Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Barr needs to prosecute Hillary before all of the witnesses "die"
But Trump handed over secret material to the Russians ...

And now he's handing it over to us. Democrats should be happy.

No he’s not. Why would you think that?

Declassifying everything about how the Russia investigation started is
what has to happen. If we're worried about Russian interference then we should equally be
concerned about interference from within our own justice department. Protect against all enemies -
foreign and domestic. Trump is the good guy in all this, no matter what you think of him, but you won't see it even when
the truth hits you like 100 tons of bricks.


See that? Those are the public criminal investigations going on.
They don’t include the other 12 that are being kept secret that came from the Mueller report.

Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies. We’ve learned that from the Michael Cohen case.

In fact, every case that closed so far has resulted in criminal prosecutions and guilty pleas.

Dozens of felony convictions and indictments and people in prison.

And the one thing they all have in common? That little angel Donald Trump.

Might have been a good hand.
Too bad the Democrats blew all their credit on Russian Roulette.
Nice job Rainman.
She’s like the Teflon Don
Not after this material is declassified. Grand Juries and the American people will be able to see what has been being done on Obama's watch to instigate a coup against President Trump "as an insurance policy according to members of the FBI. :woohoo:

Oh I can’t wait from Hillary to the FBI and CIA spying “investigating” to all the corrupt cockroaches including Rinos.
That was already done. and it was done in the past 3 years. You haven't been keeping up with the Mueller probe, the House findings, the Senate findings, and Attorney General Barr's comprehensive review of findings and probes. All four came up with NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Tell the USMB Board, how did you manage to sleep through every single phase of four in-depth reviews and findings that found President Trump and his staff innocent of charges? Inquiring minds would like to know.

No I’ve been keeping up I just mean justice to be finally served. Prison time.
She’s like the Teflon Don
Not after this material is declassified. Grand Juries and the American people will be able to see what has been being done on Obama's watch to instigate a coup against President Trump "as an insurance policy according to members of the FBI. :woohoo:

Oh I can’t wait from Hillary to the FBI and CIA spying “investigating” to all the corrupt cockroaches including Rinos.
That was already done. and it was done in the past 3 years. You haven't been keeping up with the Mueller probe, the House findings, the Senate findings, and Attorney General Barr's comprehensive review of findings and probes. All four came up with NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Tell the USMB Board, how did you manage to sleep through every single phase of four in-depth reviews and findings that found President Trump and his staff innocent of charges? Inquiring minds would like to know.

No I’ve been keeping up I just mean justice to be finally served. Prison time.
Thanks you; I hope that Justice may be done to favor a President who has been accused for crimes he never even considered doing. The reason I am certain of that is because the President was fully exonerated from the false accusations of lying, collusion, and obstruction. Part of the exoneration bit means the President has the recourse and responsibility of getting the Democrats out of his way so he can be defending this country from foreigners bent on taking us out, whatever measures he deems right to accomplish that end.
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Barr needs to prosecute Hillary before all of the witnesses "die"
Mr. Comey's career is at stake because of Hillary Clinton's deceptions. But his taking up her crap with malice for President Trump gives another insight. How could one man go so wrong as to conspire to get rid of a President just because snotty nosed criminal Hillary wants him out of her road.
When did Hillary Clinton commit treason? How so?
The whore in the Oval Office tosses the word "treason" around constantly, but it is defined in the U.S. Constitution.
She hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. At some point, doesn’t the statute of limitations run out?

Isn’t that why Trump wants to be reelected because he’s hoping if he’s president for another four years the statute of limitations will run out on all his crimes and they won’t be able to convict him of anything.?
But Trump handed over secret material to the Russians ...

And now he's handing it over to us. Democrats should be happy.

No he’s not. Why would you think that?

Declassifying everything about how the Russia investigation started is
what has to happen. If we're worried about Russian interference then we should equally be
concerned about interference from within our own justice department. Protect against all enemies -
foreign and domestic. Trump is the good guy in all this, no matter what you think of him, but you won't see it even when
the truth hits you like 100 tons of bricks.

Don’t you get what that means? If they declassified everything that the Russians did, that means they’ll expose every American agent who works to protect us from Russian attacks on our democracy.
Will the Trump administration put American lives in danger just to protect Trump?

Well yeah of course. Because Republicans don’t see anybody more important then Donald Trump.

Barr is not going to out any CIA or FBI agents.
We already know the shit started with Comey and Brennan.

No it didn’t. That’s stupid.

It started with Papadopoulos and Trump allies being outed by other countries who let our intelligence agencies know that they might possibly be Russian assets.
No it didn’t. That’s stupid.

It started with Papadopoulos and Trump allies being outed by other countries who let our intelligence agencies know that they might possibly be Russian assets.
I'm talking about when the Steele Dossier became a problem, which is when they used it for the basis of the FISA warrants, an act that Comey and Brennan both knew was illegal .
When did Hillary Clinton commit treason? How so?
The whore in the Oval Office tosses the word "treason" around constantly, but it is defined in the U.S. Constitution.
Brennan is the whore.
By rights, Trump can have him arrested for conspiracy to endanger and overthrow a sitting president.
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Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Obviously, her good looks and sex appeal are unduly influencing people.
When did Hillary Clinton commit treason? How so?
The whore in the Oval Office tosses the word "treason" around constantly, but it is defined in the U.S. Constitution.
Brennan is the whore.
By rights, Trump can have him arrested for conspiracy to endanger and overthrow a sitting president.

These things occurred before your whore was a "sitting president." How was "treason," as defined in the U.S. Constitution, committed against a private citizen?
When did Hillary Clinton commit treason? How so?
The whore in the Oval Office tosses the word "treason" around constantly, but it is defined in the U.S. Constitution.
Brennan is the whore.
By rights, Trump can have him arrested for conspiracy to endanger and overthrow a sitting president.

These things occurred before your whore was a "sitting president." How was "treason," as defined in the U.S. Constitution, committed against a private citizen?

John Brennan is the one who wrongfully accused President Trump of being a traitor.
Your side is far more amusing, by the number of footshoots you do on just about every issue. But I'm not laughing at you tonight. Pity, maybe.

And you have a lot to learn about DNC treachery, because you probably haven't followed Hillary's nefarious acts too closely.
You need to pull yer head outta the conservative blogosphere and breath some fresh air for a change. None of these things are real.
Control Freak Hillary cannot control freak on President Trump forever. Time for Hillary to pay the piper.
Control *president* tRump?

Where did you come up with that nonsense?
It was published in a book by a man who was one of Hillary's college friends I think. They belonged to some kind of underground group (before or after graduating from college, can't recall) that championed black criminals. The black killers they were to defend killed his best friend for no reason, and he escaped. He's written a few telling books about Hillary since that time. She was and is a doozy. I was reading his threads in the mid 90s. He opposed her husband's presidential bid because she had the propensity to hate good people and get even with them after they didn't appreciate her nasty little stunts. She appeals to people who don't really know who she is.
Oh, it was published in a book, so it must be true.

How many books about tRump have come out recently? Are they all true as well?
We'll see how true my resources are when the indictments against the small number of FBI leaders come out. It will not be pretty.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

erasing people from the history books is what fascist nazis do.

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