Why Is the US Military Rationing Meals? They Have a $770 Billion Budget. What’s Going On?

Trust me, I used to swim down in the cesspool of the CT are in here, it is a complete waste of time.

You all can bring up 10,000 "facts" that you absolutely accept. But they are all meaningless, and have nothing to do with anything. And I do not give a damn what side it is on, it is all coprolite.

In fact, one of the funniest exchanges was seeing "Empty aircraft remote controlled" believer linking arm in arm with a "100% hologram and planted explosives" believer, in trying to convince everybody that the "government was lying". Never mind that they were both completely opposite of each other, the thing that mattered wat not how the WTC came down, it was that it was really done by some secret group in the Government that did it.

You string together a bunch of non-sequiturs that only mean something in your own mind. Myself, I go with Occam's Razor every time.


Me, I go with "B".

Yes, we know you can't refute the American financial sector is backing Putin; it's just too obvious, seeing as how they are vested in bonds and Russia's commodities production. Your post is just filler and a desperate attempt at deflection.
Ukraine backers, the WEF are the world's largest and most dangerous criminal syndicate. More dangerous than NY Mafia and already killed more people than Hitler

And isolationists will get a lot more killed, as they did in WW I and WW II. Some foreign policy actions have to be performed regardless of who is sitting in the White House, so your BDS is just self-serving. Trump would have been better, but the GOP can't seem to beat completely loony leftists at the polls, too dedicated to their class warfare and labor racketeering policies to beat them except by a couple of percentage points and stabbing their own Presidential candidate in the back.
And isolationists will get a lot more killed, as they did in WW I and WW II. Some foreign policy actions have to be performed regardless of who is sitting in the White House, so your BDS is just self-serving. Trump would have been better, but the GOP can't seem to beat completely loony leftists at the polls, too dedicated to their class warfare and labor racketeering policies to beat them except by a couple of percentage points and stabbing their own Presidential candidate in the back.
So how much of Zelen$ky's $7 BILLION A MONTH ask should the US fund?
So how much of Zelen$ky's $7 BILLION A MONTH ask should the US fund?

You think they're just giving him cash? Think he isn't using that on defense? Stick to snivleing for tax breaks for multi-national corporate pirates and billionaires. Leave foreign policy to adults. not libertoons. Libertoons are mostly closet commies anyway.

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