Why Is Theism Waning And Atheism Growing?

Maybe it's the constant assertions of there's this being we call God who loves you, is all-powerful, and will reward you when you die...But we can't prove a word of it. GIven the choice between identifying as someone who believes that versus 'there is no God' maybe people are just choosing the more sensible option at last? Not necessarily the better option, just the more sensible one.

I think much of it is just dependent on changes in what is acceptable in any given society. It's also that we are living in a technological and scientific age. People want proof, and without it, they scoff. It's also much more convenient to live however you like, if you have no belief system. Iow, if there is no afterlife, no God, and nothing to fear from acting like an asshole, and doing whatever the hell you like, then it just makes it easier to live a more hedonistic lifestyle. We have had such a life of relative ease in this part of the world, for so many years, that we've become self-centered and complacent, and anything goes.
This atheist wants proof. Absent of proof, I don't scoff, I question.
Why would an all powerful being offer up a hell as an alternative?
I don't have a hedonistic life or lifestyle.I also don't have a dedication to god.
From all that I know of religion, I've paved my way to hell while being a good person. It's a path I proudly travel.
Maybe it's the constant assertions of there's this being we call God who loves you, is all-powerful, and will reward you when you die...But we can't prove a word of it. GIven the choice between identifying as someone who believes that versus 'there is no God' maybe people are just choosing the more sensible option at last? Not necessarily the better option, just the more sensible one.

I think much of it is just dependent on changes in what is acceptable in any given society. It's also that we are living in a technological and scientific age. People want proof, and without it, they scoff. It's also much more convenient to live however you like, if you have no belief system. Iow, if there is no afterlife, no God, and nothing to fear from acting like an asshole, and doing whatever the hell you like, then it just makes it easier to live a more hedonistic lifestyle. We have had such a life of relative ease in this part of the world, for so many years, that we've become self-centered and complacent, and anything goes.
This atheist wants proof. Absent of proof, I don't scoff, I question.
Why would an all powerful being offer up a hell as an alternative?
I don't have a hedonistic life or lifestyle.I also don't have a dedication to god.
From all that I know of religion, I've paved my way to hell while being a good person. It's a path I proudly travel.

you say that now. But then you will have to meet your maker and answer to a Holy awesome God that will make you tremble in your boots so much you will die...and then get your just punishment in Hell.
This atheist wants proof. Absent of proof, I don't scoff, I question.
Why would an all powerful being offer up a hell as an alternative?
I don't have a hedonistic life or lifestyle.I also don't have a dedication to god.
From all that I know of religion, I've paved my way to hell while being a good person. It's a path I proudly travel.

you say that now. But then you will have to meet your maker and answer to a Holy awesome God that will make you tremble in your boots so much you will die...and then get your just punishment in Hell.
You seem excited that I should suffer for not believing in your god. Not very loving of you (or loving of your god). I hope your choice of god doesn't ricochet on you if you've chosen the wrong one, or the wrong means of worship.. Best of luck to you.
People are tired of being tied down to a religion that is goofy..anyone with half a brain can see the inconsistency of religion..
well said.....and those of us with the rest of the brains have gotten beyond your limitations and realize there is no inconsistency......
Science once told us that illnesses were caused by tiny men inside our bodies, maliciously attacking us from within.
And now medical science has antibiotics.
an answer to our prayers......
So is that blueprint for the cancer cell. Thank your gawds.
well, I don't have a degree in biology, but I'm pretty certain that antibiotics are not the blueprint for cancer cells.......if you have some documentation to support that I will certainly take a look......
Theism, and specifically, Christianity, is growing by leaps and bounds.

As we proved and discussed in guano's retardothread.

What a low IQ buffoon, not in educated counties its not , In the US its shrinking
as ignorance spreads, atheism takes root and grows.....
Actually, it has been the waning influence of the religious entities that has allowed science and knowledge to expand man's horizons. It was lovely Flat Earth types such as yourself who kept Europe in the Dark Ages.
People are tired of being tied down to a religion that is goofy..anyone with half a brain can see the inconsistency of religion..
well said.....and those of us with the rest of the brains have gotten beyond your limitations and realize there is no inconsistency......
Except for the inconsistencies, errors and outright falsehoods.
Theism, and specifically, Christianity, is growing by leaps and bounds.

As we proved and discussed in guano's retardothread.

"Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense"..... Chapman Cohen.
Inspired by Guno's thread about declining 'religious affiliated' people the question occurs, why is one declining in popularity, and the other increasing?

Atheism doesn't promise good stuff for good people but rather absolute nothingness. Not much of a selling point there, yet it's becomming more popular, and the ones that do promise heaven or paradise are in their declines. Why would that be?

Might think because people gravitate to the truth, but I wouldn't agree they do that as evidenced by Christianity and Islam's 3.5 billion followers where Judaism, the initial religion latter ones are built from have only 14 million. If truth were always more attractive, there should be 3.5 bn Jews and only a few million other faiths.

Maybe it's the constant assertions of there's this being we call God who loves you, is all-powerful, and will reward you when you die...But we can't prove a word of it. GIven the choice between identifying as someone who believes that versus 'there is no God' maybe people are just choosing the more sensible option at last? Not necessarily the better option, just the more sensible one.

We live in a new world of material possessions and feel-good vices. Who needs God when the most important thing in one's life is the stuff they own?
Maybe it's the constant assertions of there's this being we call God who loves you, is all-powerful, and will reward you when you die...But we can't prove a word of it. GIven the choice between identifying as someone who believes that versus 'there is no God' maybe people are just choosing the more sensible option at last? Not necessarily the better option, just the more sensible one.

I think much of it is just dependent on changes in what is acceptable in any given society. It's also that we are living in a technological and scientific age. People want proof, and without it, they scoff. It's also much more convenient to live however you like, if you have no belief system. Iow, if there is no afterlife, no God, and nothing to fear from acting like an asshole, and doing whatever the hell you like, then it just makes it easier to live a more hedonistic lifestyle. We have had such a life of relative ease in this part of the world, for so many years, that we've become self-centered and complacent, and anything goes.
This atheist wants proof. Absent of proof, I don't scoff, I question.
Why would an all powerful being offer up a hell as an alternative?
I don't have a hedonistic life or lifestyle.I also don't have a dedication to god.
From all that I know of religion, I've paved my way to hell while being a good person. It's a path I proudly travel.

you say that now. But then you will have to meet your maker and answer to a Holy awesome God that will make you tremble in your boots so much you will die...and then get your just punishment in Hell.

I love it!! The, just you wait christian revenge fantasy!!!
This atheist wants proof. Absent of proof, I don't scoff, I question.
Why would an all powerful being offer up a hell as an alternative?
I don't have a hedonistic life or lifestyle.I also don't have a dedication to god.
From all that I know of religion, I've paved my way to hell while being a good person. It's a path I proudly travel.

Well, you're not exactly the average guy, Alan1, lol. As for hell, you know I don't believe it exists as a place, and you also know that I don't practice dogmatic or traditional religion. Religion is one of those things that some of us want or need for our own reasons, just as it's something that some have no use for, also for personal reasons. I personally don't care what anyone believes (or not). It makes no difference in the big scheme of things.
People are tired of being tied down to a religion that is goofy..anyone with half a brain can see the inconsistency of religion..
well said.....and those of us with the rest of the brains have gotten beyond your limitations and realize there is no inconsistency......
Except for the inconsistencies, errors and outright falsehoods.
since they all come from atheists, we tend to ignore them.....
People are tired of being tied down to a religion that is goofy..anyone with half a brain can see the inconsistency of religion..
well said.....and those of us with the rest of the brains have gotten beyond your limitations and realize there is no inconsistency......
Except for the inconsistencies, errors and outright falsehoods.
since they all come from atheists, we tend to ignore them.....
Ignorance on your part won't magically erase the errors, inconsistencies and falsehoods in the various bibles.
People are tired of being tied down to a religion that is goofy..anyone with half a brain can see the inconsistency of religion..
well said.....and those of us with the rest of the brains have gotten beyond your limitations and realize there is no inconsistency......
Except for the inconsistencies, errors and outright falsehoods.
since they all come from atheists, we tend to ignore them.....
Ignorance on your part won't magically erase the errors, inconsistencies and falsehoods in the various bibles.
/shrugs....ignorance on your part created them.....

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