Why is Your Party Good?

We are not driving. Dumbass.
Wish that were true. Idiot motherfucking partisans like you - you - are driving this nation into the ground. You're doing the work of the fifty-cent army. For free. Do us all a favor and suck a tailpipe.
Wish that were true. Idiot motherfucking partisans like you - you - are driving this nation into the ground. You're doing the work of the fifty-cent army. For free. Do us all a favor and suck a tailpipe.
I am not partisan. The leadership of the GOP is DC is awful and just as corrupt as the Democrats

It is you that are doing the work of proven liars. You have lost this argument.
I am not partisan. the leadership of the GOP is DC is awful and just as corrupt as the Democrats
Yet you're going to vote Republican anyway.

Maybe you're not partisan. Maybe you're just a moron and a coward. I don't suppose it matters.

Look into that tailpipe thing.
I'm not a member of any party but my choice is Joe Biden. The quicker the US collapses the quicker the masses will wake up to what's going on in this country. Perhaps the only ticket that will collapse us faster than Biden/Harris is Biden/Fetterman.
The sooner the US collapses, the sooner Marxist-Communism takes hold. As to the populace having weapons and being able to stop it, dream on. Gun owners will just continue to complain about weapons being taken away and as most are just arm-chair heroes, they'll just wage their war in their minds.
A good example was the ruling from the Supreme Court that rifles that are in most common use (AR-15 style), are protected firearms, what happened? The Marxist-Democrat states simply ignored the ruling and made laws forbidding the sale of the very style rifles the Supreme Court said were protected. Why? The Supreme Court is just that, a court. It has no enforcement arm.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
A good party: Lots of free-flowing liquor, music and women.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
It's not the party's candidate, it's the party. The DemoFascists have corrupted every institution in America except the Supreme Court. It may be too late to restore a balanced and fair America. But it's worth a try to get them out of power.
Wish that were true. Idiot motherfucking partisans like you - you - are driving this nation into the ground. You're doing the work of the fifty-cent army. For free. Do us all a favor and suck a tailpipe.
While you bitch and moan and do absolutely nothing to change course. Except rely on other people.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
I would argue any third-party candidate is a better choice for 80%-90% of Americans than either of the duopoly's choices:

What The Heck Is The Two-Party Duopoly?

"A monopoly is defined as 'the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.'

"An entity has such a grip on an industry that it is the only supplier of goods and services within that industry and competitors cannot emerge to challenge it.

"A duopoly is the same, just with two entities instead of one."

The Internet has made it possible to convince tens of millions of US voters to make their House and Senate choices from established third-party candidates.

Should such a long-shot occur, Americans would wake the morning after a major election to the news hundreds of incumbents have been FLUSHED from DC in a single news cycle.

That change would be Revolutionary, and it would not require shedding a single drop of blood.
Yet you're going to vote Republican anyway.

Maybe you're not partisan. Maybe you're just a moron and a coward. I don't suppose it matters.

Look into that tailpipe thing.
And if he doesnt you get more Marxist trash. That must be what you would prefer. Not sure why you care,as someone who doesn’t make a difference yourself
I would argue any third-party candidate is a better choice for 80%-90% of Americans than either of the duopoly's choices:

What The Heck Is The Two-Party Duopoly?

"A monopoly is defined as 'the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.'

"An entity has such a grip on an industry that it is the only supplier of goods and services within that industry and competitors cannot emerge to challenge it.

"A duopoly is the same, just with two entities instead of one."

The Internet has made it possible to convince tens of millions of US voters to make their House and Senate choices from established third-party candidates.

Should such a long-shot occur, Americans would wake the morning after a major election to the news hundreds of incumbents have been FLUSHED from DC in a single news cycle.

That change would be Revolutionary, and it would not require shedding a single drop of blood.
The status quo would never allow that to happen.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
That's reason enough. Declining to destroy the country is sufficient reason to vote against the democrat party.
The status quo would never allow that to happen.
The Status Quo will kill to stop it, but they can't kill the Internet. I first began posting this theory in 2009; it has never received much support, When it does, the number of things that don't change in America will be dwarfed by those things that do.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?

You’re going to be waiting awhile

Yet you're going to vote Republican anyway.

Maybe you're not partisan. Maybe you're just a moron and a coward. I don't suppose it matters.

Look into that tailpipe thing.
This tired ass shit again?
Why don’t you little house on the praire hippies just trot someone out who can sell your retarded as fuck message?
Open borders, small government, no government influence, weed and heroin for all, no spending….seems like a no-brainer, why can’t you hippies garner more than 17 votes each cycle?
Is it because your open border policy flooded in tens of millions of desperate thirdworlders who need the Father Government tit?

Drop the open border hippy bullshit and you might have a chance someday.
Like Dems, you can’t get out of your own way.
Apparently nobody but the 73 of you is interested in that Lib-Lite / Dem-Lite shit you’re pushing.

Golfing Gator
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The republicans are good at free speech, better trade, keeping Iran and North Korea in check, cutting regulation, home grown energy, not letting criminals run free, border security, keeping porn out of grade and middle schools, and believing that America is actually a nice place that shouldn't be under the thumb of globalists. They also think the constitution shouldn't be rewritten without the aid of amendments. They also don't tell minorities they are stupid and helpless. They need to spend less and do better about selling us out to foreign countries, but at least they get it right sometimes.
It's not the party's candidate, it's the party. The DemoFascists have corrupted every institution in America except the Supreme Court. It may be too late to restore a balanced and fair America. But it's worth a try to get them out of power.
So you can't do it. You can't tell me why Republicans are worth voting for. All you got is the pathetic lesser-of-two-evils excuse.. You lose.

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