Why is the GOP and Radio Pundits DISSING the Christie Victory


Apr 22, 2007
New Jersey is one of the bluest states. The GOP doesn't do well there. The D's put up a tough candidate against Christie and in this blue state Christie wooped her. He did this despite the fact that he took on and WON against the public unions. He cut taxes and spending (closed a $11 bil deficit), the state did raise fees though. Nevertheless, he stil won across the board in an landslide victory. He won females, white mans, hispanics (51% of the vote) and even halled in 21% of the Black vote. He did this in a very liberal state.

So if he sticks to his cutting spending, taxes and anti-Union agenda, would you NOT want him as the US President? Why are people in the right dissing him. Because he praised Obama after the huricane? Because he they view him as a RINO?

Look he can't be as right as people in Texas or other places, but he can be right on taxes, spending and taking on the unions and he has shown he will do that.

My first choice would still Herman Cain, but he isn't running. After that I like Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and Paul, but I would definitely support Christie and YES he does have a better chance of bring over independents and hispanics!

You don't have to like or agree with everything he does, say or stands for, but don't diss him. Be glad he is on your team!

The guy's just not pure enough for the purists who are controlling things. Imagine how much the Democrats are enjoying watching the Republicans beat the shit out of each other. The presidential nominating season could easily be another freakin' train wreck for the GOP.


The guy's just not pure enough for the purists who are controlling things. Imagine how much the Democrats are enjoying watching the Republicans beat the shit out of each other. The presidential nominating season could easily be another freakin' train wreck for the GOP.


That had a purist in Virigina and he could hold onto a GOP gov seat. Reid was vulnerable in NV and a purist could unseat him.You get these candidate that are so far to the right, they lose. They don't appeal to anyone but the base.

Sorry that is a loser mentality, that won't get us anywhere.
The rightwing freakazoids hate Christie because he made nice with Obama.

The guy's just not pure enough for the purists who are controlling things. Imagine how much the Democrats are enjoying watching the Republicans beat the shit out of each other. The presidential nominating season could easily be another freakin' train wreck for the GOP.


That had a purist in Virigina and he could hold onto a GOP gov seat. Reid was vulnerable in NV and a purist could unseat him.You get these candidate that are so far to the right, they lose. They don't appeal to anyone but the base.

Sorry that is a loser mentality, that won't get us anywhere.

It's political suicide. The TPM simply doesn't have a large enough base for purism to be politically viable, whether you like it or not.
haven't heard anyone dissing him so I guess we just have to take you word for it....
and if they are so what?

Not everyone is in "love" with him
(1) the left is dissing it because they don't want to face Christie

(2) the TeaPs are dissing it because they know Christie will crush them
New Jersey is one of the bluest states. The GOP doesn't do well there. The D's put up a tough candidate against Christie and in this blue state Christie wooped her. He did this despite the fact that he took on and WON against the public unions. He cut taxes and spending (closed a $11 bil deficit), the state did raise fees though. Nevertheless, he stil won across the board in an landslide victory. He won females, white mans, hispanics (51% of the vote) and even halled in 21% of the Black vote. He did this in a very liberal state.

So if he sticks to his cutting spending, taxes and anti-Union agenda, would you NOT want him as the US President? Why are people in the right dissing him. Because he praised Obama after the huricane? Because he they view him as a RINO?

Look he can't be as right as people in Texas or other places, but he can be right on taxes, spending and taking on the unions and he has shown he will do that.

My first choice would still Herman Cain, but he isn't running. After that I like Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and Paul, but I would definitely support Christie and YES he does have a better chance of bring over independents and hispanics!

You don't have to like or agree with everything he does, say or stands for, but don't diss him. Be glad he is on your team!

He is probably being dissed because he is coming across as a strong contender for the GOP candidate in 2016. And even though I am a libertarian at heart, I have to agree that only a more moderate person can win. I will vote for the GOP candidate regardless of the name on the ballot. We need a strong, experienced candidate who can get things done, and who will, no doubt, have two Houses of Congress with strong Republican majorities, many of which will be libertarians, to back him up.
Why is the GOP and Radio Pundits DISSING the Christie Victory

Because Christie is the template for future GOP victories, and that scares the TPM and radical right because that means change – and reactionary conservatives fear change most of all.
cite who is dissing this....i haven't seen or heard anyone dissing this

link up buttercup
New Jersey is one of the bluest states. The GOP doesn't do well there. The D's put up a tough candidate against Christie and in this blue state Christie wooped her. He did this despite the fact that he took on and WON against the public unions. He cut taxes and spending (closed a $11 bil deficit), the state did raise fees though. Nevertheless, he stil won across the board in an landslide victory. He won females, white mans, hispanics (51% of the vote) and even halled in 21% of the Black vote. He did this in a very liberal state.

So if he sticks to his cutting spending, taxes and anti-Union agenda, would you NOT want him as the US President? Why are people in the right dissing him. Because he praised Obama after the huricane? Because he they view him as a RINO?

Look he can't be as right as people in Texas or other places, but he can be right on taxes, spending and taking on the unions and he has shown he will do that.

My first choice would still Herman Cain, but he isn't running. After that I like Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and Paul, but I would definitely support Christie and YES he does have a better chance of bring over independents and hispanics!

You don't have to like or agree with everything he does, say or stands for, but don't diss him. Be glad he is on your team!

who were you listening too? What did they say......I didn't hear any dissing...:eusa_eh:
New Jersey is one of the bluest states. The GOP doesn't do well there. The D's put up a tough candidate against Christie and in this blue state Christie wooped her. He did this despite the fact that he took on and WON against the public unions. He cut taxes and spending (closed a $11 bil deficit), the state did raise fees though. Nevertheless, he stil won across the board in an landslide victory. He won females, white mans, hispanics (51% of the vote) and even halled in 21% of the Black vote. He did this in a very liberal state.

So if he sticks to his cutting spending, taxes and anti-Union agenda, would you NOT want him as the US President? Why are people in the right dissing him. Because he praised Obama after the huricane? Because he they view him as a RINO?

Look he can't be as right as people in Texas or other places, but he can be right on taxes, spending and taking on the unions and he has shown he will do that.

My first choice would still Herman Cain, but he isn't running. After that I like Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and Paul, but I would definitely support Christie and YES he does have a better chance of bring over independents and hispanics!

You don't have to like or agree with everything he does, say or stands for, but don't diss him. Be glad he is on your team!

If the D's had such a great candidate, why didn't they support her?

If Christie hadn't laid out that extra taxpayer money to hold the special senate election on some other day than Nov. 5 -- that is, if he had been willing to face the electorate with Cory Booker on the ticket -- what would his numbers have looked like?

The guy's just not pure enough for the purists who are controlling things. Imagine how much the Democrats are enjoying watching the Republicans beat the shit out of each other. The presidential nominating season could easily be another freakin' train wreck for the GOP.


That had a purist in Virigina and he could hold onto a GOP gov seat. Reid was vulnerable in NV and a purist could unseat him.You get these candidate that are so far to the right, they lose. They don't appeal to anyone but the base.

Sorry that is a loser mentality, that won't get us anywhere.

If the Republican money people who keep asking me for donations had supported him, Cuccinelli could have won. The RNC and RGA can go to brimstone topit.

Sharron Angle was a totally ridiculous choice -- she was not a "purist" -- she was a nutcase.

Cuccinelli was not a nutcase and he almost beat McAuliffe in spite of being outspent by $15 million and in spite of silly people voting for a supposed Libertarian who wanted to mandate that all cars be fitted with GPS.
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The guy's just not pure enough for the purists who are controlling things. Imagine how much the Democrats are enjoying watching the Republicans beat the shit out of each other. The presidential nominating season could easily be another freakin' train wreck for the GOP.


That had a purist in Virigina and he could hold onto a GOP gov seat. Reid was vulnerable in NV and a purist could unseat him.You get these candidate that are so far to the right, they lose. They don't appeal to anyone but the base.

Sorry that is a loser mentality, that won't get us anywhere.

If the Republican money people who keep asking me for donations had supported him, Cuccinelli could have won. The RNC and RGA can go to brimstone topit.

Sharron Angle was a totally ridiculous choice -- she was not a "purist" -- she was a nutcase.

Cuccinelli was not a nutcase and he almost beat McAuliffe in spite of being outspent by $15 million and silly people voting for a supposed Libertarian who wanted to mandate that all cars be fitted with GPS.

also corey booker only won 56 43 over a devout TP nobody with sarah palin in tow in NJ;)

McAuliffe got Biz money and the entrenched northern Virginia folks who make up a third of the state, they are the folks how make the Beltway run, so the shutdown clobbered Cuch. but obamacare brought him back from minus 12 points......and I mean if one knows anything about ole terry, between his $$ raising craftiness, Global Crossing and Greentech Automotive, you know exactly what he did and said and Cucinelli didn't, Terry promised a no holds barred biz environment and they jumped the gop ship, but he'll screw them and raise their taxes big time, watch....*shrugs*

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