Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

For those objecting to taking down the monuments. Can you explain why this monument should be protected?


That's why it was moved into a corner, behind a parking lot and under a tree. Like I said, I walked by it dozens of times and never even noticed it. That inscription was removed years ago... for obvious reasons.
For those objecting to taking down the monuments. Can you explain why this monument should be protected?


That's why it was moved into a corner, behind a parking lot and under a tree. Like I said, I walked by it dozens of times and never even noticed it. That inscription was removed years ago... for obvious reasons.


I noticed it, just never knew what the heck it was because there was no writing on it. It was just this obelisk thingy with nothing noting what it was.
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
How that refute the fact that since its inception, Democrat party was racist and pro slavery?

The conservatives in the south were racist and pro slavery...they still are

The only racists on the south were Democrats. The only pro slave owners on south and north were, you're guessing it... Democrats.
Now they are Republican

That's what you lefties wish and that's what you saying, but it doesn't make it truth.

KKK platform closely follows the GOP platform
Little difference

How about you post the two and point to those little differences?
....I still want to know who is offended by this part of history. Are they the same people who ban free speech at Berkley? Wake up people. Your first amendment is being shit on as you sit back and watch.
Snowflakes. Snowflakes so unique, so special, their opinions trump everyone elses opinion, including all of history.

The fact we have a self-professed history teacher actively advocating rewriting history to become more PC is indicative of the problem our nation is facing.

I'm rewriting history? OK, I'll bite. Please explain what parts of Civil War history I'm rewriting, and please include links to sources backing up your claim. I'll be back after lunch to see what you have. :)
Characterizing Southerners as not being Americans is a start. Claiming the South started the Civil War when, as educated, unbiased historians know, the South seceded and it was Lincoln who started the Civil War by invading Virginia. Now you are advocating removing specific statues for PC reasons yet have no problem with supporting multiple slave-built buildings.


The Civil War wasn't even a rebellion. I was certain people in Southern States who decided they would try and take over that part of the United States.

Not sure why it needs any celebration.

The Confederacy is also symbolic of human slavery, which is bad.
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.
Those racists that support slavery are called republicans around these parts
New Orleans has begun taking down Confederate monuments, moving them from public spaces to museums. Why is this controversial?

First, let's be honest: Taking up arms against the lawfully-elected government of the United States is treason. Sure, one man's treason is another man's freedom fighter. But IIRC (and please post links if I'm wrong so I can admit that clearly), the South started the Civil War because they believed Lincoln would dismantle slavery. Not because he said he would, because he didn't, but because they believed he would.

This isn't the case of a downtrodden, abused people rising up against a cruel, despotic government. IMO, that makes rebellion morally justified. But this is a case of people rising up against a democratic republic because they were worried the gov't would take away their slaves.

And I get that some folks want to change the Civil War into a noble struggle for state's rights. But let's remember two facts: 1) This is about the right to own black people as slaves, and 2) the feds hadn't trampled on that right when the South started war.

Now, I appreciate that the US Civil War is part of our history. We shouldn't ignore it or whitewash it. And there's nothing wrong with loving your state or respecting your ancestors. But why do some people want to keep statues and monuments dedicated to people who fought and killed US citizens? Would it be okay if a Muslim-American community built a statue of Nidal Hasan (the guy who killed 13 people at Fort Hood) and claim it's part of their heritage?

Seriously, why is removing these monuments to put into a museum so controversial?
You know the answer.

The Civil War wasn't even a rebellion. I was certain people in Southern States who decided they would try and take over that part of the United States.

Not sure why it needs any celebration.

The Confederacy is also symbolic of human slavery, which is bad.
States rights is what it was fought over.
Yes and almost exclusively the right of southern states to continue Human Slavery

Read the justifications for session written by South Carolina, Texas, Mississippi, and Georgia.
The conservatives in the south were racist and pro slavery...they still are

The only racists on the south were Democrats. The only pro slave owners on south and north were, you're guessing it... Democrats.
Now they are Republican

That's what you lefties wish and that's what you saying, but it doesn't make it truth.

KKK platform closely follows the GOP platform
Little difference

How about you post the two and point to those little differences?
Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.
Those racists that support slavery are called republicans around these parts
Thanks for walking back your initial hyperbolic statement.
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?
I'm sure taxes had a part and I'm not sure your 6% is true ,,,but even so the rest of the south surely found no fault in their ownership
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.
Those racists that support slavery are called republicans around these parts
They've changed their stripes over the years, they were Yellow Dog Democrats up until Segregation days when they bled into the Republican Party. But Slavers, Jim Crowe era southerners, Segregation era southerners, and now Southern evangelical Republicans.....are all the same people and their offspring

Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.
Those racists that support slavery are called republicans around these parts
They've changed their stripes over the years, they were Yellow Dog Democrats up until Segregation days when they bled into the Republican Party. But Slavers, Jim Crowe era southerners, Segregation era southerners, and now Southern evangelical Republicans.....are all the same people and their offspring

Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
BRAVO toxic .....it's in their genes
The only racists on the south were Democrats. The only pro slave owners on south and north were, you're guessing it... Democrats.
Now they are Republican

That's what you lefties wish and that's what you saying, but it doesn't make it truth.

KKK platform closely follows the GOP platform
Little difference

How about you post the two and point to those little differences?
Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda

I asked you to post two platforms and point to the similarities and differences.

As expected, you posted someone else opinion and propaganda. Fucking leftie.
I'm sure taxes had a part and I'm not sure your 6% is true ,,,but even so the rest of the south surely found no fault in their ownership
Obviously economics were part of it. Funny how you doubt my "6%" yet you didn't bat an eye slaves being "40%" of the population. Slaves were expensive. Thousands of dollars in 1861 dollars. Most people couldn't afford them. Many didn't agree with the idea of slavery. It was the rich landowners who needed them.

Still, if all the above was true, why did 258,000 Confederates die fighting the Northern invaders?
...Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
Exactly the type of hatred that drove the North to invade the South in 1861.

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