Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday?

In other words, Marxism seeks to meet the physical needs of man and posits that, until those needs are met, man is incapable of any aspirations higher than an animal-like existence. Jesus taught, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? . . . Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:26, 33)
Try it Jesus's way and tell us how well it works out for you.
Don't try to make your words into my words.

Jesus's ways works great if people abide in the law and the legal entities in the seats of justice keep the law in tact.
Communism is a pile of shit. Marx is a pile of shit.
Marx from what I read was like a religious social climber not a believer and he depended on others to pay his expenses because he never could.
What the hell is wrong with some people? Marx was a piece of shit, no different than Hitler. It's sad that schools are not focusing on the evils of socialism/communism/Marxism and instead touting them as being better than capitalism. They ignore the millions who suffered and died because tyrants like Karl Marx. The radical leftists embrace a tyrannical government, claiming it's for the good of the people. Either they are completely ignorant or just evil. The leftwing teachers are encouraging students to worship communists leaders by painting a false portrait of what life is like under these evil rulers. The newest history books heading to schools continue to claim that conservative is evil and leftwing policies are benevolent. It's pure indoctrination and pure bullshit.

"The European Commission President will travel to Trier, Germany, where he will give a speech to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. …The Commission President will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Karl Marx exhibition in the city. …The chief eurocrat’s trip has received critics, who have suggested the 63-year-old forgetting how Marx’s “warped ideology” led to millions of deaths across the world. Ukip MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology—Marxism/Communism—led to more than 100 million deaths. …Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski…, who as a seven-year-old boy fled to Britain with his family from the Communist regime in Poland, said Mr. Juncker should reject any invitations to commemorate the event. He said: “I think it’s in very poor taste we have to remember that Marxism was all about ripping power and individual means away from people and giving to State. “Marxism led to the killing of millions around the world as it allowed a small band of fanatics to suppress the people we must learn the lessons from this and share with our children.” "

Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday? | Daniel J. Mitchell

Marx didn't do anything to be a piece of shit. If you knew what history was, you'd know that the USSR, China etc took Marxism and fucked it over.
Communism is a pile of shit. Marx is a pile of shit.

Everyone who has ideas that I don't like must be evil!!!

Straw men are for burning. Keep trying.



Oh, it's a Strawman?

So tell me, what makes Marx a piece of shit, other than daring to have ideas that you don't like?

What a fucking tool!!

Start with starving 6MM of his own people to death

Google: Kulak

What a fucking tool!

Wait, you're going to say that Stalin didn't do it right? Is that it?
Marx had great ideas, but the people who implemented these great ideas, like Stalin and Mao, went off track, er, or something

From each, to each
Communism is a pile of shit. Marx is a pile of shit.

Everyone who has ideas that I don't like must be evil!!!

Straw men are for burning. Keep trying.



Oh, it's a Strawman?

So tell me, what makes Marx a piece of shit, other than daring to have ideas that you don't like?

What a fucking tool!!

Start with starving 6MM of his own people to death

Google: Kulak

What a fucking tool!

Wait, you're going to say that Stalin didn't do it right? Is that it?


No, fuckwit. I'm going to point out that I was talking about Marx, not Stalin.

That reading thing is complicated, isn't it?
Communism is a pile of shit. Marx is a pile of shit.

Everyone who has ideas that I don't like must be evil!!!

Straw men are for burning. Keep trying.



Oh, it's a Strawman?

So tell me, what makes Marx a piece of shit, other than daring to have ideas that you don't like?

Start here.....

Requiem for Marx | Yuri N. Maltsev

...so, again. You think Marx is a pile of shot because he had ideas that you don't like.
Communism is a pile of shit. Marx is a pile of shit.

Everyone who has ideas that I don't like must be evil!!!

Straw men are for burning. Keep trying.



Oh, it's a Strawman?

So tell me, what makes Marx a piece of shit, other than daring to have ideas that you don't like?

Start here.....

Requiem for Marx | Yuri N. Maltsev

...so, again. You think Marx is a pile of shot because he had ideas that you don't like.

He was a loser who died penniless. He shirked his duty as a man and raised his kids in squalor and filth He abused his family by not providing for them - 4 of his 7 children died in childhood.

Marx was a lazy slob that didn’t want to work, he wanted to sit in the filth at his table and pretend to be thinking important thoughts.
Marx was a political philosopher. Many societies have adopted aspects of his ideology having 30-40% of their economies in the public sector. Successful ones have inherent wealth, like Norway (about 40% public) with a huge soveriegn wealth fund. China has over 50% of its economy as public sector. Denmark, Sweden and Finland also have large (30%+) public sectors.

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