win the candidacy. People actually went to see him as opposed to the tiny "crowds" she was able to entice to her events. So, not anti hilary at all.
Face it bub, your entire "the-FBI-was-anti-Trump" falacy has totally failed.


Give up.
So, strzok was "worried" about what would happen were she elected. Not anti hillary, worried about what trump would do, or the American People. They both hated bernie, that is clear, he actually had a chance to win the candidacy. People actually went to see him as opposed to the tiny "crowds" she was able to entice to her events. So, not anti hilary at all.
Face it bub, your entire "the-FBI-was-anti-Trump" falacy has totally failed.


Give up.

The only epic fail is you clown. Strzoks text isn't anti hillary in the slightest, but you knew that you're just not honest enough to admit it. At least Malcolm was honest, unlike you. You need to change your avatar to some disonorable douche. Malcolm would slap the piss out of you.

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