Why is the working class more likely to believe in conspiracy theories nowadays?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
This is a construction worker.


Back from the 1930s-2000s people of the working class were smarter.

What happened?
The fact of the matter is that criminal conspiracies happen every day.
By definition , "the working class" can never be smart, imo . Otherwise they would not be working class .

I see no evidence to show Gullibility -- a key factor behind Stupidity --is more prevalent in any one class .

My guess is that the working class as a whole remain as stupid as they always have been but the middle and upper classes have become more gullible . As a result of information being packaged in so many different ways and they having no idea how to decide between competing narratives .
You show a picture of one guy and jump to an overall conclusion over that. Is it true? Maybe, but you did nothing to factually show it was.
Politicians knew this. This has been part of their plot to destroy us from within.
The plotting started long ago, but the carrying out of atroscities started when they murdered Kennedy.

The 70's was filled with "trial and error" corrupt shenannigans to see what worked. Not much seemed to work.
So they turned to destroying the educated working class...........by destroying the public schools. Which, fortunately for me, literally started the year AFTER I graduated from high school in the early 80's.

And they've succeeded on this front, by taking away teachers' powers over their classrooms, then taking away powers from the principles to administer punishments and run their administration office.

Then they took away teachers' rights to teach anything outside of the curriculum book. Then the lunatic leftoid "parents" started swooping in with frivoulous lawsuits because THIER kid wasn't treated like a freeking part of the Royal Family or something.

All rolling into a big ball of shit that we have today. Where kids aren't being taught readin, ritin, and rithmatic......they're being taught how to mutilate their bodies, that they aren't who they think they are, and its ok for adults to touch you anywhere they want.

The rest, they say, is history..........which is being wiped away as I write this.

A bit conveluded, but thats my response.
If all conspriacy theories are false, that must mean that everything the government/establishment tells us is one hundred percent true, with no attempt at deception. Never do powerful men and women work behind the scenes to our detriment. When they do withold information about things like the Kennedy assassination, it is always for no reason other than our own good.

I have a hard time buying that, even though any one conspiracy theory might be hard to prove.
By definition , "the working class" can never be smart, imo . Otherwise they would not be working class .

I see no evidence to show Gullibility -- a key factor behind Stupidity --is more prevalent in any one class .

My guess is that the working class as a whole remain as stupid as they always have been but the middle and upper classes have become more gullible . As a result of information being packaged in so many different ways and they having no idea how to decide between competing narratives .
What class are you part of? Are you another multi-millionaire/billionaire poster on USMB?

Of course everything people post about themselves on internet message boards is true!
What class are you part of? Are you another multi-millionaire/billionaire poster on USMB?

Of course everything people post about themselves on internet message boards is true!
An unrelated question to the Topic .
Regardless , I suspect that Intellectuals fall outside easy socio economic definition .
Perhaps , Classy , but class less .

And then a comment I do not understand .
What you suggest beneath veiled sarcasm is , imo, a self evident truth.
But so what, Joe ?
This is a construction worker.


Back from the 1930s-2000s people of the working class were smarter.

What happened?
A mixture of rampant drug abuse, people being morally stripped of their faith, and a public education system focused on teaching children they are either a victim or a victimizer based on the color of their skin, in addition to trying to convince them they may be another sex may have something to do with it

Kids may not know how to read coming out of school, but they certainly use the hundreds of properly woke newly created pronouns, not that they actually know what a pronoun is suppose to be.

But kids seem to like the kindergarten drag queen shows, so there is that.
So, all the leftist posters here who believed all the Russia collusion conspiracy hoaxes are working class posters? That surprises me greatly.

I had no idea any of them worked at all.
An unrelated question to the Topic .
Regardless , I suspect that Intellectuals fall outside easy socio economic definition .

And then a comment I do not understand .
What you suggest beneath veiled sarcasm is , imo, a self evident truth.
But so what, Joe ?
I work a job to earn a living, thus, I consider myself to be working class. You called the working class unintelligent. I was just wondering whether you are in that group or not.

When the leftist vermin have nothing to actually say, they start flinging:
















They have some sort of disease that makes them incapable of sitting quietly and meditatively, and so they must always be spewing something out of their mouths, and the impending jab death seems to be intensifying this symptom.

This is a construction worker.


Back from the 1930s-2000s people of the working class were smarter.

What happened?

People's lives suck (in the sense that they don't have anything to look forward too, their lives will be worse than their parents, the country isn't going forwards), so they make a fantasy world....
I think we should clarify our terminology here.

(1) How should the phrase 'conspiracy theory' be used? I think we'll get more clarity, if we confine its use to refer to the idea that there is a small, secret, powerful group, consciously carrying out a program of activity -- including things such as removing 'Western Civilization' from university curricula, or setting the US on a course to invade and occupy Muslim countries -- which the rest of us wouldn't approve of, if we knew the whole picture.

The aims of such a hypothetical group should be long-term, and broad: effectively, the fundamental transformation of society.
Note that doing things like getting 'Western Civilization' removed from university curricula, or invading Iraq, can be done by groups other than conspiracies. In the case of these two examples, while there might have been a conspiratorial group behind them, there did not have to be, for them to come about.

In other words, not all things that you might think are bad, and not all things that were advanced using conscious lies (Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons), had to be the result of a 'conspiracy' as I've defined it above. (And in fact I don't think they were.)

Summary: just because someone thinks that the government, or the media, or certain big corporations, or some NGO's, or certain political parties, lie to us, or distort things, or even have an agenda that they are not open about ... doesn't merit the term 'conspiracy theory'.

Put another way: we need words/phrases to distinguish between the idea that certain things happen because of a small, secret, powerful group of people, working over a long period of time, to transform society, generally in a malign way, on the one hand .... and on the other, the idea that there are interest groups pushing for their interests, and that these groups are not always candid.

I personally am skeptical about the first ... what I would call genuine 'conspiracy theories' ... but definitely believe the second.

I'm an old, white, Southern right-winger, but was only in the 'working class' (in the Marxist sense of the term) for a year, working as a machinist. So I don't know whether I qualify as 'stupid working class' or not.

(2) We need to clarify the terms 'working class' and 'smarter'. Perhaps Jake Wills could expand on what he means by that, especially by 'smarter'. Does 'smarter' mean 'higher IQ'? or 'higher levels of education'? Or does it just mean 'agreed with me politically'?

When the leftist vermin have nothing to actually say, they start flinging:
















They have some sort of disease that makes them incapable of sitting quietly and meditatively, and so they must always be spewing something out of their mouths, and the impending jab death seems to be intensifying this symptom.


And the death jabs seem to have exacerbated it even more!!!

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