Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act

there was as much or more racism in the north as in the south. The absolute worst racism I ever saw was against native americans in the west.

the civil rights act was passed because republicans voted for it as democrats filibustered against it.

as is usual for you, you don't have any facts straight. you make shit up, repeat talking points, and reveal yourself as nothing but a puppet of your far left masters.

The difference was that the southern GOVERNMENT not only codified racism but enforced it

so did the northern government, you moron. There were slave owners in Illinois and Ohio. There were Irish slaves in Mass and NY (indentured servants, slaves in reality).

when you try to make this a north/south issue, you make a fool of yourself. Its a lot more than that.
Agreed. Notice how the LWLs want to make this a "the North is superior to the ignorant, redneck South" thing when, in fact, not only was slavery legal throughout the original colonies and many northern states but remained legal in the North after the Emancipation Proclamation. Slavery wasn't abolished throughout the British Empire until 1833 and even then allowed exceptions until 1843. To hold Southern states as an abomination unlike any other states or nations is just another example of Democrats seeking to rewrite history into a lie.

and that attempt to rewrite history is exactly why monuments are being removed in my city of New Orleans.

I ask any of our resident liberals to tell me exactly how this will help the city. Will it reduce the crime rate? will it fix the potholes in the streets? will it clean up the French quarter? will it bring more tourism to the city? will it create jobs for the unemployed? will it cut down on black on black gang violence?

What exactly will this accomplish? I anxiously await your answers.
It's a standard tactic of the LW; "feel good" laws. Can't really fix anything? Then they pass some "feel good" legislation to make it look like they are doing something.

You are correct; why are they wasting time on rewriting history and destroying monuments when infrastructure needs to be rebuilt and there are schools in need up upgrading.
Having KKK running Democrats ballot was not 150 years ago.
Neither was segregation, that officially ended some 50 years ago.
Throughout the history, Democrats were constantly racists and you think that magically vanished just like that and you are now "good guys" who blame everyone else for things you did.

You never were, and never will be.

Todays KKK is staunchly Republican
It is Republicans TODAY that are standing up for preserving Confederate symbols and heritage

You seem to want to hold Democrats responsible for positions they held 50-150 years ago while you ignore Republican positions TODAY
Yet you want to forget the Democratic past, bury it and then turn and blame all on the Republicans. You know, like the fact the birther movement was initially propagated by Clinton supporters. Sure, some RWNJs took the ball and ran with it for 8 years(+) but to deny where it came from is to deny history.

George Santayana famously said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." How can we remember the past when the Democrats are constantly trying to hide it, bury it or rewrite it to be more PC?

I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act

there was as much or more racism in the north as in the south. The absolute worst racism I ever saw was against native americans in the west.

the civil rights act was passed because republicans voted for it as democrats filibustered against it.

as is usual for you, you don't have any facts straight. you make shit up, repeat talking points, and reveal yourself as nothing but a puppet of your far left masters.

History shows that Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans passed the bill over the objections of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans.

yes, but members of which party did the filibusters? stop playing word games and admit the truth.
I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act
Thanks for agreeing with my point even if you do it for specious reasons.

Slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic party was formed. To claim it existed because of the Democrats is an offensive rewrite of history
As is your claim that Civil Rights was a Democrat/Republican issue rather than a North/South issue

members of which party filibustered the civil rights act?

North or South?

we are talking political parties, not geography. Again, members of which political party filibustered the civil rights act?

Southern views on race were a regional issue not a political party issue
Republicans in the south voted 100% against Civil Rights
Todays KKK is staunchly Republican
It is Republicans TODAY that are standing up for preserving Confederate symbols and heritage

You seem to want to hold Democrats responsible for positions they held 50-150 years ago while you ignore Republican positions TODAY
Yet you want to forget the Democratic past, bury it and then turn and blame all on the Republicans. You know, like the fact the birther movement was initially propagated by Clinton supporters. Sure, some RWNJs took the ball and ran with it for 8 years(+) but to deny where it came from is to deny history.

George Santayana famously said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." How can we remember the past when the Democrats are constantly trying to hide it, bury it or rewrite it to be more PC?

I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act

there was as much or more racism in the north as in the south. The absolute worst racism I ever saw was against native americans in the west.

the civil rights act was passed because republicans voted for it as democrats filibustered against it.

as is usual for you, you don't have any facts straight. you make shit up, repeat talking points, and reveal yourself as nothing but a puppet of your far left masters.

History shows that Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans passed the bill over the objections of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans.

yes, but members of which party did the filibusters? stop playing word games and admit the truth.

A Democrat signed the bill
If LBJ wanted to kill the legislation, he could have
Conservative to the bone

Still (D) to their names. You must be proud.
Democrats made some bad decisions 150 years ago

Republicans today are still honoring those decisions in supporting the Confederate symbols

Having KKK running Democrats ballot was not 150 years ago.
Neither was segregation, that officially ended some 50 years ago.
Throughout the history, Democrats were constantly racists and you think that magically vanished just like that and you are now "good guys" who blame everyone else for things you did.

You never were, and never will be.

Todays KKK is staunchly Republican
It is Republicans TODAY that are standing up for preserving Confederate symbols and heritage

You seem to want to hold Democrats responsible for positions they held 50-150 years ago while you ignore Republican positions TODAY

KKK is not Republican product and Republicans clearly distance themselves from that Democrat racist creation.

How many Democrats actually did that? Ever heard of, let's say Senator Robert Byrd apologize or even regret for being KKK? Nope, because he hasn't.

How many democrats TODAY distance themselves from BLM or Antifa?

The KKK platform and the Republican platform are nearly identical
While 50 years ago, most KKK members voted Democrat, TODAY they vote solidly Republican
Southern views on race were a regional issue not a political party issue
Republicans in the south voted 100% against Civil Rights
Another lie by omission since the same applies to "Northern views on race". Racism is threaded throughout the US. This doesn't absolve any state, including Southern ones, but it does reveal the big Leftwinger lie that racism is an exclusively Southern issue perpetuated by solely "rednecks".

While racism is, admittedly, difficult to measure because, in part, it's not exclusive to EuroAmericans, there are metrics by which it can be studied such as in this link:
Here Are The Most And Least Racist States, According To Twitter



Todays KKK is staunchly Republican
It is Republicans TODAY that are standing up for preserving Confederate symbols and heritage

You seem to want to hold Democrats responsible for positions they held 50-150 years ago while you ignore Republican positions TODAY
Yet you want to forget the Democratic past, bury it and then turn and blame all on the Republicans. You know, like the fact the birther movement was initially propagated by Clinton supporters. Sure, some RWNJs took the ball and ran with it for 8 years(+) but to deny where it came from is to deny history.

George Santayana famously said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." How can we remember the past when the Democrats are constantly trying to hide it, bury it or rewrite it to be more PC?

I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act

there was as much or more racism in the north as in the south. The absolute worst racism I ever saw was against native americans in the west.

the civil rights act was passed because republicans voted for it as democrats filibustered against it.

as is usual for you, you don't have any facts straight. you make shit up, repeat talking points, and reveal yourself as nothing but a puppet of your far left masters.

History shows that Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans passed the bill over the objections of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans.

yes, but members of which party did the filibusters? stop playing word games and admit the truth.

Do you think no Southern Senators participated in the filibuster?

Learn some history. Well US history.......:wtf:
It isn't so much that dimocrap scum care about the Confederacy one or the other. They don't.

It's that they can make a fuss about it. And win. So they do.

dimocraps are absolute FILTH. Approach politics with that mindset and everything starts to make sense. They are the lowest form of life to ever exist on the Planet. Period.

Understand that and everything else falls into line.
Southern views on race were a regional issue not a political party issue
Republicans in the south voted 100% against Civil Rights
Another lie by omission since the same applies to "Northern views on race". Racism is threaded throughout the US. This doesn't absolve any state, including Southern ones, but it does reveal the big Leftwinger lie that racism is an exclusively Southern issue perpetuated by solely "rednecks".

While racism is, admittedly, difficult to measure because, in part, it's not exclusive to EuroAmericans, there are metrics by which it can be studied such as in this link:
Here Are The Most And Least Racist States, According To Twitter




Once again you substitute personal views with the actions of the Government

What those monuments represent is a Government that was established to maintain slavery. They created a country that was 40% slave
It was an abomination in the history of mankind....not something to be celebrated or respected
Once again you substitute personal views with the actions of the Government

What those monuments represent is a Government that was established to maintain slavery. They created a country that was 40% slave
It was an abomination in the history of mankind....not something to be celebrated or respected

Yes. And the party of that government was 100% dimocrap. Not 95%. Not 97%. Not 99% or 99.9% dimocrap scum. 100%.

dimocrap FILTH haven't changed one bit over the centuries. They're still racist scum. It's just that they've switched sides. Where they hated and spit on Blacks in the Antebellum South, they hate and spit on Whites today.

See "The Obama Coalition". It's a real thing. It is absolutely, positively racist in its makeup.

dimocraps are the lowest form of life on Earth. Period.

And they're stupid, to boot
....Learn some history. Well US history.......
That's the great thing about history, and logical discussion, it's so easy to look up and post reputable sources for evidence.

H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964

U.S. Senate: Landmark Legislation: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
On February 10, 1964, the House of Representatives voted in favor of the bill, HR 7152. When the House-passed bill arrived in the Senate on February 26, 1964, Majority Leader Mike Mansfield placed it directly on the Senate calendar rather than refer it to the Judiciary Committee, chaired by civil rights opponent James Eastland of Mississippi. On March 9, when Mansfield moved to take up the measure, southern senators launched a filibuster against the bill. The Senate debated the bill for sixty days, including seven Saturdays.

At the time, a two-thirds vote, or sixty-seven senators, was required to invoke cloture and cut off debate in the Senate. Since southern Democrats opposed the legislation, votes from a substantial number of senators in the Republican minority would be needed to end the filibuster. Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic whip who managed the bill on the Senate floor, enlisted the aid of Republican Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois. Dirksen, although a longtime supporter of civil rights, had opposed the bill because he objected to certain provisions. Humphrey therefore worked with him to redraft the controversial language and make the bill more acceptable to Republicans. Once the changes were made, Dirksen gained key votes for cloture from his party colleagues with a powerful speech calling racial integration "an idea whose time has come."

On June 10, a coalition of 27 Republicans and 44 Democrats ended the filibuster when the Senate voted 71 to 29 for cloture, thereby limiting further debate. This marked the first time in its history that the Senate voted to end debate on a civil rights bill. Nine days later, the Senate passed the most sweeping civil rights legislation in the nation's history. The House followed by accepting the Senate version on July 2. When President Johnson signed the bill into law that same day in a nationally televised broadcast, he was joined by civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., who had been instrumental in leading the public mobilization efforts in favor of civil rights legislation. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 remains one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history.
Once again you substitute personal views with the actions of the Government

What those monuments represent is a Government that was established to maintain slavery. They created a country that was 40% slave
It was an abomination in the history of mankind....not something to be celebrated or respected

Yes. And the party of that government was 100% dimocrap. Not 95%. Not 97%. Not 99% or 99.9% dimocrap scum. 100%.

dimocrap FILTH haven't changed one bit over the centuries. They're still racist scum. It's just that they've switched sides. Where they hated and spit on Blacks in the Antebellum South, they hate and spit on Whites today.

See "The Obama Coalition". It's a real thing. It is absolutely, positively racist in its makeup.

dimocraps are the lowest form of life on Earth. Period.

And they're stupid, to boot

Slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was created. A party that didn't even exist 25 years before the Civil War
The "peculiar institutions" of the south were dedicated to maintaining a subclass of human beings who were linked forever to human bondage
Those institution developed centuries before the creation of the Democratic Party
Another LWL tactic; keep professing the same lies by omission until people either accept those lies and half-truths or give up and the LWLs can declare themselves winners by default and dance their Victory Dance.
votes from a substantial number of senators in the Republican minority would be needed to end the filibuster.

Enough Republicans did not support cloture on the bill until early June 1964 after a compromise was reached that Republicans couild support.
Yet you want to forget the Democratic past, bury it and then turn and blame all on the Republicans. You know, like the fact the birther movement was initially propagated by Clinton supporters. Sure, some RWNJs took the ball and ran with it for 8 years(+) but to deny where it came from is to deny history.

George Santayana famously said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." How can we remember the past when the Democrats are constantly trying to hide it, bury it or rewrite it to be more PC?

I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act

there was as much or more racism in the north as in the south. The absolute worst racism I ever saw was against native americans in the west.

the civil rights act was passed because republicans voted for it as democrats filibustered against it.

as is usual for you, you don't have any facts straight. you make shit up, repeat talking points, and reveal yourself as nothing but a puppet of your far left masters.

History shows that Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans passed the bill over the objections of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans.

yes, but members of which party did the filibusters? stop playing word games and admit the truth.

A Democrat signed the bill
If LBJ wanted to kill the legislation, he could have

geez, dude. Democrats filibustered the civil rights act. Doesn't matter which state they came from. They were democrats, they were KKK members. None of your bullshit can change that.
Southern views on race were a regional issue not a political party issue
Republicans in the south voted 100% against Civil Rights
Another lie by omission since the same applies to "Northern views on race". Racism is threaded throughout the US. This doesn't absolve any state, including Southern ones, but it does reveal the big Leftwinger lie that racism is an exclusively Southern issue perpetuated by solely "rednecks".

While racism is, admittedly, difficult to measure because, in part, it's not exclusive to EuroAmericans, there are metrics by which it can be studied such as in this link:
Here Are The Most And Least Racist States, According To Twitter




Once again you substitute personal views with the actions of the Government

What those monuments represent is a Government that was established to maintain slavery. They created a country that was 40% slave
It was an abomination in the history of mankind....not something to be celebrated or respected
Southern views on race were a regional issue not a political party issue
Republicans in the south voted 100% against Civil Rights
Another lie by omission since the same applies to "Northern views on race". Racism is threaded throughout the US. This doesn't absolve any state, including Southern ones, but it does reveal the big Leftwinger lie that racism is an exclusively Southern issue perpetuated by solely "rednecks".

While racism is, admittedly, difficult to measure because, in part, it's not exclusive to EuroAmericans, there are metrics by which it can be studied such as in this link:
Here Are The Most And Least Racist States, According To Twitter




Once again you substitute personal views with the actions of the Government

What those monuments represent is a Government that was established to maintain slavery. They created a country that was 40% slave
It was an abomination in the history of mankind....not something to be celebrated or respected

yes, slavery was an abomination on humanity. We all agree on that. Your beloved muslims hold slaves as we speak. They treat women as livestock, and execute gays.

The CSA was not created to "maintain slavery". That is a blatant lie. There were slaves in the union states after Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation.

your geographical bias just shows what an uneducated rube you really are.
votes from a substantial number of senators in the Republican minority would be needed to end the filibuster.

Enough Republicans did not support cloture on the bill until early June 1964 after a compromise was reached that Republicans couild support.

true, and many democrats continued to fight against it. It would never have passed without GOP votes.
I do deny the past....because it is the past of racist southern culture and not political parties
Republicans in the south still opposed integration. Democrats in the north supported it
It was a Democratic President who signed the Civil Rights act

there was as much or more racism in the north as in the south. The absolute worst racism I ever saw was against native americans in the west.

the civil rights act was passed because republicans voted for it as democrats filibustered against it.

as is usual for you, you don't have any facts straight. you make shit up, repeat talking points, and reveal yourself as nothing but a puppet of your far left masters.

History shows that Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans passed the bill over the objections of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans.

yes, but members of which party did the filibusters? stop playing word games and admit the truth.

A Democrat signed the bill
If LBJ wanted to kill the legislation, he could have

geez, dude. Democrats filibustered the civil rights act. Doesn't matter which state they came from. They were democrats, they were KKK members. None of your bullshit can change that.

Yes...that is the point you keep avoiding

Opposition to civil rights was based on where you came from not your political party

Both Democrats AND Republicans from the south opposed integration
Southern views on race were a regional issue not a political party issue
Republicans in the south voted 100% against Civil Rights
Another lie by omission since the same applies to "Northern views on race". Racism is threaded throughout the US. This doesn't absolve any state, including Southern ones, but it does reveal the big Leftwinger lie that racism is an exclusively Southern issue perpetuated by solely "rednecks".

While racism is, admittedly, difficult to measure because, in part, it's not exclusive to EuroAmericans, there are metrics by which it can be studied such as in this link:
Here Are The Most And Least Racist States, According To Twitter




Once again you substitute personal views with the actions of the Government

What those monuments represent is a Government that was established to maintain slavery. They created a country that was 40% slave
It was an abomination in the history of mankind....not something to be celebrated or respected

yes, slavery was an abomination on humanity. We all agree on that. Your beloved muslims hold slaves as we speak. They treat women as livestock, and execute gays.

The CSA was not created to "maintain slavery". That is a blatant lie. There were slaves in the union states after Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation.

your geographical bias just shows what an uneducated rube you really are.

Read the Constitution of the Confederacy. It is nearly identical to our own Constitution except where it protects the right to own slaves forever.
Read the declarations of secession and why each state said they were withdrawing. Slavery is prominently featured

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