Why Is the White Man Such an Easy Touch?

Read The White Man's Burden by Rudyard Kipling. (It's about the Philippines, not Africa.)
The liberal education system teaches white kids to feel guilty about conditions that happened over 150 years ago. Add the media's never ending guilt campaign and you have a nation that elects democrats.

It's the parents' responsibility to teach the child how to take advantage of their skin color ... not the school's ... strictly speaking, we're to keep Jim Crow out of our schools ... so that's taught at home ...

I'll tell you, to be honest, I've taken advantage of my gender more than anything ... just being a man has always given me a step up on any woman when it came time to be picked ... that can be important in a court-of-law, the whole case might turn on men being more believable than women ...

Only women are held responsible for unwanted pregnancies ... how cool is that? ...
Is it naiveness, white guilt or a superior morality?

I think most of it comes from our upbringing rooted in a Christian Belief to love everyone.....even our enemies.

What a hypocrite for the author to write this about us

Ten years ago, I read an eye-opening book called Pathological Altruism. It is full of insights, but one of the most memorable was about righteous indignation. Apparently, the feelings of moral superiority and ecstatic self-righteousness stimulate the same part of the brain as addictive drugs: the nucleus accumbens within the basal ganglia. It seems that people can become addicted to the feeling of moral superiority to the point that their brains are hijacked and rewired, just as with drugs. The craving for righteousness becomes so powerful that it short-circuits the reality-testing mechanism of the prefrontal cortex, making addicts impervious to facts. That sounds like today’s “woke” fanatics, doesn’t it? I had to kick a mild form of addiction.

No, it sounds like you right wingers.

the feelings of moral superiority and ecstatic self-righteousness?

Sounds like you guys not us. Pot meet kettle.
Is it naiveness, white guilt or a superior morality?

I think most of it comes from our upbringing rooted in a Christian Belief to love everyone.....even our enemies.


Depends. I am (mostly) white and I'm an easy touch for unborn babies who might have escaped being murdered without donations from people like me, and for Catholic Priests who are being targeted by Christ haters. They both get regular monthly donations from me.

Superior morality.

There is nothing great about any ethnicity.

Human beings are the pits.

But Caucasians (generally speaking) are the LEAST bad.

That's why the whole world is dreaming of emigrating to America or Canada or Europe or Australia.

That's why most African Americans and most Asians and most Hispanics prefer to deal socially and economically with Caucasians.
The liberal education system teaches white kids to feel guilty about conditions that happened over 150 years ago. Add the media's never ending guilt campaign and you have a nation that elects democrats.

No it doesn't, but thanks for playing stupid games. Education teaches children about the mistakes of the past, so you don't make them all over again and again, like you're doing right now with race relations and abortion.

You complain about what white children are taught, and the effect it has on them, but you blacks "stupid" and "thugs" and that they're inferior to white people and that's OK????

There is no "guilt campaign" but there is a white washing of history that you want to pretend never happened, and continues to affect your socials structures today.
Is it naiveness, white guilt or a superior morality?

I think most of it comes from our upbringing rooted in a Christian Belief to love everyone.....even our enemies.

That comes from a lack of understanding what certain terms in the NT actually mean, especially in the Sermon On The Mount. For instance, few modern Christians understand what 'neighbor' means in Jewish terms, and they also have some bizarre fantasy that Jesus was some proto-hippie extreme pacifist type. But it is also true he preached against the Babylonian cultists' fake 'master race' nonsense as well.

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

"For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."

This probably more than any other teaching is why the Temple scammers wanted him dead. Many Jews even today believe they are the only human beings, period, and all the goyim are sub-humans.
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That comes from a lack of understanding what certain terms in the NT actually mean, especially in the Sermon On The Mount. For instance, few modern Christians understand what 'neighbor' means in Jewish terms, and they also have some bizarre fantasy that Jesus was some proto-hippie extreme pacifist type. But it is also true he preached against the Babylonian cultists' fake 'master race' nonsense as well.

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

"For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."

This probably more than any other teaching is why the Temple scammers wanted him dead. Many Jews even today believe they are the only human beings, period, and all the goyim are sub-humans.
There's more as well. We are all Abraham's seed regarding the "one seed" promise. However, the other part of the Abrahamic promise, the "birthright" of wealth, power, and greatness, was given to Joseph only.
There is nothing great about any ethnicity.

Human beings are the pits.

But Caucasians (generally speaking) are the LEAST bad.

That's why the whole world is dreaming of emigrating to America or Canada or Europe or Australia.

That's why most African Americans and most Asians and most Hispanics prefer to deal socially and economically with Caucasians.
White folks, aka 'Caucasians', descendants of Israel. :)

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