Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

How I can tell a racist,,,,is when they bash Obama wrongly for things he did when they bash him for things he didn't do and when they give a president laboring under an objectionist congress no credit at all
I'll add - when the monuments were popping up all over the south in the later part of the 19th century, it was for the cause of the white supremacist south.

The black population could go to hell. It was meant as a big **** you to them.

In the later 1800's early 1900's - in the south was when they really flexed their White Supremacist muscle.

That's when the Jim Crow laws, literacy tests, state mandated segregation - and basically full stomping on the Civil Rights of blacks in the South came about with a brute force.

That short bit of time after the 15th Amendment when blacks were allowed to vote, and it was Federally enforced - was gone.

Some states that had the black population make up over 50% or registered voters in the years after the war, plummeted to literally a fraction of 1% by 1900.

At this same time, a resurfacing of Confederate "nobility" came about, and United Confederate Veterans, the United Daughters of the Confederacy set about to rewriting the history of the War.

They started portraying the CSA as being about things like the tariffs, and States' Rights, and tried to whitewash the slavery aspect out of it altogether - and to the extent slavery existed, it was a benevolent kind, with gentle Mammies, generous, loving slaveowners, and happy happy slaves.

They did this to justify Jim Crow and the White Supremacy that brought out KKK and other paramilitary organizations that were terrorizing and intimidating the hell out of the the blacks at that time.

It was those women's groups that set in motion, even a hundred years later, with their Lost Cause propaganda and erecting of these statues all over the South the whitewash myth that still lingers.

I don't feel strongly about moving these statues one way or another, but people need to remember why and under what circumstances they were put there.

The over arching message was: White Supremacy Reigns.

Short summary of the Democrat party.
Yes, I'm getting a big kick watching so many steadfast conservatives defend and champion Democrats.

Come on divine The south has never lost their hate of the blacks Why do you think the south is always repub and blacks always vote dem?
Again, where do your learn this false information? Your broad brushing of is as peculiar as it is wrong.

Don't you realize how racist it looks when you post things like "blacks always vote dem"?
Divine what % of blacks have voted Dem even before Obama? Is what I said a lie? Or are dems not supposed to utter words like that to embarrass Republicans?
Prove "blacks always vote dem" as you previously posted. If you can't, are you mature enough to admit you posted a racist lie? I'm guessing you are not.
Come on divine The south has never lost their hate of the blacks Why do you think the south is always repub and blacks always vote dem?
Again, where do your learn this false information? Your broad brushing of is as peculiar as it is wrong.

Don't you realize how racist it looks when you post things like "blacks always vote dem"?
Divine what % of blacks have voted Dem even before Obama? Is what I said a lie? Or are dems not supposed to utter words like that to embarrass Republicans?
Prove "blacks always vote dem" as you previously posted. If you can't, are you mature enough to admit you posted a racist lie? I'm guessing you are not.

Come on divine The south has never lost their hate of the blacks Why do you think the south is always repub and blacks always vote dem?
Again, where do your learn this false information? Your broad brushing of is as peculiar as it is wrong.

Don't you realize how racist it looks when you post things like "blacks always vote dem"?
Divine what % of blacks have voted Dem even before Obama? Is what I said a lie? Or are dems not supposed to utter words like that to embarrass Republicans?
Prove "blacks always vote dem" as you previously posted. If you can't, are you mature enough to admit you posted a racist lie? I'm guessing you are not.
Divine you're picking at straws Nothing is all or always Maybe for you I should have said most and most of the time
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.
Those racists that support slavery are called republicans around these parts
They've changed their stripes over the years, they were Yellow Dog Democrats up until Segregation days when they bled into the Republican Party. But Slavers, Jim Crowe era southerners, Segregation era southerners, and now Southern evangelical Republicans.....are all the same people and their offspring

Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives

Those are all democrats. You said they changed the stripes?

How about you name five racist Democrats that "switched" to "racist" Republican party.
I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks:
1. Strom Thurmond
Didn't take candidates changing parties....it took VOTERS changing parties
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google
Come on divine The south has never lost their hate of the blacks Why do you think the south is always repub and blacks always vote dem?
Again, where do your learn this false information? Your broad brushing of is as peculiar as it is wrong.

Don't you realize how racist it looks when you post things like "blacks always vote dem"?
Divine what % of blacks have voted Dem even before Obama? Is what I said a lie? Or are dems not supposed to utter words like that to embarrass Republicans?
Prove "blacks always vote dem" as you previously posted. If you can't, are you mature enough to admit you posted a racist lie? I'm guessing you are not.
Divine you're picking at straws Nothing is all or always Maybe for you I should have said most and most of the time
Translation: You are correct, DW, I fucking lied my ass off.

I correctly called you on both your lies and your lack of maturity in admitting you lied.
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had
Correct. Like a government that, in an effort to right all past wrongs institutionalizes racism via a quota system?
You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had
Correct. Like a government that, in an effort to right all past wrongs institutionalizes racism via a quota system?

You mean affirmative action?
Affirmative action helped all American families and is a reason we have progressed so far in job equality
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had
Correct. Like a government that, in an effort to right all past wrongs institutionalizes racism via a quota system?

You mean affirmative action?
Affirmative action helped all American families and is a reason we have progressed so far in job equality

By discriminating against a certain race? That fixes discrimination?

...Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
Exactly the type of hatred that drove the North to invade the South in 1861.

Maybe the Con-federates shouldn't have started the war then.
You mean if they hadn't seceded, the North wouldn't have invaded the South? Agreed.
The North didn't invade when the South seceded. You might want to check a legit history book on that. They invaded AFTER the stupids running the South fired on a Federal Installation out on an island.
As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had
Correct. Like a government that, in an effort to right all past wrongs institutionalizes racism via a quota system?

You mean affirmative action?
Affirmative action helped all American families and is a reason we have progressed so far in job equality

By discriminating against a certain race? That fixes discrimination?


Yes it did fix discrimination and held business accountable

After civil rights legislation was passed the reaction of the racists was to proclaim....You can pass all the laws you want, but I will still not hire blacks/women/minorities
Affirmative Action came out as a result. It was a huge success
...Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
Exactly the type of hatred that drove the North to invade the South in 1861.
Maybe the Con-federates shouldn't have started the war then.
You mean if they hadn't seceded, the North wouldn't have invaded the South? Agreed.
The North didn't invade when the South seceded. You might want to check a legit history book on that. They invaded AFTER the stupids running the South fired on a Federal Installation out on an island.

And after the Southrons started stealing federal property all across the South starting in late Dec. 1860, and in Jan 1861, firing on Union ships.
The North didn't invade when the South seceded. You might want to check a legit history book on that. They invaded AFTER the stupids running the South fired on a Federal Installation out on an island.
Thanks for admitting the North invaded the South.
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had

Not south. Democrats.

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