Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.
We know the intel rats did concoct
Oh? What did they "concoct" after Schumer said what he said?
The trump-russia collusion hoax
That wasn't a hoax according to the IG report and even what you speak of happened before Schumer said what he said.
Trump did nothing wrong and the Derp State knew it

that made it a hoax
They knew Russia was hacking Democrats and they had reason to believe some in Impeached Trump's campaign had Russisn connections. Thd investigation was warranted. The IG report confirms this.
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.
And you never seek to investigate anything, which is why all these corrupt politicians feel comfortable with using their positions in high government office to swing all kinds of high paying no-show jobs for their friends, family members and campaign donors.

When did people like you become sellouts to government corruption and crony capitalism?
Then impeached Trump should have followed legal protocol to have him investigated. Instead, he abused the power of his office by violating a law which prohibits soliciting a foreign national to investigate political rivals.

Hysterically, it will be you people freaking out over this is if it's allowed to stand and a Democrat president running for re-election some day starts getting foreign leaders to investigate all of their Republican competitors.
And of course all the democrats now freaking out over it defending it with all their might.
Conditions are irrelevant in terms of the law. The law simply states one cannot solicit campaign help from a foreign national.
Nowhere did Trump even hint at Biden's primary campaign, much less did Trump make it a point to solicit any help in the matter from Zelensky. This is simply a false assumption on your part.

Joe Biden has always run for public office in some political campaign, during every election cycle. Biden has done so since he was first elected to public office in 1973. So, to try and claim 2019 was significant, is silly; running for office is all Biden does.
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him. There is zero evidence of the latter which is what lying con tools are claiming with nothing to back that up.

And the there certainly is evidence Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national for campaign help. It's revealed in his phone call with Zelensky where he asked the Ukrainian president to look into his political rival.
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
If you have evidence someone else got him they job, prove it...
That's the point, it's supposition based on incredulity that it could be any other option, much like that upon which the case against Trump is based. In all seriousness, it is very unlikely indeed that Hunter decided, completely on his own, to apply for and get that job. Clearly he did not get it because of his qualifications, but because of who his father was. Maybe we need a WB that says they heard someone say they heard a phone call between Joe and a high ranking official in the company discussing the job application and Joe leaning on him to hire his son. You know, to kick off an investigation and stuff.
I already said Hunter got that job because his dad was VP, even though you edited that out of my quote in your previous post.

There is nothing illegal about Hunter getting that job for that reason. Now if there's evidence that his father got him that job, that's different; but your lack of evidence to support that indicates you don't know that to be the case. Try again when you have such evidence.
1. I did not intentionally edit anything out of your post. I know you say Hunter got the job because of who his dad was, but you're splitting hairs when it comes to admitting that Joe most likely got him that job.
2. "The lack of evidence" is what makes the case against Trump so weak, and is why the democrats are desperately hoping some new revelation will come out at the last moment to save the day, like they attempted to do against Kavanaugh. You do remember the onslaught of ever weaker allegations when it became obvious that there just wasn't enough to the original one to sink the nomination. I expect nothing less this time around. Expect democrat shrieks to include stuff that isn't in the original articles, which they can't do without voting on it.
"I did not intentionally edit anything out of your post."


I posted...
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him.
... and you cut out all but...
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
Law enforcement doesn't face witnesses who get away with refusing to honor subpoenas. They lock them up.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
Then you have nothing to complain about
I'm not complaining. Impeached Trump got himself impeached, among other reasons, for blocking some folks from testifying who were subpoenaed. What I did say is there is no reason for the Senate to not subpoena them as well. They won't because they're interested in protecting Trump, not getting to the truth.
Exerting executive privilege is not a crime or an impeachable offense
There's nothing to show Bolton, Mulvaney, et al., are entitled to Executive Privilege. The Supreme Court has ruled the Congress has subpoena powers for investigations. And recently, a federal court declared McGahn was not shielded by Executive Privilege...

On Monday, a federal district court did just that, categorically rejecting President Trump’s claims and finding that McGahn had a duty to comply with the Judiciary committee’s subpoena and to appear before Congress to testify. “[T]he President does not have (and, thus, cannot lawfully assert) the power to prevent his current and former senior-level aides from responding to congressional subpoenas.”
You really think someone with zero experience with either the Ukraine or the natural gas industry...someone with a history of drug abuse...get's hired at that pay rate for that job if his father ISN'T the Vice President?

Stop lying, ya lying con tool. You insinuated his father got him that job. Not that Hunter got it himself because of who his father was.

I didn't "insinuate" anything! I stated quite clearly that the only reason Hunter Biden got THAT job among many of his jobs was because of who his father is. Your claim that Hunter Biden "got it himself" is laughable!
I said he got the job himself because his father was VP.

You lied and said his father got him the job.

I can't believe THAT'S what you're going with, Faun! Let me ask you this then...do you think Joe Biden knew that his son was getting that position on the board of Burisma? Because if he did...then Joe Biden knew EXACTLY what was going on! His son was being paid off in the hope that it would influence him. Now the only question that needs to be answered is whether or not Burisma received anything for all of that money that they paid to the Biden family which is one of the things that Donald Trump asked that the Ukrainian President look into!
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.

Joe's full of shit and Joe KNOWS he's full of shit!
The IG report stated the reasons to investigate potential collusion were "justified."
The AG and special criminal investigator durham disagreed
So? Unlike Horowitz, they have not fully investigated the matter. What we have is the long awaited IG report stating the reason for investigating collusion were "justified."
Horowitz has looked at it long but not very hard
Sadly for you, he's the only one who investigated the matter. His report stands.

dunham is doing a criminal investigation
Until he completes it, he doesn't have all the facts. The IG investigation spanned some 2 years and was completed. It stands as the authoritative position on what occurred. Folks can certainly bitch and moan about it, but there is nothing in evidence to refute it.

The investigation was justified.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
Then you have nothing to complain about
I'm not complaining. Impeached Trump got himself impeached, among other reasons, for blocking some folks from testifying who were subpoenaed. What I did say is there is no reason for the Senate to not subpoena them as well. They won't because they're interested in protecting Trump, not getting to the truth.
Exerting executive privilege is not a crime or an impeachable offense
There's nothing to show Bolton, Mulvaney, et al., are entitled to Executive Privilege. The Supreme Court has ruled the Congress has subpoena powers for investigations. And recently, a federal court declared McGahn was not shielded by Executive Privilege...

On Monday, a federal district court did just that, categorically rejecting President Trump’s claims and finding that McGahn had a duty to comply with the Judiciary committee’s subpoena and to appear before Congress to testify. “[T]he President does not have (and, thus, cannot lawfully assert) the power to prevent his current and former senior-level aides from responding to congressional subpoenas.”

Since the Administration appealed that ruling made by a liberal judge in Federal District Court as soon as it was issued, the Supreme Court has the final say over whether Executive Privilege extends to the President's staff.

Get back to me when the Supreme Court rules that Executive Privilege doesn't apply to Bolton, Mulvaney, et al!
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.
And you never seek to investigate anything, which is why all these corrupt politicians feel comfortable with using their positions in high government office to swing all kinds of high paying no-show jobs for their friends, family members and campaign donors.

When did people like you become sellouts to government corruption and crony capitalism?
Then impeached Trump should have followed legal protocol to have him investigated. Instead, he abused the power of his office by violating a law which prohibits soliciting a foreign national to investigate political rivals.

Hysterically, it will be you people freaking out over this is if it's allowed to stand and a Democrat president running for re-election some day starts getting foreign leaders to investigate all of their Republican competitors.
And of course all the democrats now freaking out over it defending it with all their might.
Of course they are. As anyone should. No president running for re-election should be allowed to engage foreign leaders to help them get re-elected. Our Founding Fathers even spoke of the inherent dangers in exactly that. Now we have a rogue president doing it with the right defending him. If you've learned nothing from politics you should have at least learned that no turn gets left undone. What one party does, the other party does. If this is allowed to stand, I guarantee the day will come when a Democrat pulls a stunt like this. I also guarantee the right will flip out.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
Then you have nothing to complain about
I'm not complaining. Impeached Trump got himself impeached, among other reasons, for blocking some folks from testifying who were subpoenaed. What I did say is there is no reason for the Senate to not subpoena them as well. They won't because they're interested in protecting Trump, not getting to the truth.

So some of Trump's staff is subpoenaed...he claims Executive Privilege...but rather than let the courts decide who is right and who is wrong...the Left moves to impeach immediately before the courts can rule on that?

Who's the real threat to the Constitution here? A President invoking something that other Presidents before him have invoked...or Democrats in Congress that have decided that THEY are the ones who will decide what is legal and what is a criminal act? So who changed the Constitution to exclude the Supreme Court? Not Trump.
There was no court involved, lying con tool.
You just cited the decision in Federal Court, you buffoon! Now you claim no court was involved? You're amazing...
Conditions are irrelevant in terms of the law. The law simply states one cannot solicit campaign help from a foreign national.
Nowhere did Trump even hint at Biden's primary campaign, much less did Trump make it a point to solicit any help in the matter from Zelensky. This is simply a false assumption on your part.

Joe Biden has always run for public office in some political campaign, during every election cycle. Biden has done so since he was first elected to public office in 1973. So, to try and claim 2019 was significant, is silly; running for office is all Biden does.
It matters not if Zelensky was aware that Biden was also running for president. Impeached Trump knew it when he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden.
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.
And you never seek to investigate anything, which is why all these corrupt politicians feel comfortable with using their positions in high government office to swing all kinds of high paying no-show jobs for their friends, family members and campaign donors.

When did people like you become sellouts to government corruption and crony capitalism?
Then impeached Trump should have followed legal protocol to have him investigated. Instead, he abused the power of his office by violating a law which prohibits soliciting a foreign national to investigate political rivals.

Hysterically, it will be you people freaking out over this is if it's allowed to stand and a Democrat president running for re-election some day starts getting foreign leaders to investigate all of their Republican competitors.
And of course all the democrats now freaking out over it defending it with all their might.
Of course they are. As anyone should. No president running for re-election should be allowed to engage foreign leaders to help them get re-elected. Our Founding Fathers even spoke of the inherent dangers in exactly that. Now we have a rogue president doing it with the right defending him. If you've learned nothing from politics you should have at least learned that no turn gets left undone. What one party does, the other party does. If this is allowed to stand, I guarantee the day will come when a Democrat pulls a stunt like this. I also guarantee the right will flip out.

Seriously? Did you miss the whole part where the Democrats paid huge money to foreign agents to smear their opponent with made up scandals? The day will come? That day came four years ago, you blinders wearing hack!
Stop lying, ya lying con tool. You insinuated his father got him that job. Not that Hunter got it himself because of who his father was.

I didn't "insinuate" anything! I stated quite clearly that the only reason Hunter Biden got THAT job among many of his jobs was because of who his father is. Your claim that Hunter Biden "got it himself" is laughable!
I said he got the job himself because his father was VP.

You lied and said his father got him the job.

I can't believe THAT'S what you're going with, Faun! Let me ask you this then...do you think Joe Biden knew that his son was getting that position on the board of Burisma? Because if he did...then Joe Biden knew EXACTLY what was going on! His son was being paid off in the hope that it would influence him. Now the only question that needs to be answered is whether or not Burisma received anything for all of that money that they paid to the Biden family which is one of the things that Donald Trump asked that the Ukrainian President look into!
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.

Joe's full of shit and Joe KNOWS he's full of shit!

So you say but you're a lying con tool.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
Then you have nothing to complain about
I'm not complaining. Impeached Trump got himself impeached, among other reasons, for blocking some folks from testifying who were subpoenaed. What I did say is there is no reason for the Senate to not subpoena them as well. They won't because they're interested in protecting Trump, not getting to the truth.
Exerting executive privilege is not a crime or an impeachable offense
There's nothing to show Bolton, Mulvaney, et al., are entitled to Executive Privilege. The Supreme Court has ruled the Congress has subpoena powers for investigations. And recently, a federal court declared McGahn was not shielded by Executive Privilege...

On Monday, a federal district court did just that, categorically rejecting President Trump’s claims and finding that McGahn had a duty to comply with the Judiciary committee’s subpoena and to appear before Congress to testify. “[T]he President does not have (and, thus, cannot lawfully assert) the power to prevent his current and former senior-level aides from responding to congressional subpoenas.”

They are still fighting the executive privilege question for Bolton et al in the courts of law, and the matter is still under appeal.

But more important than this, for a Senate trial, there is no reason to think that Mr. Bolton or Mulvaney or McGahn have any first hand knowledge about this offensive phone call.
I didn't "insinuate" anything! I stated quite clearly that the only reason Hunter Biden got THAT job among many of his jobs was because of who his father is. Your claim that Hunter Biden "got it himself" is laughable!
I said he got the job himself because his father was VP.

You lied and said his father got him the job.

I can't believe THAT'S what you're going with, Faun! Let me ask you this then...do you think Joe Biden knew that his son was getting that position on the board of Burisma? Because if he did...then Joe Biden knew EXACTLY what was going on! His son was being paid off in the hope that it would influence him. Now the only question that needs to be answered is whether or not Burisma received anything for all of that money that they paid to the Biden family which is one of the things that Donald Trump asked that the Ukrainian President look into!
Joe says he didn't get his son that job. Unless you have proof he's lying, you're argument is screwed.

Joe's full of shit and Joe KNOWS he's full of shit!

So you say but you're a lying con tool.

It's obvious that Joe Biden knew what was going on between his son and Burisma. It's also obvious Joe chose to let it go until it became the focus point for a Democratic attempt to impeach Trump! Only then did Hunter Biden resign his seat on that board.
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
Then you have nothing to complain about
I'm not complaining. Impeached Trump got himself impeached, among other reasons, for blocking some folks from testifying who were subpoenaed. What I did say is there is no reason for the Senate to not subpoena them as well. They won't because they're interested in protecting Trump, not getting to the truth.
Exerting executive privilege is not a crime or an impeachable offense
There's nothing to show Bolton, Mulvaney, et al., are entitled to Executive Privilege. The Supreme Court has ruled the Congress has subpoena powers for investigations. And recently, a federal court declared McGahn was not shielded by Executive Privilege...

On Monday, a federal district court did just that, categorically rejecting President Trump’s claims and finding that McGahn had a duty to comply with the Judiciary committee’s subpoena and to appear before Congress to testify. “[T]he President does not have (and, thus, cannot lawfully assert) the power to prevent his current and former senior-level aides from responding to congressional subpoenas.”

Since the Administration appealed that ruling made by a liberal judge in Federal District Court as soon as it was issued, the Supreme Court has the final say over whether Executive Privilege extends to the President's staff.

Get back to me when the Supreme Court rules that Executive Privilege doesn't apply to Bolton, Mulvaney, et al!
Post a link to where Impeached Trump filed an appeal....
Then you have nothing to complain about
I'm not complaining. Impeached Trump got himself impeached, among other reasons, for blocking some folks from testifying who were subpoenaed. What I did say is there is no reason for the Senate to not subpoena them as well. They won't because they're interested in protecting Trump, not getting to the truth.
Exerting executive privilege is not a crime or an impeachable offense
There's nothing to show Bolton, Mulvaney, et al., are entitled to Executive Privilege. The Supreme Court has ruled the Congress has subpoena powers for investigations. And recently, a federal court declared McGahn was not shielded by Executive Privilege...

On Monday, a federal district court did just that, categorically rejecting President Trump’s claims and finding that McGahn had a duty to comply with the Judiciary committee’s subpoena and to appear before Congress to testify. “[T]he President does not have (and, thus, cannot lawfully assert) the power to prevent his current and former senior-level aides from responding to congressional subpoenas.”

Since the Administration appealed that ruling made by a liberal judge in Federal District Court as soon as it was issued, the Supreme Court has the final say over whether Executive Privilege extends to the President's staff.

Get back to me when the Supreme Court rules that Executive Privilege doesn't apply to Bolton, Mulvaney, et al!
Post a link to where Impeached Trump filed an appeal....

The Trump Administration filed an emergency appeal immediately. I believe hearings on that are slated to begin in early January. Do you really need a "link" for something that you should already know?
Not to mention that it's impossible for the Senate to call witnesses for something they haven't been given yet!

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