Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

I voted for Ron Reagan twice
Can't get more conservative than that
Interesting to know you were "conservative" 33 years ago. Will you be as willing to admit who you voted for in every Presidential election since then?

Still, you dodged the "yes or no" question. Why? Why are you hiding? Why do you hide your true self? You should know you can be honest and just ask the mods to change your screen name, right?
Divine We will never agree on many things but I'd never call you a fn liar There are some here that deserve that but not you
If I ever lie, you are free to call me a fucking liar. Words have meaning. It's one thing to make a mistake. It's another to not own up to that mistake.

On forums, we can all claim to be billionaires, brilliant scientists or whatever, but all we really have is our reputation gained through our posts. You have yours and I have mine. People can call us all sorts of names, lie about us, say whatever they want, but over time, each poster on this forum gains a reputation. Right or wrong, in the end, they usually earn that reputation.
So because I said all instead of most makes me a fn liar??
I voted for Ron Reagan twice
Can't get more conservative than that
Interesting to know you were "conservative" 33 years ago. Will you be as willing to admit who you voted for in every Presidential election since then?

Still, you dodged the "yes or no" question. Why? Why are you hiding? Why do you hide your true self? You should know you can be honest and just ask the mods to change your screen name, right?

Voted for Bush 41 twice too......He was a better President than Reagan

How many Dems have you voted for?
Divine We will never agree on many things but I'd never call you a fn liar There are some here that deserve that but not you
If I ever lie, you are free to call me a fucking liar. Words have meaning. It's one thing to make a mistake. It's another to not own up to that mistake.

On forums, we can all claim to be billionaires, brilliant scientists or whatever, but all we really have is our reputation gained through our posts. You have yours and I have mine. People can call us all sorts of names, lie about us, say whatever they want, but over time, each poster on this forum gains a reputation. Right or wrong, in the end, they usually earn that reputation.
So because I said all instead of most makes me a fn liar??
Yes for two reasons IMO; You won't produce proof of "all" and you won't admit you were exaggerating. Obviously you are either too young or too ill educated to admit error. Perhaps it's only a personality defect.

Either way, you clearly made an error and, after several posts, you refuse to admit making it. What do you think that makes you?
I voted for Ron Reagan twice
Can't get more conservative than that
Interesting to know you were "conservative" 33 years ago. Will you be as willing to admit who you voted for in every Presidential election since then?

Still, you dodged the "yes or no" question. Why? Why are you hiding? Why do you hide your true self? You should know you can be honest and just ask the mods to change your screen name, right?

Voted for Bush 41 twice too......He was a better President than Reagan

How many Dems have you voted for?
Nice dance. So over 30 years ago you voted Republican. Why are you being so evasive? I think the answer is clear to all.
How that refute the fact that since its inception, Democrat party was racist and pro slavery?

The conservatives in the south were racist and pro slavery...they still are

bullshit. where do you post from, winger? where is your care facility located?
How do you think Trump got elected?

by getting more electoral votes than the corrupt lying Hillary Clinton. Because the American people did not want any more of the Clinton crime family.
So they took in the Ponzi like con man who will walk away with billions when he's through screwing America

your defective liberal gene is working overtime.
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
And when blacks started taking rednecks jobs the necks really got pissed

there are black rednecks, moron. Your ignorance is amazing
you ask why? Because these repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2 and those statues represent their heroes
Wow. Did you learn that from MSNBC or at your commune's school?

While there are certainly racists who support slavery, they are in the minority. A very small minority. The majority of Americans recognize slavery as an abomination even if, at the same time, they recognize a state's right to secede prior to the Civil War.

You are dancing around the issue

They seceded to protect their right to own slaves. They created a nation where 40% of the population was in slavery
That is what you are defending
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years

more BS, its all you have
...Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
Exactly the type of hatred that drove the North to invade the South in 1861.

Maybe the Con-federates shouldn't have started the war then.
Maybe Lincoln ended it too soon Another month or 2 we might not have problems with racism now
Back to your Death Camp idea for Southerners again? How Socialist of you.

You mean Andersonville?
I voted for Ron Reagan twice
Can't get more conservative than that
Interesting to know you were "conservative" 33 years ago. Will you be as willing to admit who you voted for in every Presidential election since then?

Still, you dodged the "yes or no" question. Why? Why are you hiding? Why do you hide your true self? You should know you can be honest and just ask the mods to change your screen name, right?

Voted for Bush 41 twice too......He was a better President than Reagan

How many Dems have you voted for?
Nice dance. So over 30 years ago you voted Republican. Why are you being so evasive? I think the answer is clear to all.
Name the Dems you have voted for Welcher
New Orleans has begun taking down Confederate monuments, moving them from public spaces to museums. Why is this controversial?

First, let's be honest: Taking up arms against the lawfully-elected government of the United States is treason. Sure, one man's treason is another man's freedom fighter. But IIRC (and please post links if I'm wrong so I can admit that clearly), the South started the Civil War because they believed Lincoln would dismantle slavery. Not because he said he would, because he didn't, but because they believed he would.

This isn't the case of a downtrodden, abused people rising up against a cruel, despotic government. IMO, that makes rebellion morally justified. But this is a case of people rising up against a democratic republic because they were worried the gov't would take away their slaves.

And I get that some folks want to change the Civil War into a noble struggle for state's rights. But let's remember two facts: 1) This is about the right to own black people as slaves, and 2) the feds hadn't trampled on that right when the South started war.

Now, I appreciate that the US Civil War is part of our history. We shouldn't ignore it or whitewash it. And there's nothing wrong with loving your state or respecting your ancestors. But why do some people want to keep statues and monuments dedicated to people who fought and killed US citizens? Would it be okay if a Muslim-American community built a statue of Nidal Hasan (the guy who killed 13 people at Fort Hood) and claim it's part of their heritage?

Seriously, why is removing these monuments to put into a museum so controversial?

it isn't to normal people.

it is to bigoted white supremacists

i just had to click in to see who the moron was who thought your post was funny.
...Everything really shitty that has ever happened in America can be traced back to southern and Midwestern Conservatives
Exactly the type of hatred that drove the North to invade the South in 1861.

Maybe the Con-federates shouldn't have started the war then.
Maybe Lincoln ended it too soon Another month or 2 we might not have problems with racism now
Back to your Death Camp idea for Southerners again? How Socialist of you.

You mean Andersonville?
No. Ed was espousing a final solution for all Southerners, something he feels is still appropriate.
New Orleans has begun taking down Confederate monuments, moving them from public spaces to museums. Why is this controversial?

First, let's be honest: Taking up arms against the lawfully-elected government of the United States is treason. Sure, one man's treason is another man's freedom fighter. But IIRC (and please post links if I'm wrong so I can admit that clearly), the South started the Civil War because they believed Lincoln would dismantle slavery. Not because he said he would, because he didn't, but because they believed he would.

This isn't the case of a downtrodden, abused people rising up against a cruel, despotic government. IMO, that makes rebellion morally justified. But this is a case of people rising up against a democratic republic because they were worried the gov't would take away their slaves.

And I get that some folks want to change the Civil War into a noble struggle for state's rights. But let's remember two facts: 1) This is about the right to own black people as slaves, and 2) the feds hadn't trampled on that right when the South started war.

Now, I appreciate that the US Civil War is part of our history. We shouldn't ignore it or whitewash it. And there's nothing wrong with loving your state or respecting your ancestors. But why do some people want to keep statues and monuments dedicated to people who fought and killed US citizens? Would it be okay if a Muslim-American community built a statue of Nidal Hasan (the guy who killed 13 people at Fort Hood) and claim it's part of their heritage?

Seriously, why is removing these monuments to put into a museum so controversial?

Did you really miss the part where as a nation, we choose to HEAL the wounds of the Civil War and accept that the celebration by the South of it's regional heritage as part of the broader overall American Heritage?
Name the Dems you have voted for Welcher
LOL. Typical LWL; liar, insulter and a cheat.

The fact remains you're a Left Winger who masquerades as a "rightwinger" Every post of yours begins with a lie just as if a RWNJ had the user name "Leftwinger" or "Hillaryfan". You won't admit to it, but the fact remains every member of this forum can see you for who you are; a liar.
Name the Dems you have voted for Welcher
LOL. Typical LWL; liar, insulter and a cheat.

The fact remains you're a Left Winger who masquerades as a "rightwinger" Every post of yours begins with a lie just as if a RWNJ had the user name "Leftwinger" or "Hillaryfan". You won't admit to it, but the fact remains every member of this forum can see you for who you are; a liar.
Fact remains......you will always be a Welcher
Just like I predicted
Name the Dems you have voted for Welcher
LOL. Typical LWL; liar, insulter and a cheat.

The fact remains you're a Left Winger who masquerades as a "rightwinger" Every post of yours begins with a lie just as if a RWNJ had the user name "Leftwinger" or "Hillaryfan". You won't admit to it, but the fact remains every member of this forum can see you for who you are; a liar.
Fact remains......you will always be a Welcher
Just like I predicted
I've never welched, you can't prove I've ever welched, but I can prove you are a liar and you will always be a liar.

Side note, you're a bigot too as shown by your capitalization of "Welcher" meaning the Welsh reference. Are you of English descent or do you just hate the Welsh like you do everyone else?
Name the Dems you have voted for Welcher
LOL. Typical LWL; liar, insulter and a cheat.

The fact remains you're a Left Winger who masquerades as a "rightwinger" Every post of yours begins with a lie just as if a RWNJ had the user name "Leftwinger" or "Hillaryfan". You won't admit to it, but the fact remains every member of this forum can see you for who you are; a liar.
Fact remains......you will always be a Welcher
Just like I predicted
I've never welched, you can't prove I've ever welched, but I can prove you are a liar and you will always be a liar.

Side note, you're a bigot too as shown by your capitalization of "Welcher" meaning the Welsh reference. Are you of English descent or do you just hate the Welsh like you do everyone else?
Ah yes.......denial
First line of defense for a Welcher
Are you saying "repub nitwits still wish they could own a black or 2" or are you dancing around the issue?

Add to your percentage that only 6% owned slaves. So why were so many Confederates willing to fight and/or die in the Civil War? Was it to defend slavery or to defend their state from Northern aggression?

As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had

Not south. Democrats.

Conservative to the bone

Still (D) to their names. You must be proud.
As we saw in the Civil Rights era, it went beyond those who owned slaves to maintaining a subclass of people that even the lowest white was superior to. No matter how bad I have it...at least I am better than a negro

They fought that battle for another 100 years
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had

Not south. Democrats.

Conservative to the bone

Still (D) to their names. You must be proud.
Democrats made some bad decisions 150 years ago

Republicans today are still honoring those decisions in supporting the Confederate symbols
Racism is certainly a problem, but neither Southerners or conservatives have a monopoly on it as many of your and other LW posters repeatedly demonstrate. If you don't accept that, then consider studies such as this below:

The most racist places in America, according to Google

There is a big difference between having people who have racist views and having Governments that enact and enforce racist laws....that is what the south had

Not south. Democrats.

Conservative to the bone

Still (D) to their names. You must be proud.
Democrats made some bad decisions 150 years ago

Republicans today are still honoring those decisions in supporting the Confederate symbols

Having KKK running Democrats ballot was not 150 years ago.
Neither was segregation, that officially ended some 50 years ago.
Throughout the history, Democrats were constantly racists and you think that magically vanished just like that and you are now "good guys" who blame everyone else for things you did.

You never were, and never will be.

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