Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.

Comrade faw, WHAT do you think the IG report revealed? :dunno:

I know the little Goebbels lied about it out of the gate, then had to walk back the lies. I think they do that so low life scum like you can point to the Antisemitic New York Times and say "see, they reported it," without acknowledging that the Times lied and retracted later.

The memo from the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee reported:

  1. A salacious and unverified dossier formed an essential part of the application to secure a warrant against a Trump campaign affiliate named Carter Page. This application failed to reveal that the dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
  2. The application cited a Yahoo News article extensively. The story did not corroborate the dossier, and the FBI wrongly claimed Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, was not a source for the story.
  3. Nellie Ohr, the wife of a high-ranking Justice Department official, also worked on behalf of the Clinton campaign effort. Her husband Bruce Ohr funneled her research into the Department of Justice. Although he admitted that Steele “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president,” this and the Ohrs’ relationship with the Clinton campaign was concealed from the secret court that grants surveillance warrants.
  4. The dossier was “only minimally corroborated” and unverified, according to FBI officials.
All of these things were found to be true by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz in his December 9 report. In fact, Horowitz detailed rampant abuse that went far beyond these four items.

The Democratic minority on the committee, then led by Rep. Adam Schiff, put out a response memo with competing claims:

  1. FBI and DOJ officials did not omit material information from the FISA warrant.
  2. The DOJ “made only narrow use of information from Steele’s sources about Page’s specific activities in 2016.”
  3. In subsequent FISA renewals, DOJ provided additional information that corroborated Steele’s reporting.
  4. The Page FISA warrant allowed the FBI to collect “valuable intelligence.”
  5. “Far from ‘omitting’ material facts about Steele, as the Majority claims, DOJ repeatedly informed the Court about Steele’s background, credibility, and potential bias.”
  6. The FBI conducted a “rigorous process” to vet Steele’s allegations, and the Page FISA application explained the FBI’s reasonable basis for finding Steele credible.
  7. Steele’s prior reporting was used in “criminal proceedings.”
Each of these claims were found by Horowitz to be false.

Horowitz found that FBI and DOJ officials did in fact omit critical material information from the FISA warrant, including several items exculpatory to Page. Material facts were not just omitted but willfully hidden through doctoring of evidence.}

IG Report Confirms Schiff Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies
The "Mueller witch-hunt??" That wasn't the left.

Mueller is a Republican. He was appointed special counsel by a Republican assistant Attorney General who was filling in for the Republican Attorney General who recused himself; who was appointed by a Republican president.

All the left did was sit back and enjoy the popcorn as we watched the show.

As far as the impeachment, Impeached Trump broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign by looking for dirt with a political rival. That's not a rumor -- we have the White House memorandum.

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ..." ~ Impeached Trump

Actually, that's just a spin-job on what happened. President Trump was looking to eliminate corruption, the fact the Sleepy Joe and his son may have been caught up in corruption wasn't something that influenced him in the slightest and there is no proof that it did.
Oh? Sleepy Joe is no longer VP. His son no longer works for Burisma. Shokin is no longer Prosecutor General. Poroshenko is no longer Ukraine's president an Zlochevsky's investigation was settled and closed.

So exactly what "corruption" was Impeached Trump asking the current president of Ukraine to look for?

So if the corruption happened yesterday but isn't happening now it shouldn't be looked at? That's an amazing take on things, Faun! You don't deny it looks sleazy as hell...but you think it's OK because it's not happening now?
Try answering the question I actually asked, lying con tool.

what "corruption" was Impeached Trump asking the current president of Ukraine to look for since all of what he asked about ended years ago?
Hunter Biden resigned from the Burisma board years ago? Really?
No, the corruption you're crying about was purportedly from years ago.

Still no answer from you....

what "corruption" was Impeached Trump asking the current president of Ukraine to look for since all of what he asked about ended years ago?
And he was wrong. Had he been right, intelligence officials would have struck back. They didn't.
Schumer was right

But from the standpoint of liberal Deep Staters wrong to say it in public
Great, so show what the intelligence community did to "strike back" at Impeached Trump...
They concocted a phony russia collusion witchhunt
a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.

Brennan, Clapper and Comey did exactly that as was revealed in the IG report!
The IG report stated the reasons to investigate potential collusion were "justified."

You say that as you pull for the Senate to not hold Impeached Trump accountable for soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.

You say that as you pull for the Senate to not hold Impeached Trump accountable for soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The cops usually dont say “we think he’s guilty but dont have time to gather the evidence. So just take him to court and we’ll wing it”
Law enforcement doesn't face witnesses who get away with refusing to honor subpoenas. They lock them up.

No one is "refusing" to honor a a subpoena. The President is just challenging the subpoenas in court, as anyone used to have the right to do. BTW, Congress isn't "law enforcement" at all.
Great, post a link to this court case so I can look it up.....
Yeah, Joe had nothing to do with Hunter making all that money doing a job he no clue how to do! You keep telling yourself that, Faun!
Prove Joe did something to get him that job....

You really think someone with zero experience with either the Ukraine or the natural gas industry...someone with a history of drug abuse...get's hired at that pay rate for that job if his father ISN'T the Vice President?

Stop lying, ya lying con tool. You insinuated his father got him that job. Not that Hunter got it himself because of who his father was.

I didn't "insinuate" anything! I stated quite clearly that the only reason Hunter Biden got THAT job among many of his jobs was because of who his father is. Your claim that Hunter Biden "got it himself" is laughable!
I said he got the job himself because his father was VP.

You lied and said his father got him the job.

Hunter was put in the position as a mule, a conduit for kickbacks to Quid Pro Joe Biden. The entire Burisma affair, where $1.8 BILLION in US Taxpayer money vanished without a trace, was an embezzlement scheme that many top democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry, and it appears Mitch McConnell as well, were involved in. Trump exposed a major spot of corruption, which is why you scum went after him.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The cops usually dont say “we think he’s guilty but dont have time to gather the evidence. So just take him to court and we’ll wing it”
Law enforcement doesn't face witnesses who get away with refusing to honor subpoenas. They lock them up.

No one is "refusing" to honor a a subpoena. The President is just challenging the subpoenas in court, as anyone used to have the right to do. BTW, Congress isn't "law enforcement" at all.
Great, post a link to this court case so I can look it up.....

Comrade Fawn, the Stalinist faction of the House of Representatives has no authority to subpoena the coequal Executive branch. Any submission to such subpoenas is a courtesy, one that the scofflaw scum in the house don't deserve.

I mean, you can prove me wrong by citing the article or amendment that shows the executive to be an inferior branch, but failing that, well....
Yeah, Joe had nothing to do with Hunter making all that money doing a job he no clue how to do! You keep telling yourself that, Faun!
Prove Joe did something to get him that job....

You really think someone with zero experience with either the Ukraine or the natural gas industry...someone with a history of drug abuse...get's hired at that pay rate for that job if his father ISN'T the Vice President?

Stop lying, ya lying con tool. You insinuated his father got him that job. Not that Hunter got it himself because of who his father was.

I didn't "insinuate" anything! I stated quite clearly that the only reason Hunter Biden got THAT job among many of his jobs was because of who his father is. Your claim that Hunter Biden "got it himself" is laughable!
I said he got the job himself because his father was VP.

You lied and said his father got him the job.

All anyone knows is that Hunter Biden got the job, got paid big bucks, and didn't pay his taxes on it.

Maybe we should investigate Burisma and the Bidens to actually find out what the arrangement exactly was? Hunter Biden, as you may know, is involved in the cocaine and prostitution rackets and is due in court next week for being a dead beat dad. A real piece of poop
You may prefer to look the other way but I dont

Corruption goes on in Washington because no one is ever held acountable

You say that as you pull for the Senate to not hold Impeached Trump accountable for soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
You may prefer to look the other way but I dont

Corruption goes on in Washington because no one is ever held acountable

You say that as you pull for the Senate to not hold Impeached Trump accountable for soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The cops usually dont say “we think he’s guilty but dont have time to gather the evidence. So just take him to court and we’ll wing it”
Law enforcement doesn't face witnesses who get away with refusing to honor subpoenas. They lock them up.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have

schumer was having a rare lucid and truthful moment
And he was wrong. Had he been right, intelligence officials would have struck back. They didn't.
Schumer was right

But from the standpoint of liberal Deep Staters wrong to say it in public
Great, so show what the intelligence community did to "strike back" at Impeached Trump...
They concocted a phony russia collusion witchhunt
a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.
We know the intel rats did concoct
I mean asking the President of the Ukraine to investigate corruption! Why is that improper? It's done all the time.

What's laughable is listening to them try to make the case that Trump is violating the emoluments clause by having a summit meeting at Doral...a property that he owns! What part of the offer was to do that AT COST didn't they get? Trump offers to give the taxpayers a break by having it at a property he owns but because it's Trump...those liberal mouthpieces in the media immediately declare that it's a violation of the emoluments clause! News flash for you clueless wonders...when you do something "at cost" it means you're not taking a profit while doing it!!!!! Duh?
Show me another president running for re-election asking for a foreign leader to investigate another candidate who's also running for president....

Show me another candidate that was using his office to enrich his family like Joe Biden was! :)
Translation: you can't name anyone other than Impeached Trump. :mm:

As far as Biden, you have zero proof Joe used to office to enrich his family. What else would a lying con tool say though, right?
Uhh, there is the same kind of "proof" you guys use to claim Trump tried to use Ukraine to benefit himself. There is, for example, no way that Biden's son could have gotten that very lucrative job if Biden was not VP.
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him. There is zero evidence of the latter which is what lying con tools are claiming with nothing to back that up.

And the there certainly is evidence Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national for campaign help. It's revealed in his phone call with Zelensky where he asked the Ukrainian president to look into his political rival.
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
Schumer was right

But from the standpoint of liberal Deep Staters wrong to say it in public
Great, so show what the intelligence community did to "strike back" at Impeached Trump...
They concocted a phony russia collusion witchhunt
a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.

Brennan, Clapper and Comey did exactly that as was revealed in the IG report!
The IG report stated the reasons to investigate potential collusion were "justified."
The AG and special criminal investigator durham disagreed
Prove Joe did something to get him that job....

You really think someone with zero experience with either the Ukraine or the natural gas industry...someone with a history of drug abuse...get's hired at that pay rate for that job if his father ISN'T the Vice President?

Stop lying, ya lying con tool. You insinuated his father got him that job. Not that Hunter got it himself because of who his father was.

I didn't "insinuate" anything! I stated quite clearly that the only reason Hunter Biden got THAT job among many of his jobs was because of who his father is. Your claim that Hunter Biden "got it himself" is laughable!
I said he got the job himself because his father was VP.

You lied and said his father got him the job.

All anyone knows is that Hunter Biden got the job, got paid big bucks, and didn't pay his taxes on it.

Maybe we should investigate Burisma and the Bidens to actually find out what the arrangement exactly was? Hunter Biden, as you may know, is involved in the cocaine and prostitution rackets and is due in court next week for being a dead beat dad. A real piece of poop
If Hunter didn't pay taxes, then Hunter should be investigated for that. That would be done by our own IRS. That doesn't give Impeached Trump authority to violate the law to solicit a foreign national to investigate hid dad who also happens to be one of Impeached Trump's rivals.

You say that as you pull for the Senate to not hold Impeached Trump accountable for soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.

You say that as you pull for the Senate to not hold Impeached Trump accountable for soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The cops usually dont say “we think he’s guilty but dont have time to gather the evidence. So just take him to court and we’ll wing it”
Law enforcement doesn't face witnesses who get away with refusing to honor subpoenas. They lock them up.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
And he was wrong. Had he been right, intelligence officials would have struck back. They didn't.
Schumer was right

But from the standpoint of liberal Deep Staters wrong to say it in public
Great, so show what the intelligence community did to "strike back" at Impeached Trump...
They concocted a phony russia collusion witchhunt
a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.
We know the intel rats did concoct
Oh? What did they "concoct" after Schumer said what he said?
Show me another president running for re-election asking for a foreign leader to investigate another candidate who's also running for president....

Show me another candidate that was using his office to enrich his family like Joe Biden was! :)
Translation: you can't name anyone other than Impeached Trump. :mm:

As far as Biden, you have zero proof Joe used to office to enrich his family. What else would a lying con tool say though, right?
Uhh, there is the same kind of "proof" you guys use to claim Trump tried to use Ukraine to benefit himself. There is, for example, no way that Biden's son could have gotten that very lucrative job if Biden was not VP.
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him. There is zero evidence of the latter which is what lying con tools are claiming with nothing to back that up.

And the there certainly is evidence Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national for campaign help. It's revealed in his phone call with Zelensky where he asked the Ukrainian president to look into his political rival.
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
If you have evidence someone else got him they job, prove it...
Great, so show what the intelligence community did to "strike back" at Impeached Trump...
They concocted a phony russia collusion witchhunt
a) they did no such thing as revealed in the IG report.

b) you said Schumer warned him they would strike back. He said that in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Intel agencies did not "concoct" any such thing.

Brennan, Clapper and Comey did exactly that as was revealed in the IG report!
The IG report stated the reasons to investigate potential collusion were "justified."
The AG and special criminal investigator durham disagreed
So? Unlike Horowitz, they have not fully investigated the matter. What we have is the long awaited IG report stating the reason for investigating collusion were "justified."
Show me another candidate that was using his office to enrich his family like Joe Biden was! :)
Translation: you can't name anyone other than Impeached Trump. :mm:

As far as Biden, you have zero proof Joe used to office to enrich his family. What else would a lying con tool say though, right?
Uhh, there is the same kind of "proof" you guys use to claim Trump tried to use Ukraine to benefit himself. There is, for example, no way that Biden's son could have gotten that very lucrative job if Biden was not VP.
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him. There is zero evidence of the latter which is what lying con tools are claiming with nothing to back that up.

And the there certainly is evidence Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national for campaign help. It's revealed in his phone call with Zelensky where he asked the Ukrainian president to look into his political rival.
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
If you have evidence someone else got him they job, prove it...
That's the point, it's supposition based on incredulity that it could be any other option, much like that upon which the case against Trump is based. In all seriousness, it is very unlikely indeed that Hunter decided, completely on his own, to apply for and get that job. Clearly he did not get it because of his qualifications, but because of who his father was. Maybe we need a WB that says they heard someone say they heard a phone call between Joe and a high ranking official in the company discussing the job application and Joe leaning on him to hire his son. You know, to kick off an investigation and stuff.
Translation: you can't name anyone other than Impeached Trump. :mm:

As far as Biden, you have zero proof Joe used to office to enrich his family. What else would a lying con tool say though, right?
Uhh, there is the same kind of "proof" you guys use to claim Trump tried to use Ukraine to benefit himself. There is, for example, no way that Biden's son could have gotten that very lucrative job if Biden was not VP.
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him. There is zero evidence of the latter which is what lying con tools are claiming with nothing to back that up.

And the there certainly is evidence Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national for campaign help. It's revealed in his phone call with Zelensky where he asked the Ukrainian president to look into his political rival.
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
If you have evidence someone else got him they job, prove it...
That's the point, it's supposition based on incredulity that it could be any other option, much like that upon which the case against Trump is based. In all seriousness, it is very unlikely indeed that Hunter decided, completely on his own, to apply for and get that job. Clearly he did not get it because of his qualifications, but because of who his father was. Maybe we need a WB that says they heard someone say they heard a phone call between Joe and a high ranking official in the company discussing the job application and Joe leaning on him to hire his son. You know, to kick off an investigation and stuff.
I already said Hunter got that job because his dad was VP, even though you edited that out of my quote in your previous post.

There is nothing illegal about Hunter getting that job for that reason. Now if there's evidence that his father got him that job, that's different; but your lack of evidence to support that indicates you don't know that to be the case. Try again when you have such evidence.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The senate will consider any evidence the dem presenters offer

but the investigation is over
Witnesses appear in trials, not just investigations. Republicans are circling the Impeached Trump's wagon abs are simply protecting him. If they really cared and the truth, which is the purpose of a trial, they wouldn't fear the truth.
The cops usually dont say “we think he’s guilty but dont have time to gather the evidence. So just take him to court and we’ll wing it”
Law enforcement doesn't face witnesses who get away with refusing to honor subpoenas. They lock them up.
Not without a warrant signed ny a judge

which you dont have
Which they don't need since they didn't seek to lock any of them up.
Then you have nothing to complain about
Uhh, there is the same kind of "proof" you guys use to claim Trump tried to use Ukraine to benefit himself. There is, for example, no way that Biden's son could have gotten that very lucrative job if Biden was not VP.
Don't conflate Hunter gettimg the job on his own because his father was the U.S. VP with Joe getting the job for him. There is zero evidence of the latter which is what lying con tools are claiming with nothing to back that up.

And the there certainly is evidence Impeached Trump solicited a foreign national for campaign help. It's revealed in his phone call with Zelensky where he asked the Ukrainian president to look into his political rival.
He "get the job on his own". Okay, that's a stretch.
If you have evidence someone else got him they job, prove it...
That's the point, it's supposition based on incredulity that it could be any other option, much like that upon which the case against Trump is based. In all seriousness, it is very unlikely indeed that Hunter decided, completely on his own, to apply for and get that job. Clearly he did not get it because of his qualifications, but because of who his father was. Maybe we need a WB that says they heard someone say they heard a phone call between Joe and a high ranking official in the company discussing the job application and Joe leaning on him to hire his son. You know, to kick off an investigation and stuff.
I already said Hunter got that job because his dad was VP, even though you edited that out of my quote in your previous post.

There is nothing illegal about Hunter getting that job for that reason. Now if there's evidence that his father got him that job, that's different; but your lack of evidence to support that indicates you don't know that to be the case. Try again when you have such evidence.

You are right, there isn't evidence about this yet. And that's why we need to get to the bottom of this, and find out exactly why Burisma hired Biden for the job. And that is going to require an investigation, on both sides of the Atlantic. Fortunately, America and Ukraine have a treaty to ensure cooperation and our nations' presidents have gotten to together on the phone to arrange an appropriate investigation.

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