Why is this board deleting post that concern Hillary Clintons Parkinsons

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Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Now this post is not about Hillary Clintons clear seizures, but it is about this boards clear aversion to people speaking the truth about how seriously ill Hillary Clinton is.

Blog: Hillary’s blue world

If viewing the world through rose-colored glasses figuratively offers a positive perspective, how does a blue tint affect things?

In Hillary Clinton’s case, blue-tinted glasses are likely part of how she manages abnormal neurologic events. As Dr. Ted Noel explained during an exceptional video analysis of Clinton’s 9/11 collapse, blue-tinted glasses may alter brain function in order to transform uncontrollable muscle movements (dyskynesia) into calm and coordinated motion. Dr. Noel’s hypothesis is that the underlying disease driving abnormal neurological function in Clinton’s case is advanced Parkinson’s.

Ignoring the truth will not make it go away
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