Why is Zionist Israel blocking access to its archives?

Challenger, et al,

Nearly every Country has a Classified Archive. In the US, such archives are under the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

There is nothing sinister about transferring records to the records holding area. It is an inherent governmental function.

Most Respectfully,

Israel is concealing vital records to prevent darkest periods in its history from coming to light, academics say.

Seems that's more the question.

So are many other nations to protect the living from attacks, would you like to be a target because of something one of your relatives did. And it would be a moron like you doing the deed

Oh, well, if everyone's corrupt then nevermind.

Nothing to do with corruption. all down to what is right at the time

Horse shit, for many of you. One side can do no wrong, the other always is, just how ya'll roll.
"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

Is that like neo Marxist Britain when it hid all those documents that should have been released to the public. Will we ever see the names of the neo Marxist M.P's caught in that CIA/FBI sting operation that forced Blair to send British troops to their deaths.

You should really go back and brush up on Marxism.

I did and got out before they started the brainwashing. We call them champagne socialists as they want the cream for themselves.
And what difference would that make to the perverted neo Marxists in the Labour party ?

Yeah, no braibn
"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

Is that like neo Marxist Britain when it hid all those documents that should have been released to the public. Will we ever see the names of the neo Marxist M.P's caught in that CIA/FBI sting operation that forced Blair to send British troops to their deaths.

You should really go back and brush up on Marxism.

I did and got out before they started the brainwashing. We call them champagne socialists as they want the cream for themselves.
And what difference would that make to the perverted neo Marxists in the Labour party ?

I'm not British and as a conservative I recognize the ability of the Brits to manage their own governance. Odd, in america we have champagne capitalists as they want the cream for themselves. Funny that.
Israel is concealing vital records to prevent darkest periods in its history from coming to light, academics say.

Seems that's more the question.
So what. They can seal them if they want to.

They sure can. Very telling. We should cut that welfare state loose and let them stand on their own. If they were americans we would have long ago.

And went straight down the pan into the sewer, can you speak mandarin ?

Not sure what this has to do with cutting Israel the welfare state loose to be the sovereign nation they say they wish to be.

The welfare state is Palestine, that would go under if the world pulled its funding. You have produced no factual evidence of Israel living of welfare

Thanks to the poster who prvided some educational material for your perusal, from whence we get the following:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.
Challenger, et al,

Nearly every Country has a Classified Archive. In the US, such archives are under the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).


There is nothing sinister about transferring records to the records holding area. It is an inherent governmental function.

Most Respectfully,

Israel is concealing vital records to prevent darkest periods in its history from coming to light, academics say.

Seems that's more the question.

So are many other nations to protect the living from attacks, would you like to be a target because of something one of your relatives did. And it would be a moron like you doing the deed

Oh, well, if everyone's corrupt then nevermind.

Nothing to do with corruption. all down to what is right at the time

Horse shit, for many of you. One side can do no wrong, the other always is, just how ya'll roll.

Isnt the same not also true for you, only more so ?
"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

Is that like neo Marxist Britain when it hid all those documents that should have been released to the public. Will we ever see the names of the neo Marxist M.P's caught in that CIA/FBI sting operation that forced Blair to send British troops to their deaths.

You should really go back and brush up on Marxism.

I did and got out before they started the brainwashing. We call them champagne socialists as they want the cream for themselves.
And what difference would that make to the perverted neo Marxists in the Labour party ?

Yeah, no braibn
"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

Is that like neo Marxist Britain when it hid all those documents that should have been released to the public. Will we ever see the names of the neo Marxist M.P's caught in that CIA/FBI sting operation that forced Blair to send British troops to their deaths.

You should really go back and brush up on Marxism.

I did and got out before they started the brainwashing. We call them champagne socialists as they want the cream for themselves.
And what difference would that make to the perverted neo Marxists in the Labour party ?

I'm not British and as a conservative I recognize the ability of the Brits to manage their own governance. Odd, in america we have champagne capitalists as they want the cream for themselves. Funny that.

Do they tell you that we are all equal under the law and we will all get the same wages and homes to live in. Then when you agree change the wording to but some will be more equal than others and get more wages, better housing, cars, planes and a lavish lifestyle
So what. They can seal them if they want to.

They sure can. Very telling. We should cut that welfare state loose and let them stand on their own. If they were americans we would have long ago.

And went straight down the pan into the sewer, can you speak mandarin ?

Not sure what this has to do with cutting Israel the welfare state loose to be the sovereign nation they say they wish to be.

The welfare state is Palestine, that would go under if the world pulled its funding. You have produced no factual evidence of Israel living of welfare

Thanks to the poster who prvided some educational material for your perusal, from whence we get the following:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........
Israel is concealing vital records to prevent darkest periods in its history from coming to light, academics say.

Seems that's more the question.

So are many other nations to protect the living from attacks, would you like to be a target because of something one of your relatives did. And it would be a moron like you doing the deed

Oh, well, if everyone's corrupt then nevermind.

Nothing to do with corruption. all down to what is right at the time

Horse shit, for many of you. One side can do no wrong, the other always is, just how ya'll roll.

Isnt the same not also true for you, only more so ?

Ah yes, the "well yeah we do it but they do it more" defense.
"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

Is that like neo Marxist Britain when it hid all those documents that should have been released to the public. Will we ever see the names of the neo Marxist M.P's caught in that CIA/FBI sting operation that forced Blair to send British troops to their deaths.

You should really go back and brush up on Marxism.

I did and got out before they started the brainwashing. We call them champagne socialists as they want the cream for themselves.
And what difference would that make to the perverted neo Marxists in the Labour party ?

Yeah, no braibn
"Israel is locking away millions of official documents to prevent the darkest episodes in its history from coming to light, civil rights activists and academics have warned as the country's state archives move online.

They claim government officials are concealing vital records needed for historical research, often in violation of Israeli law, in an effort to avoid damaging Israel's image.

The Israeli army has long claimed to be the "most moral" in the world.

Accusations of increased secrecy come as Israel marks this week the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when it seized and occupied Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

Many of the records to which access is being denied refer to that war and the first years of Israel's military rule over Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza." Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

They allowed access to the 1948 archives in the 1980's and when that blew away the Zionist myth-history they were peddling since 1948, it's no surprise to discover they've got things to hide, new atrocities hidden under the fig leaf of "security".

Is that like neo Marxist Britain when it hid all those documents that should have been released to the public. Will we ever see the names of the neo Marxist M.P's caught in that CIA/FBI sting operation that forced Blair to send British troops to their deaths.

You should really go back and brush up on Marxism.

I did and got out before they started the brainwashing. We call them champagne socialists as they want the cream for themselves.
And what difference would that make to the perverted neo Marxists in the Labour party ?

I'm not British and as a conservative I recognize the ability of the Brits to manage their own governance. Odd, in america we have champagne capitalists as they want the cream for themselves. Funny that.

Do they tell you that we are all equal under the law and we will all get the same wages and homes to live in. Then when you agree change the wording to but some will be more equal than others and get more wages, better housing, cars, planes and a lavish lifestyle

Yes, exactly.
They sure can. Very telling. We should cut that welfare state loose and let them stand on their own. If they were americans we would have long ago.

And went straight down the pan into the sewer, can you speak mandarin ?

Not sure what this has to do with cutting Israel the welfare state loose to be the sovereign nation they say they wish to be.

The welfare state is Palestine, that would go under if the world pulled its funding. You have produced no factual evidence of Israel living of welfare

Thanks to the poster who prvided some educational material for your perusal, from whence we get the following:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........

It's the same for assistance to american citizens, but that's "welfare", and just horrible. But nevermind that, tell me how it's good for us taxpayers who provide the funding. Cause I don't see it does anything at all good for US unless you're looking to annex portions of the middle east, which is kind or what we're doing over there.

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.
And went straight down the pan into the sewer, can you speak mandarin ?

Not sure what this has to do with cutting Israel the welfare state loose to be the sovereign nation they say they wish to be.

The welfare state is Palestine, that would go under if the world pulled its funding. You have produced no factual evidence of Israel living of welfare

Thanks to the poster who prvided some educational material for your perusal, from whence we get the following:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........

It's the same for assistance to american citizens, but that's "welfare", and just horrible. But nevermind that, tell me how it's good for us taxpayers who provide the funding. Cause I don't see it does anything at all good for US unless you're looking to annex portions of the middle east, which is kind or what we're doing over there.

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

Which proxy wars? The 9/11 war against the Taliban wasn't fought for Israel. Neither was the First Gulf War, fought to free an oil-rich Kuwait. So are you talking about the Second Gulf War?
Not sure what this has to do with cutting Israel the welfare state loose to be the sovereign nation they say they wish to be.

The welfare state is Palestine, that would go under if the world pulled its funding. You have produced no factual evidence of Israel living of welfare

Thanks to the poster who prvided some educational material for your perusal, from whence we get the following:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........

It's the same for assistance to american citizens, but that's "welfare", and just horrible. But nevermind that, tell me how it's good for us taxpayers who provide the funding. Cause I don't see it does anything at all good for US unless you're looking to annex portions of the middle east, which is kind or what we're doing over there.

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

Which proxy wars? The 9/11 war against the Taliban wasn't fought for Israel. Neither was the First Gulf War, fought to free an oil-rich Kuwait. So are you talking about the Second Gulf War?

Our endless presence in the region is not good for America. Think about it. We toppled a democratic govt in Iran for example, and we’ve had nothing but trouble with them ever since. Funny, no? We think we get to decide who runs other nations to benefit corporate America, not quite in line with our freedom for all rhetoric. Israel constantly lobbies for and gets our involvement in the region.
Fenton Lum, et al,

This is probably an incorrect assessment. It dependents on how you apply the criteria.

Welfare State

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

I've said this several times in the las month: Israel is in the top 20 nations in terms of Human Development. That is well beyond anything the Arab League Nations can put forward; even, the oil rich nations.

Israel is leaps and bounds above - Welfare Criteria, which is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens.

Most Respectfully,
Fenton Lum, et al,

This is probably an incorrect assessment. It dependents on how you apply the criteria.

Welfare State

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

I've said this several times in the las month: Israel is in the top 20 nations in terms of Human Development. That is well beyond anything the Arab League Nations can put forward; even, the oil rich nations.

Israel is leaps and bounds above - Welfare Criteria, which is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens.

Most Respectfully,

If they were able to exist without us taxpayer subsidies what would be wonderful. If they came to include their support for their palestinian citizens even moreso. But we all know that ain't about to happen.
The welfare state is Palestine, that would go under if the world pulled its funding. You have produced no factual evidence of Israel living of welfare

Thanks to the poster who prvided some educational material for your perusal, from whence we get the following:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........

It's the same for assistance to american citizens, but that's "welfare", and just horrible. But nevermind that, tell me how it's good for us taxpayers who provide the funding. Cause I don't see it does anything at all good for US unless you're looking to annex portions of the middle east, which is kind or what we're doing over there.

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

Which proxy wars? The 9/11 war against the Taliban wasn't fought for Israel. Neither was the First Gulf War, fought to free an oil-rich Kuwait. So are you talking about the Second Gulf War?

Our endless presence in the region is not good for America. Think about it. We toppled a democratic govt in Iran for example, and we’ve had nothing but trouble with them ever since. Funny, no? We think we get to decide who runs other nations to benefit corporate America, not quite in line with our freedom for all rhetoric. Israel constantly lobbies for and gets our involvement in the region.

you must get your news from Marxists-r-us as that is what they preach without bringing any evidence to the table. When it is going well you have nothing but praise for the American nation and your way of life, when it becomes to much of an effort you blame everyone else for your failures. Take the blame and learn by it.
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other recipients normally receive aid in installments, and Israel (as is also the case with Egypt) is permitted to use cash flow financing for its U.S. arms purchases. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with the United States.

In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress.

For FY2016, the following legislation addresses U.S. foreign assistance to Israel:

• A draft House FY2016 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs bill would provide Israel $3.1 billion in FMF as requested.

• H.R. 1735, the House version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems including: $41.4 million for Iron Dome, $249.8 million for David’s Sling; $34.5 million for Arrow 3, and $45.5 million for Arrow 2.

• S. 1376, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization bill for FY2016, authorizes up to $372.4 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems.

• A draft House FY2016 Defense Appropriations bill would provide $487.595 million for U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense programs, of which $55 million is for Iron Dome, $286.526 million is for David’s Sling, $89.550 million is for Arrow 3, and $56.519 million is for Arrow 2.

Learn, read and learn.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........

It's the same for assistance to american citizens, but that's "welfare", and just horrible. But nevermind that, tell me how it's good for us taxpayers who provide the funding. Cause I don't see it does anything at all good for US unless you're looking to annex portions of the middle east, which is kind or what we're doing over there.

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

Which proxy wars? The 9/11 war against the Taliban wasn't fought for Israel. Neither was the First Gulf War, fought to free an oil-rich Kuwait. So are you talking about the Second Gulf War?

Our endless presence in the region is not good for America. Think about it. We toppled a democratic govt in Iran for example, and we’ve had nothing but trouble with them ever since. Funny, no? We think we get to decide who runs other nations to benefit corporate America, not quite in line with our freedom for all rhetoric. Israel constantly lobbies for and gets our involvement in the region.

you must get your news from Marxists-r-us as that is what they preach without bringing any evidence to the table. When it is going well you have nothing but praise for the American nation and your way of life, when it becomes to much of an effort you blame everyone else for your failures. Take the blame and learn by it.

Hon, you're making shit up. You just fabricated this knowing nothing:

When it is going well you have nothing but praise for the American nation and your way of life, when it becomes to much of an effort you blame everyone else for your failures.

Which says volumes about how you come to "know" what you "know" and your own need for evidence in reaching your own conclusions.
Fenton Lum, et al,

This is probably an incorrect assessment. It dependents on how you apply the criteria.

Welfare State

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

I've said this several times in the las month: Israel is in the top 20 nations in terms of Human Development. That is well beyond anything the Arab League Nations can put forward; even, the oil rich nations.

Israel is leaps and bounds above - Welfare Criteria, which is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens.

Most Respectfully,

If they were able to exist without us taxpayer subsidies what would be wonderful. If they came to include their support for their palestinian citizens even moreso. But we all know that ain't about to happen.

They can and have asked the US to stop the aid many times, but the US refuses as it is a backdoor means of subsidising American industry.
What Palestinian citizens are those then, is that like your German citizens that live in Germany or your Saudi citizens that live in Saudi. The Palestinians live in Palestine and they have their own government, they are not Israeli citizens
Fenton Lum, et al,

All of NATO is nothing more than an organization of collective defense. Yet, the US contributes.

Fenton Lum, et al,

This is probably an incorrect assessment. It dependents on how you apply the criteria.

Welfare State

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

I've said this several times in the las month: Israel is in the top 20 nations in terms of Human Development. That is well beyond anything the Arab League Nations can put forward; even, the oil rich nations.

Israel is leaps and bounds above - Welfare Criteria, which is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens.

Most Respectfully,

If they were able to exist without us taxpayer subsidies what would be wonderful. If they came to include their support for their palestinian citizens even moreso. But we all know that ain't about to happen.

The State of Israel represents an investment into the future of both our nations. The investment into the Arab Palestinians, at any level is an unfounded risk into the culture that refused to discuss promote peace and negotiation of terms. It is a blackmailing state that wants all or nothing and will put any number of lives at risk to achieve treasure for the blood they spill..

• Israel represents those positive contributions in science and technology, positive impacts on economies, commercial opportunities and the participation in a common defense.

* Arab Palestinians Have established infrastructure for the jihadist and fundementalist Muslims to threaten and attack peaceful nations.

Most Respectfully,
Fenton Lum, et al,

This is probably an incorrect assessment. It dependents on how you apply the criteria.

Welfare State

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

I've said this several times in the las month: Israel is in the top 20 nations in terms of Human Development. That is well beyond anything the Arab League Nations can put forward; even, the oil rich nations.

Israel is leaps and bounds above - Welfare Criteria, which is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens.

Most Respectfully,

If they were able to exist without us taxpayer subsidies what would be wonderful. If they came to include their support for their palestinian citizens even moreso. But we all know that ain't about to happen.

They can and have asked the US to stop the aid many times, but the US refuses as it is a backdoor means of subsidising American industry.
What Palestinian citizens are those then, is that like your German citizens that live in Germany or your Saudi citizens that live in Saudi. The Palestinians live in Palestine and they have their own government, they are not Israeli citizens

They asked us to stop? You wrote that? Seriously? So once again, the US can’t stay the fuck out of the region. We’re a free market “capitalist” society but we subsidize corporate power and war profiteering. Israel continues the settlements in opposition to the UN, you’re aware, yes?

US taxpayers hand the Israeli govt handouts. It’s that simple. The only thing that makes it complicated for you is, it’s Israel.

AND all it shows is that the US gains just as much as Israel through this process, that is why it is called bilateral aid.........

It's the same for assistance to american citizens, but that's "welfare", and just horrible. But nevermind that, tell me how it's good for us taxpayers who provide the funding. Cause I don't see it does anything at all good for US unless you're looking to annex portions of the middle east, which is kind or what we're doing over there.

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

Which proxy wars? The 9/11 war against the Taliban wasn't fought for Israel. Neither was the First Gulf War, fought to free an oil-rich Kuwait. So are you talking about the Second Gulf War?

Our endless presence in the region is not good for America. Think about it. We toppled a democratic govt in Iran for example, and we’ve had nothing but trouble with them ever since. Funny, no? We think we get to decide who runs other nations to benefit corporate America, not quite in line with our freedom for all rhetoric. Israel constantly lobbies for and gets our involvement in the region.

you must get your news from Marxists-r-us as that is what they preach without bringing any evidence to the table. When it is going well you have nothing but praise for the American nation and your way of life, when it becomes to much of an effort you blame everyone else for your failures. Take the blame and learn by it.

Hon, you're making shit up. You just fabricated this knowing nothing:

When it is going well you have nothing but praise for the American nation and your way of life, when it becomes to much of an effort you blame everyone else for your failures.

Which says volumes about how you come to "know" what you "know" and your own need for evidence in reaching your own conclusions.

No I am on the outside looking in and this is exactly what you sound like, you whinge and moan when things go wrong and blame anyone but yourselves. Then you do the same thing all over again a few months later. Your own Army top brass said don't stop until we have Saddam in our grasp, but your civil servants vetoed the idea and pulled the troops back. Now we are all paying the price for your failures in the islamonazi terrorist attacks all over Europe
Fenton Lum, et al,

All of NATO is nothing more than an organization of collective defense. Yet, the US contributes.

Fenton Lum, et al,

This is probably an incorrect assessment. It dependents on how you apply the criteria.

Welfare State

Israel is a welfare state, it's come time to allow them to stand on their own and for the US to stop fighting proxy wars for them.

I've said this several times in the las month: Israel is in the top 20 nations in terms of Human Development. That is well beyond anything the Arab League Nations can put forward; even, the oil rich nations.

Israel is leaps and bounds above - Welfare Criteria, which is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens.

Most Respectfully,

If they were able to exist without us taxpayer subsidies what would be wonderful. If they came to include their support for their palestinian citizens even moreso. But we all know that ain't about to happen.

The State of Israel represents an investment into the future of both our nations. The investment into the Arab Palestinians, at any level is an unfounded risk into the culture that refused to discuss promote peace and negotiation of terms. It is a blackmailing state that wants all or nothing and will put any number of lives at risk to achieve treasure for the blood they spill..

• Israel represents those positive contributions in science and technology, positive impacts on economies, commercial opportunities and the participation in a common defense.

* Arab Palestinians Have established infrastructure for the jihadist and fundementalist Muslims to threaten and attack peaceful nations.

Most Respectfully,

I'm aware of the contortionist attempts at rationale here at home, thanks.

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