Why is there a rush to pass Healthcare reform before Christmas? Anyone?

Obviously this is a huge issue so why is there such a rush to pass this thing when I'm sure half of the Senators haven't even read it? I know Conservatives will say because they don't want people to know what's in the bill but Liberals and/or Democrats from your point of view what is the hurry on such a massive bill?

Senate starts early morn votes on health care Tues - Yahoo! News
Over 40 years is a rush?

Are you serious!!?
Obviously this is a huge issue so why is there such a rush to pass this thing when I'm sure half of the Senators haven't even read it? I know Conservatives will say because they don't want people to know what's in the bill but Liberals and/or Democrats from your point of view what is the hurry on such a massive bill?

Senate starts early morn votes on health care Tues - Yahoo! News
Over 40 years is a rush?

Are you serious!!?

Is that the best comment you have?:cuckoo:

Can you show me the text of this bill 40 years ago? Thanks... I'll wait patiently.... LOL
Granny, you're just a fear monger.
Granny understands history and the fact that it tends to repeat itself. Liberal numbnuts suffer from wealth envy too much to pay attention to history. They think there's going to be milk and honey flowing equally to all the worker bees when socialism is the norm. It will flow only to government workers and will be paid for by the dumb masses...forever.

What idiots the liberals have become...cheering on the very destruction of this nation.

Wake up and smell the misery coming, you utter fools!

We've smelled the misery before. 8 long years of it.

Granny and you understand wingnut talking points. Nothing more.
You are a member of the majority of voters that have no clue as to what is happening. You listen to the liberal talking points and vote for change as if it's actually going to benefit you the way the liberal sales-weasels present it. It is the young, wealth-envying, pimple-faced, snot-nosed kid syndrome you are suffering from. Take a tip from history and WAKE THE HELL UP!!

Obviously this is a huge issue so why is there such a rush to pass this thing when I'm sure half of the Senators haven't even read it? I know Conservatives will say because they don't want people to know what's in the bill but Liberals and/or Democrats from your point of view what is the hurry on such a massive bill?

Senate starts early morn votes on health care Tues - Yahoo! News

This is hardly rushing. I thought we'd be done with healthcare by July and certainly by the August recess.

Rs have stalled the passage of this bill as long as they possibly can with no input whatsoever from their side. Enough already.
No input, my ass. The Alpha Bitch Nancy Pelosi has HR3400 stuck in committee because she doesn't want the voting public to hear about it. The Rs have been locked out of the back room dealings that the admin calls transparent. The bitch tries to turn off the lights and shut down the House when she's not in the mood to hear Rs talk.

You can take your argument and stick it. The Rs are pissing against the wind...a Category 5 Liberal hurricane that is bearing down on the United States.

There are still 25 to 30 million Americans not covered. If Republicans get a majority, they will repeal it as soon as possible.

"Let up pray God does "something" to "stop" one of those Democrats". (maybe send a lone gunman? maybe?)

Does anyone believe the secessionist Republicans have the welfare of the country in mind? They want the president to fail. They don't care about the middle class.

Hell, if they were so concerned, then why didn't they do anything about it when they had both houses and the presidency?

Sidebar, government can't do anything -

Continental imprisons 50 passengers overnight in grounded plane with no food, overflowing toilets - Boing Boing

Continental Airlines diverted a Twin-Cities-bound plane to Rochester due to a storm, and then locked the entire planeload of passengers in the plane overnight for nine hours. The TSA had gone home, so the passengers couldn't clear security if they got off and left the airport, and the ground crew wouldn't let them get off and stay in the airport. So 47 people -- including babies -- were locked into the plane with no food and overflowing toilets, held prisoner until the airline could get its act together.

Travel | Airlines must let passengers out of stranded planes after 3 hours | Seattle Times Newspaper

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration took aim Monday at tarmac horror stories, ordering airlines to let passengers stuck in stranded airplanes to disembark after three hours.


Bush and the Republicans would have said, "Screw 'em". Government shouldn't be involved.
Typical liberal gibberish. The number of uninsured has been inflated by the libs ever since the argument started. Don't bother quoting the numbers put by the White House. They'd have you believing they've created or saved a boat load of jobs so far. Propoganda at its finest. Liberal bullshit being served to you daily...and you eat it with glee.

Obviously this is a huge issue so why is there such a rush to pass this thing when I'm sure half of the Senators haven't even read it? I know Conservatives will say because they don't want people to know what's in the bill but Liberals and/or Democrats from your point of view what is the hurry on such a massive bill?

Senate starts early morn votes on health care Tues - Yahoo! News

The Republicans aren't going to vote for it if they read it 10 times over.

Better question is, why is there a need to delay when the Democrats have 60 votes? Like Rachel Maddow aptly analogized last night, the Republicans are like the visiting baseball team insisting they play the bottom the of the ninth, when the home team is ahead and the outcome can't change.

The Republicans, in short, to mix a few metaphors, are in full on bunker mentality.
The liberals are full of lies and deceit. You can act all smug and pompous now...just wait to the cost of this nightmare shows itself at your front door.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
KMAN...this (healthcare reform issue) is not a game, although in your demented brain...it is.

Carry on.
Dems did this pos behind closed doors; they didn't invite or want the R's there. They didn't want to hear anything the Rs had to offer (tort reform, opening covered up across state lines, etc). I thought Barry said 'bi-partisan'? Instead of making it a point to include the Rs he went along with Hairy and Nazi and ignored the Rs. Anyone who thinks this massive pos will do anything but increase costs and give uncle more control is nuts. $500B in 'savings from cutting waste and fraud in Medicare' to pay for it? :rofl: :rofl: If you believe that I have some lake front property in the Sahara you should buy.

They've been too nice to Rs on this. Rs have been using delay tactics at every turn. Look at them now, opposing sending money for Afghanistan, demanding a full reading of the bill Saturday, dragging this out until Christmas Eve...

With the passage of this bill, Democrats will be feeling very confident in 2010. They're learning to win ugly. Obama didn't get everything he wanted but he's getting a bill.

So Sarah, why do you not want your Senator to read the final bill before he/she votes on it?

I have 2 senators, Sherrod Brown and Voinovich. I know which one read the bill and which one is coasting to retirement next year. Do you?
This is hardly rushing. I thought we'd be done with healthcare by July and certainly by the August recess.

Rs have stalled the passage of this bill as long as they possibly can with no input whatsoever from their side. Enough already.

Dems did this pos behind closed doors; they didn't invite or want the R's there. They didn't want to hear anything the Rs had to offer (tort reform, opening covered up across state lines, etc). I thought Barry said 'bi-partisan'? Instead of making it a point to include the Rs he went along with Hairy and Nazi and ignored the Rs. Anyone who thinks this massive pos will do anything but increase costs and give uncle more control is nuts. $500B in 'savings from cutting waste and fraud in Medicare' to pay for it? :rofl: :rofl: If you believe that I have some lake front property in the Sahara you should buy.

They've been too nice to Rs on this. Rs have been using delay tactics at every turn. Look at them now, opposing sending money for Afghanistan, demanding a full reading of the bill Saturday, dragging this out until Christmas Eve...

With the passage of this bill, Democrats will be feeling very confident in 2010. They're learning to win ugly. Obama didn't get everything he wanted but he's getting a bill.

My God, you're right. What was I thinking? This is such a stupid idea that I propose that all future bills be written behind closed doors and only those who are deemed worthy should be allowed to read them; all others will simply vote lock-step with the party. Imagine them actually knowing what it is they're voting on. Oh, bad, bad me for thinking that was a good idea. :rolleyes:

And that, friends, is it in a nutshell. Obama is getting to check this off his to-do list, regardless of the fact that it is a horrendous piece of shit.
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They did the same thing with the porkulus bill, shove it down our throats before the animosity reaches a crescendo toward the bill. Only 37 percent support for this bill now, and it will get worse. I don't even think those that support the bill care about the specifics or the corruption of it. It was a great year to buy healthcare stocks with the paid off Democrats in power.

God help the kids behind us, they are going to be very bitter when they see what their vote did to them. The young wanted this, then let the education begin.
The President’s 2010 Budget seeks to usher in a new era of responsibility – an era in which we not only do what we must to save and create new jobs and lift our economy out of recession, but in which we also lay a new foundation for long-term growth and prosperity. To achieve these goals, the Nation must address some of the deep, systemic problems that have been ignored for too long by making critical investments in education, so that every child can compete in the global economy, health care so that we can control costs while boosting coverage and quality, and renewable sources of energy so that we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and become the world leader in the new clean energy economy. At the same time, we also must restore fiscal discipline, making sure that we invest in what works and do not waste taxpayer dollars on programs that do not work or are duplicative.

Taken together, education, health care, clean energy, and fiscal discipline are the pillars upon which we can build a new foundation for our economy, a foundation that brings opportunity and prosperity to all Americans for decades to come and to every corner of our country.

The President's Budget

That is why the rush to pass it before the New Year, if it is not passed before the New Year then the Presidents 2010 Budget is impacted and tax collection in the bill that will be used to pay down the deficit as a 2010 campaign issue will not be in place.

So are you OK with your Senator not knowing everything in the bill before voting on it?

I will REPEAT as I did in my last post, my posting is an ANSWER to the THREAD question and is NOT an endorsement of the policy. Having said that then you can assume that I would NEVER endorse nor would I condone ANY Senator EVER pass a bill much less vote on it without even reading it like the current members seem to make a habit of.
Did you write that or did you cut & paste it from the communist manifesto?

The question on the thread was.....
Why is there a rush to pass Healthcare reform before Christmas? Anyone?

The other part was my answer as to why the rush, if you choose to read between the lines and see that as some kind of endorsement then you would be VERY Mistaken.

Further if you follow the link you would have seen that the information comes from the Whitehouse web page as to what they intend to use healthcare for.

I thought so.

Problem is....it's all a pack of lies.

What was posted on the Whitehouse web page was worth seeing in order to understand the true nature of the need to rush this worthless bill through congress. I would never endorse a policy that seeks to tax without constitutional authority to do so while using that as an excuse to lower the deficit. In my opnion the Govt. can easily claim that it lowers the deficit and so could I if I took all my bills and gave them to someone else like the Fed is doing to the states in the healthcare bill. So don't think for a moment I would ever endorse this worhtless bill or policy that supports it, however it is worth posting the information in order to answer the original thread question as to the reasons.
First version of this bill cleared three of the five required committees in JULY.

Yeah - real rush job ......

what a lame argument
Obviously this is a huge issue so why is there such a rush to pass this thing when I'm sure half of the Senators haven't even read it? I know Conservatives will say because they don't want people to know what's in the bill but Liberals and/or Democrats from your point of view what is the hurry on such a massive bill?

Senate starts early morn votes on health care Tues - Yahoo! News

Because the bill wont take effect until 2013 so we have to rush to get it done right now.

Oh wait thats a bad argument :lol:
First version of this bill cleared three of the five required committees in JULY.

Yeah - real rush job ......

what a lame argument

NoDog what was the presidents first deadline date on healthcare (the one he set before the teaparty people mucked things up for him)?
Obviously this is a huge issue so why is there such a rush to pass this thing when I'm sure half of the Senators haven't even read it? I know Conservatives will say because they don't want people to know what's in the bill but Liberals and/or Democrats from your point of view what is the hurry on such a massive bill?

Senate starts early morn votes on health care Tues - Yahoo! News

That's easy... cause it pisses off you loons....

and it keeps you from whining that they couldn't.

damn, sucks being you today;
They wanted it passed last summer because Congress doesn't want it fresh on the voters minds for the mid-terms, and it won't take effect till 2013 because the White House doesn't want to deal with any voter dissatisfaction with it in 2012.

Plus it gives BO something to point to in his first year, other than Bush.
They wanted it passed last summer because Congress doesn't want it fresh on the voters minds for the mid-terms, and it won't take effect till 2013 because the White House doesn't want to deal with any voter dissatisfaction with it in 2012.

Plus it gives BO something to point to in his first year, other than Bush.

I agree with the first part.

I dunno about the bush thing though, they will ride the Bush horse till 2012.

The FAR LEFT who are in charge of writing this bill knows the majority of their democrat collegues wont get re-elected if they pass this bill, thats the rush to get it done. Must be done BEFORE The election cycle or it wont ever get done.
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I think the original thread poster was more or less asking why the rush to get a bill done who's benefits don't kick in till 2013 and 2014, and further as those who support this bill like to say we have been waiting since 1912, then waiting after the holidays should not be that much of a wait then. In fact if the emergency to enact this was a critical as those who support it say it is, then where is the outrage that you will not be getting the benefits of this bill for another several years. Further where is the outrage over the elimination of the Democart parties own plank on the matter of helathcare reform from this bill? Where is your outrage for seing teachers, fire, police, laid off as a result for funding Medicaid programs in states that your citizens have no access too? So you have waited cine 1912 for reform, sadly with this bill regardless of it's passing your going to have to wait a bit longer then.

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