Why is Strzok and Page's anti-Trump bias a big deal?

Well so far, nobody has presented anything in those texts against Hillary but plenty against Trump.

I don't know many people involved in politics that are against everybody running for President.

It was released yesterday.

Pay attention.
Comey waited until two weeks before the election to inform Congress that they were reopening the investigation into Clinton's emails. If they were actively trying to torpedo Trump's campaign they had a funny way of showing it.
Moreover, the American voters ALWAYS knew they were "investigating" Hillary. Yet, they NEVER were told that Donnie Short Fingers was ALSO under investigation.

But we're supposed to believe that the FBI were all anti-Trump...somehow.
Aren't they American voters? Is there a rule stating that FBI officials aren't allowed to share the same opinions as other Americans? Would picking only Trump supporters for the special counsel investigation be more fair?

The FBI and Justice Dept should be above this kind of partisan b.s. Imagine if Hillary had been charged with felony and hundreds of txt messages had come out from the two lead investigations trashing her for months and talking about insurance policies

They were private text messages. It's not as if Strzok is the most powerful man in the world attacking his political opponents on Twitter every day.

No, but he was a main investigator of the email scandal. He was the one who interviewed those involved with Hillary. You don't have a problem with that?

I don't even remember half the details of the email scandal. It was over a year ago, and I barely gave a shit then. I barely give a shit about the whole Russia collusion thing. But it's absurd to think that this special counsel that was Trump's doing is some elaborate plot to bring down Trump.

Really? Then why are most all of the people he hired either Hillary supporters, donors, or both?

There is no "there there" with the Russia thing. Can't say that about this email scandal.
scum like those two

should be hanged

Fuck them

eliminated them and make and example of them

Comey waited until two weeks before the election to inform Congress that they were reopening the investigation into Clinton's emails. If they were actively trying to torpedo Trump's campaign they had a funny way of showing it.
Moreover, the American voters ALWAYS knew they were "investigating" Hillary. Yet, they NEVER were told that Donnie Short Fingers was ALSO under investigation.

But we're supposed to believe that the FBI were all anti-Trump...somehow.

Yes you are, because the FISA warrant was obtained using bogus evidence funded by Hil-Liar.

And no, not all the FBI were anti-Trump. That's why many of the agents submitted their resignation after Comey told Lynch not to go after Hllary.
And what if those emails did contain something incriminating and it didn't come out until after Hillary won the election? Don't you think that Comey thought about that?
And what if your aunt had a penis? She'd be your uncle. Ever thought of that?
That is true, however these people are ETHICALLY bound to not act on those biases. They chose to violate their ethics, and the law.
Where did they ACT on anything? Prove it.

That's what we're waiting on the memo for. You sound awful desperate dude, just sayin...
That's what we're waiting on the memo for. You sound awful desperate dude, just sayin...
What am I despearate of exactly? You're the one desperate that your Fuher Donnie Short Fingers ISN"T under investigation and you're the one desperate for this bogus claptrap about "secret societies" and corrupt FBI agents to be real.

You really are laughable...


That is true, however these people are ETHICALLY bound to not act on those biases. They chose to violate their ethics, and the law.
Where did they ACT on anything? Prove it.

Marky-Mark you need to pay attention dude. Strzok changed the wording in the Hillary exoneration letter so she could avoid criminal charges.

Geez bud do you know anything? :D
That's what we're waiting on the memo for. You sound awful desperate dude, just sayin...
What am I despearate of exactly? You're the one desperate that your Fuher Donnie Short Fingers ISN"T under investigation and you're the one desperate for this bogus claptrap about "secret societies" and corrupt FBI agents to be real.

You really are laughable...



If anything happens to Trump where he is either impeached or he resigns, Westwall will just come out and say he never supported Trump in the first place and all didn't matter.
That's what we're waiting on the memo for. You sound awful desperate dude, just sayin...
What am I despearate of exactly? You're the one desperate that your Fuher Donnie Short Fingers ISN"T under investigation and you're the one desperate for this bogus claptrap about "secret societies" and corrupt FBI agents to be real.

You really are laughable...



If anything happens to Trump where he is either impeached or he resigns, Westwall will just come out and say he never supported Trump in the first place and all didn't matter.

A laughable assertion. I'll remind you of that when he gets reelected.

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