Why is the MSM silent in regards to the zionist attack on the USS Liberty

et al,

This event is 47 years old. It was a Johnson Administration debacle.

While it will be quite some time before we Americans completely forget about this, politically, it is behind us.

Media-wise, this story has played-out its value.

Most Respectfully,
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Hell I was scanning the newspaper about finding it.....since they didn't have computers to post the API feed back then..
Could it be because zionists run the MSM? :eek:

Why is the MSM so silent on the deaths of hundreds of British troops in Iraq at the hands of incompetent American officers and soldiers too full of gung-ho to realise that the target was friendly and was transmitting the correct code.

A lot more recent and of more concern to me
Hell I was scanning the newspaper about finding it.....since they didn't have computers to post the API feed back then..

If you look carefully you will see that she was a converted WW2 freighter that looked like many of Egypt's naval vessels. After all that is were Egypts navy came from, the same fleet of WW2 freighters.
It happened decades ago.

Get real, snotty.

So, if something "happened decades ago" it isn't relevant or meaningful?

When it is used as a hammer to crack a nut then it loses all relevance. The Palestinians brothers mass murdered 3,000 innocent Americans and there is not a word said by the looney left, neo Marxists, communists and pro islamists. I wonder why this is ?
It happened decades ago.

Get real, snotty.

So, if something "happened decades ago" it isn't relevant or meaningful?

When it is used as a hammer to crack a nut then it loses all relevance. The Palestinians brothers mass murdered 3,000 innocent Americans and there is not a word said by the looney left, neo Marxists, communists and pro islamists. I wonder why this is ?

I asked him specifically because his avatar includes a star of david and I wanted clarity on his position.

If an event "happened decades ago" it doesn't matter anymore is his premise.

I was wondering if that included the "holocaust"?

I wanted him to elaborate on that.
I guess you're new in this specific board?

1. Nice to make your appointment

2. I'm a female.

3. How is the Liberty incident relevant to the Israeli Palestinian conflict today? Mr. Snouter brings forth issues with no importance of today's issues, and I simply pointed that out.
So, if something "happened decades ago" it isn't relevant or meaningful?

When it is used as a hammer to crack a nut then it loses all relevance. The Palestinians brothers mass murdered 3,000 innocent Americans and there is not a word said by the looney left, neo Marxists, communists and pro islamists. I wonder why this is ?

I asked him specifically because his avatar includes a star of david and I wanted clarity on his position.

If an event "happened decades ago" it doesn't matter anymore is his premise.

I was wondering if that included the "holocaust"?

I wanted him to elaborate on that.

Why you say "Holocaust" in " "?

Are you doubting the Holocaust being an historical tragedy?

And I didn't bring that up, btw, you did.
I guess you're new in this specific board?

1. Nice to make your appointment

2. I'm a female.

3. How is the Liberty incident relevant to the Israeli Palestinian conflict today? Mr. Snouter brings forth issues with no importance of today's issues, and I simply pointed that out.

Hi. How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.

You said in reference to the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by israeli planes;

lipush said:
It happened decades ago.

I asked you to clarify your position that if something happened "decades ago" it wasn't relevant.
I asked you if that included your holocaust since it "happened decades ago".
Just a simple question.
I guess you're new in this specific board?

1. Nice to make your appointment

2. I'm a female.

3. How is the Liberty incident relevant to the Israeli Palestinian conflict today? Mr. Snouter brings forth issues with no importance of today's issues, and I simply pointed that out.

Hi. How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.

You said in reference to the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by israeli planes;

lipush said:
It happened decades ago.

I asked you to clarify your position that if something happened "decades ago" it wasn't relevant.
I asked you if that included your holocaust since it "happened decades ago".
Just a simple question.

I answered that. I don't think it's relevant to the specific issue.

As for the Holocaust, depends on the issue.
This was no accident or mistaken identity.

It was a deliberate attack against the United States of America.

...text of an intercepted Israeli conversation, just one of many pieces of hard, unambiguous evidence that the Israeli attack was not a mistake:
Israeli pilot to ground control: “This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?”

Ground control: “Yes, follow orders.” …

Israeli pilot: “But, sir, it’s an American ship – I can see the flag!”

Ground control: “Never mind; hit it!”
I say we launch a missile strike on an IDF ship immediately.
You're brave, you, Billo. Weren't you who said your army should attack the Israeli one? You're willing to send your children to fight Israeli troops? Because it's easy to send others' children.

Don't you think you're being a little....asshole?
I guess you're new in this specific board?

1. Nice to make your appointment

2. I'm a female.

3. How is the Liberty incident relevant to the Israeli Palestinian conflict today? Mr. Snouter brings forth issues with no importance of today's issues, and I simply pointed that out.

Hi. How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.

You said in reference to the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by israeli planes;

lipush said:
It happened decades ago.

I asked you to clarify your position that if something happened "decades ago" it isn't relevant.
I asked you if that included your holocaust since it "happened decades ago".
Just a simple question.

I answered that. I don't think it's relevant to the specific issue.

As for the Holocaust, depends on the issue.

I see..so you use a continuously variable scale depending on who is involved.

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.

jewish supremacist nonsense.

You believe that christians are "unclean" and "goyim"?
Do you believe jews are "gods chosen people"?
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Hi. How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.

You said in reference to the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by israeli planes;

I asked you to clarify your position that if something happened "decades ago" it isn't relevant.
I asked you if that included your holocaust since it "happened decades ago".
Just a simple question.

I answered that. I don't think it's relevant to the specific issue.

As for the Holocaust, depends on the issue.

I see..so you use a continuously variable scale depending on who is involved.

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.

jewish supremacist nonsense.

You believe that christians are "unclean" and "goyim"?
Do you believe jews are "gods chosen people"?

No, it's now an issue of "who" but an issue of "what". If a topic has anything to do with the Liberty, it should be discussed, if the Holocaust, it should be discussed.

But I don't find how any of that is relevent to the Israeli palestinian conflict.

I might be wrong, but I don't think so
Hi. How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.

You said in reference to the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by israeli planes;

I asked you to clarify your position that if something happened "decades ago" it isn't relevant.
I asked you if that included your holocaust since it "happened decades ago".
Just a simple question.

I answered that. I don't think it's relevant to the specific issue.

As for the Holocaust, depends on the issue.

I see..so you use a continuously variable scale depending on who is involved.

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.

jewish supremacist nonsense.

You believe that christians are "unclean" and "goyim"?
Do you believe jews are "gods chosen people"?

Now you throw anti-semitic stereotypes to the argument?

Yeah, you do that, it helps the argument:doubt:

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