Why is Your Party Good?

The concept of good or bad is for kids. Political agendas are relatively easy to identify so you pick the party agenda you like and hope your candidate lives up to it.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
Because we have Donald Trump who has already proven he can make America great, not get us into wars, lower fuel prices, interest rates and inflation. He also set a record in developing a vaccine. He tamed Rocket Man and does not have crack addicted bag men for sons.
So what preferred candidate do you propose?
You go first. The topic is: Why is your party good? Can you offer an answer that doesn't rely on fear mongering? It doesn't seem like you can.
You go first. The topic is: Why is your party good? Can you offer an answer that doesn't rely on fear mongering? It doesn't seem like you can.
I don’t have a candidate. And as an independent I can’t vote in my states primaries. I have to chose from what’s available and I’m not voting for a Democrat. So it’s either the Republican or any other Indy or Libertarian running that isn’t a semi Marxist or nut burger ( see Jo Jorgensen).
I don’t have a candidate. And as an independent I can’t vote in my states primaries. I have to chose from what’s available and I’m not voting for a Democrat. So it’s either the Republican or any other Indy or Libertarian running that isn’t a semi Marxist or nut burger ( see Jo Jorgensen).
That doesn't really answer the question at all, does it?
The republicans are good at free speech, better trade, keeping Iran and North Korea in check, cutting regulation, home grown energy, not letting criminals run free, border security, keeping porn out of grade and middle schools, and believing that America is actually a nice place that shouldn't be under the thumb of globalists. They also think the constitution shouldn't be rewritten without the aid of amendments. They also don't tell minorities they are stupid and helpless. They need to spend less and do better about selling us out to foreign countries, but at least they get it right sometimes.

Maybe party politics is confusing given the mainstream media's determination to be the propaganda arm of the democrat party but it's basically easy. Republicans are for parental rights, law enforcement, border security, sane energy policies, unborn life and Constitutional values. Democrats ain't.
Why hasn’t dblack acknowledged you two?
Why does he keep stomping around in a perpetual circle?
So you can't do it. You can't tell me why Republicans are worth voting for. All you got is the pathetic lesser-of-two-evils excuse.. You lose.
Tell us why Democrats are worth voting for, asshole.
(watch this folks, the fence-sitters can NEVER answer these simple questions)
I’m curious…what VIABLE / SUSTAINABLE policies can third party politicians pitch that would get you fence-sitters all giddy….AND can those policies be sold to this new American populous you’ve recruited?

Can fence-sitting LibTarians sell all the compartmentalized factions they’ve created on the ideas of smaller government, less spending and no borders?
Do you really see desperate minorities, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, the barely Americans embracing such ideals….don’t they only vote on social/cultural issues and free shit?

Come on dblack give it to us straight
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
Because they're not crafting policy intentionally designed to take down America.

Yeah, that's not a high bar, but we need to stop the ones that are doing exactly that, first.

Then clean house.
Instead of playing the fear mongering game, can you tell me why your party's candidates are a good choice - without simply telling me why the other side is bad?
I answered your question in post 38. Rather straightforward and positive. I don't take you for a troll, so what game are you playing?
At least Trump and DeSantis don't do stupid things like Biden does.

Perhaps a better worded way would be to say that Trump and DeSantis try to do reasonable stuff in the first interests of the American people unlike Joe Biden who literally does things over and over time and again which are literally insane for any but foreign interests.

Ask the Colombians, the Chinese and the Ukrainians and Joe is God's Gift to the world.

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