Why is Trump trying to destroy 70 years of peace with our allies for Russia, why?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal
The U.S. would join Syria and Nicaragua in rejecting the historic pact to address global warming.

Between this crazy fuck nut and the GOP house and senate, you rednecks really have done it this time. We have conservatives, doing everything possible to bring carnage and harm to the working class of this nation...from our premiums increasing big time next year to giving billions of tax dollars to billionaires in their budget bill....as if the last time this happened, we didn't learn. And now you have Trump who have all but cut us off from the real world into this nightmare with Putin and that other nut in the Philiphines....our new allies.

If pre war Germany wasn't a history lesson for you white nuts, I don't know what else to tell you....but we are all gonna rule the day, we allowed white america the vote. You guys have no clue the damage that idiot is gonna bestow on us, my only hopes and dreams is that his supporters, that poor white trashy from the small town USA, that each of you live long enough to see its effects.

I will say this for the last time, Trump is obsessed with dismantling anything Obama stood for, that's how fuckin insecure and sick this fat white good for nothing boy child has become.
It appears our democracy and our children have a new axis to worry about: Putin, Trump, and ExxonMobil, whose CEO Rex Tillerson — an extreme Russophile and long-time director of a US-Russian oil company — is Trump’s puzzling choice for Secretary of State.

I say “puzzling” because the long-serving Exxon employee (from age 23!) has no qualifications to be secretary of state — other than a history negotiating major oil deals with countries like Putin’s Russia, which in any sane world would actually disqualify him or at least force a recusal from all State Department dealings with Russia.

But that puzzle disappears if we follow the famous dictum from the Watergate era for uncovering a tangled web of covert campaign acts: “Follow the money.”
It appears our democracy and our children have a new axis to worry about: Putin, Trump, and ExxonMobil, whose CEO Rex Tillerson — an extreme Russophile and long-time director of a US-Russian oil company — is Trump’s puzzling choice for Secretary of State.

I say “puzzling” because the long-serving Exxon employee (from age 23!) has no qualifications to be secretary of state — other than a history negotiating major oil deals with countries like Putin’s Russia, which in any sane world would actually disqualify him or at least force a recusal from all State Department dealings with Russia.

But that puzzle disappears if we follow the famous dictum from the Watergate era for uncovering a tangled web of covert campaign acts: “Follow the money.”
This man, picked people who don't know shit just like him. As a matter of fact, if you turn out smarter than the boy child, he fires you.
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal
The U.S. would join Syria and Nicaragua in rejecting the historic pact to address global warming.

Between this crazy fuck nut and the GOP house and senate, you rednecks really have done it this time. We have conservatives, doing everything possible to bring carnage and harm to the working class of this nation...from our premiums increasing big time next year to giving billions of tax dollars to billionaires in their budget bill....as if the last time this happened, we didn't learn. And now you have Trump who have all but cut us off from the real world into this nightmare with Putin and that other nut in the Philiphines....our new allies.

If pre war Germany wasn't a history lesson for you white nuts, I don't know what else to tell you....but we are all gonna rule the day, we allowed white america the vote. You guys have no clue the damage that idiot is gonna bestow on us, my only hopes and dreams is that his supporters, that poor white trashy from the small town USA, that each of you live long enough to see its effects.

I will say this for the last time, Trump is obsessed with dismantling anything Obama stood for, that's how fuckin insecure and sick this fat white good for nothing boy child has become.

/---- Good news Snowflake. Pres Trump isn't trying to do that. You can go back to sleep now
You can certainly make a plausible case, as U.S. intelligence agencies do in their bombshell new report, that Putin had plenty of motivation to interfere. He wanted to undermine the legitimacy of U.S. elections and a Clinton Presidency, he blamed Secretary Clinton for “inciting mass protests against his regime,” and he was angry with the U.S. for the Panama Papers leaks. Those leaks showed a $2 billion trail of offshore accounts and deals that traced back to Putin and his cabal of kleptocrats, who, among other things, were getting rich “trading shares in Rosneft,” Russia’s state-owned (i.e. Putin run) oil monopoly.

But a half trillion dollars to line their pockets and prop up the Russian economy offers a much more tangible motivation for team Putin to get Trump elected. And it was Tillerson who had made the $500 billion oil deal with Putin that got blocked by sanctions.

Blocking the deal did not just “put Exxon at risk,” the biggest oil deal in history was “expected to change the historical trajectory of Russia.”
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal
The U.S. would join Syria and Nicaragua in rejecting the historic pact to address global warming.

Between this crazy fuck nut and the GOP house and senate, you rednecks really have done it this time. We have conservatives, doing everything possible to bring carnage and harm to the working class of this nation...from our premiums increasing big time next year to giving billions of tax dollars to billionaires in their budget bill....as if the last time this happened, we didn't learn. And now you have Trump who have all but cut us off from the real world into this nightmare with Putin and that other nut in the Philiphines....our new allies.

If pre war Germany wasn't a history lesson for you white nuts, I don't know what else to tell you....but we are all gonna rule the day, we allowed white america the vote. You guys have no clue the damage that idiot is gonna bestow on us, my only hopes and dreams is that his supporters, that poor white trashy from the small town USA, that each of you live long enough to see its effects.

I will say this for the last time, Trump is obsessed with dismantling anything Obama stood for, that's how fuckin insecure and sick this fat white good for nothing boy child has become.
Seek solace under the bed. Eat some dust bunnies bitch!
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal

There is no reason whatsoever that the US shouldn't withdraw from that Paris Climate Accord.

Obama tried to destroy America but he failed.
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal
The U.S. would join Syria and Nicaragua in rejecting the historic pact to address global warming.

Between this crazy fuck nut and the GOP house and senate, you rednecks really have done it this time. We have conservatives, doing everything possible to bring carnage and harm to the working class of this nation...from our premiums increasing big time next year to giving billions of tax dollars to billionaires in their budget bill....as if the last time this happened, we didn't learn. And now you have Trump who have all but cut us off from the real world into this nightmare with Putin and that other nut in the Philiphines....our new allies.

If pre war Germany wasn't a history lesson for you white nuts, I don't know what else to tell you....but we are all gonna rule the day, we allowed white america the vote. You guys have no clue the damage that idiot is gonna bestow on us, my only hopes and dreams is that his supporters, that poor white trashy from the small town USA, that each of you live long enough to see its effects.

I will say this for the last time, Trump is obsessed with dismantling anything Obama stood for, that's how fuckin insecure and sick this fat white good for nothing boy child has become.
Seek solace under the bed. Eat some dust bunnies bitch!
But won't the Global Warming Monster get him under there?
He is waking them up.....if they refuse to prepare themselves for the next war, why should we spend blood and treasure doing it for them? We bailed them out of their last 2 World Wars which they also allowed to happen through their unwillingness to deal with threats and nonsense...time for them to actually stand up and take care of their own business...
He is waking them up.....if they refuse to prepare themselves for the next war, why should we spend blood and treasure doing it for them? We bailed them out of their last 2 World Wars which they also allowed to happen through their unwillingness to deal with threats and nonsense...time for them to actually stand up and take care of their own business...
Fucking Germany started those wars! Did you see any of those European whores on the beaches of Normandy this year?
Obama tried to destroy America but he failed.

snowflake says what?? :crybaby:

Pot meet Kettle because you're as asinine as the side you whine about!

Also Putin did not elect anyone and the Electoral College elected Trump with the backing of each state popular vote, so get that through your head for once or don't and revert back to your Bush days screaming for impeachment while society moves on without you again!
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal
The U.S. would join Syria and Nicaragua in rejecting the historic pact to address global warming.

Between this crazy fuck nut and the GOP house and senate, you rednecks really have done it this time. We have conservatives, doing everything possible to bring carnage and harm to the working class of this nation...from our premiums increasing big time next year to giving billions of tax dollars to billionaires in their budget bill....as if the last time this happened, we didn't learn. And now you have Trump who have all but cut us off from the real world into this nightmare with Putin and that other nut in the Philiphines....our new allies.

If pre war Germany wasn't a history lesson for you white nuts, I don't know what else to tell you....but we are all gonna rule the day, we allowed white america the vote. You guys have no clue the damage that idiot is gonna bestow on us, my only hopes and dreams is that his supporters, that poor white trashy from the small town USA, that each of you live long enough to see its effects.

I will say this for the last time, Trump is obsessed with dismantling anything Obama stood for, that's how fuckin insecure and sick this fat white good for nothing boy child has become.
Seek solace under the bed. Eat some dust bunnies bitch!
But won't the Global Warming Monster get him under there?
C'mon try to keep up. The Climate Change Monster slew the Global Warming Monster way back when the kooks realized the warming thing wasn't working out for them.
Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal
The U.S. would join Syria and Nicaragua in rejecting the historic pact to address global warming.

Between this crazy fuck nut and the GOP house and senate, you rednecks really have done it this time. We have conservatives, doing everything possible to bring carnage and harm to the working class of this nation...from our premiums increasing big time next year to giving billions of tax dollars to billionaires in their budget bill....as if the last time this happened, we didn't learn. And now you have Trump who have all but cut us off from the real world into this nightmare with Putin and that other nut in the Philiphines....our new allies.

If pre war Germany wasn't a history lesson for you white nuts, I don't know what else to tell you....but we are all gonna rule the day, we allowed white america the vote. You guys have no clue the damage that idiot is gonna bestow on us, my only hopes and dreams is that his supporters, that poor white trashy from the small town USA, that each of you live long enough to see its effects.

I will say this for the last time, Trump is obsessed with dismantling anything Obama stood for, that's how fuckin insecure and sick this fat white good for nothing boy child has become.
It appears our democracy and our children have a new axis to worry about: Putin, Trump, and ExxonMobil, whose CEO Rex Tillerson — an extreme Russophile and long-time director of a US-Russian oil company — is Trump’s puzzling choice for Secretary of State.

I say “puzzling” because the long-serving Exxon employee (from age 23!) has no qualifications to be secretary of state — other than a history negotiating major oil deals with countries like Putin’s Russia, which in any sane world would actually disqualify him or at least force a recusal from all State Department dealings with Russia.

But that puzzle disappears if we follow the famous dictum from the Watergate era for uncovering a tangled web of covert campaign acts: “Follow the money.”
This man, picked people who don't know shit just like him. As a matter of fact, if you turn out smarter than the boy child, he fires you.
so you'd be employed for life...

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