Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Hannity? You offer up Hannity?? RATFLMAO!!! How much more lame can the neocon whackadoodles go. Quite far it seems...

The American people disagree with you:
The Top Cable News Programs For May 2019

By A.J. Katz on May. 30, 2019 - 9:49 AMComment
Hannity is No. 1 on cable news for the fourth consecutive month.

Also by A. J. Katz on the same page:
May 31, 2019
Fox News marked 20 straight weeks as the most-watched basic cable network in total day.
Scoreboard: Friday, May 31
Fox News marks 35 straight months at No. 1 in total day, while TNT, driven by its NBA Playoffs coverage, is at the top in prime time.
I think you need to stay away from propaganda as a means of communication. That is all.
When did Hillary Clinton commit treason? How so?
The whore in the Oval Office tosses the word "treason" around constantly, but it is defined in the U.S. Constitution.
Here's the word:

Graham: Hillary Clinton committed obstruction of justice
She hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. At some point, doesn’t the statute of limitations run out?

Isn’t that why Trump wants to be reelected because he’s hoping if he’s president for another four years the statute of limitations will run out on all his crimes and they won’t be able to convict him of anything.?
She committed a high crime that was also a misdemeanor, doll. :)
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News


Because they control the elites money talks bs walks.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News


Because they control the elites money talks bs walks.

Hopefully, those days are over. The rule of law is why Hillary Rodham is in serious trouble up to her facial carbuncles.

John Solomon has found evidence that the Clinton campaign flooded FBI with bad intelligence.​
Donna Brazile finds proof that Clinton took over DNC, and rigged the nomination. The former DNC interim chairperson writes in her new book that Hillary secretly took control of the party's finances in 2015.

She also says Obama left America $24 trillion in debt, so weak that it was easy for someone like Hillary to go to work to destroy not only the USA, but also the Democrat Party. The DNC is quiet about these findings.

Brazile said Hillary took over all the money with the focus of taking over the DNC. She also told her spokespersons to call all the other people "paranoid," "misguided," etc.

Hillary's downfall is imminent.
I guess this is where the dumbing down of humainty rears it's ugly head

God help us!

I guess this is where the dumbing down of humainty rears it's ugly head

God help us!

We shall overcome the Clinton Cartel.

The Clinton Cartel is already finished. It's all over but the retention of the colluders who swindled America from the halls of the FBI.

Payment due for trying to destroy freedom.
I guess this is where the dumbing down of humainty rears it's ugly head

God help us!

We shall overcome the Clinton Cartel.

The Clinton Cartel is already finished. It's all over but the retention of the colluders who swindled America from the halls of the FBI.

Payment due for trying to destroy freedom.

The Clintons are merely a bookmark in a long line of what you lament Beautress

Further, we live in an orwellian version of freedom

Go ahead, ask this BB to define it, 1/2 the posters here think it's owning a firearm

Pretty much answered your own question beautress!
Her minions are protecting her from any jail time. That includes Obama himself.

"If I go down, you go down Hillary". I am sure that is what Obama told her.
They are not her minions
they are her cohorts...

If she goes does down, we’re going down with her,
that’s what they know

They’re protecting themselves
I guess this is where the dumbing down of humainty rears it's ugly head

God help us!

We shall overcome the Clinton Cartel.

The Clinton Cartel is already finished. It's all over but the retention of the colluders who swindled America from the halls of the FBI.

Payment due for trying to destroy freedom.

The Clintons are merely a bookmark in a long line of what you lament Beautress

Further, we live in an orwellian version of freedom

Go ahead, ask this BB to define it, 1/2 the posters here think it's owning a firearm

Our Constitution is multifaceted. sparky. It was good in 1776-2019 and it's good in the future. The Democrats are getting their hands spanked to show them the advantages of being Americans, including those who after a few years of residence and passing a Constitutional understanding basic examination in English, the National Language.

Hannity? You offer up Hannity?? RATFLMAO!!! How much more lame can the neocon whackadoodles go. Quite far it seems...
The American people disagree with you:
The Top Cable News Programs For May 2019

By A.J. Katz on May. 30, 2019 - 9:49 AMComment
Hannity is No. 1 on cable news for the fourth consecutive month.

Also by A. J. Katz on the same page:
May 31, 2019
Fox News marked 20 straight weeks as the most-watched basic cable network in total day.
Scoreboard: Friday, May 31
Fox News marks 35 straight months at No. 1 in total day, while TNT, driven by its NBA Playoffs coverage, is at the top in prime time.
I think you need to stay away from propaganda as a means of communication. That is all.

Cable news?? LOL....Give me actual figures (can't see the figures in your link because you have to join the site to read the article. I'm not doing that)
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She hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. At some point, doesn’t the statute of limitations run out?

Isn’t that why Trump wants to be reelected because he’s hoping if he’s president for another four years the statute of limitations will run out on all his crimes and they won’t be able to convict him of anything.?

No he’s just gonna win. Simple as that easy.
She hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. At some point, doesn’t the statute of limitations run out?

Isn’t that why Trump wants to be reelected because he’s hoping if he’s president for another four years the statute of limitations will run out on all his crimes and they won’t be able to convict him of anything.?

No he’s just gonna win. Simple as that easy.
If Bush, Obama and Clinton all held 2 terms it
shouldn't be surprising to anyone if Trump does, especially now
that the fake news media has been exposed. The paradigm shift happened
when they all got caught lying and now Fox News can take full advantage since
they were telling the truth about Clinton and Russiagate all along.
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