Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Hillary's Hit Job on Donald Trump's Campaign by her own foreign collusion, actually, with Russia.
Outing the FBI Crime Team's crimes investigating Trump for political candidate Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Because you’re a crazy old person disconnected from reality?
At first, my examination of champion bulls yesterday was just out of curosity. But it taught me something about bulls, Mr. Toro. <<<<<<<< b u r p >>>>>>>>

Here, I went to all the trouble of picking (from hundreds of choices) the shortest, to the pointest ones so even a single-visioned and impatient bull could understand them, it was a waste of my time. Did you even watch one of those videos? A couple? All of them?

Your pretense of ignoring unpleasant, but true political information is duly noted. Now if you have a question as to why the Democrats continually initiate one after another after another plans on delegitimizing the presidency of Donald Trump, or if you wish to validate why the Democrats would commit criminal acts by the dozens to accomplish soiling the Constitution and the Executive Branch of the United States of America, please ahem just snort it out. Or are you just a silly old dowager cow stamping her foot like Maxine Waters to get rid of President Trump Or the other dowager cow, Nancy Pelosi, who no longer wants to impeach the president, she wishes to "just put him in jail," as she patronizingly looks over the top of her screw-loosened reading glasses to look more authoritative?
At first, my examination of champion bulls yesterday was just out of curosity. But it taught me something about bulls, Mr. Toro. <<<<<<<< b u r p >>>>>>>>

Here, I went to all the trouble of picking (from hundreds of choices) the shortest, to the pointest ones so even a single-visioned and impatient bull could understand them, it was a waste of my time. Did you even watch one of those videos? A couple? All of them?

Your pretense of ignoring unpleasant, but true political information is duly noted. Now if you have a question as to why the Democrats continually initiate one after another after another plans on delegitimizing the presidency of Donald Trump, or if you wish to validate why the Democrats would commit criminal acts by the dozens to accomplish soiling the Constitution and the Executive Branch of the United States of America, please ahem just snort it out. Or are you just a silly old dowager cow stamping her foot like Maxine Waters to get rid of President Trump Or the other dowager cow, Nancy Pelosi, who no longer wants to impeach the president, she wishes to "just put him in jail," as she patronizingly looks over the top of her screw-loosened reading glasses to look more authoritative?

Has anything ever 'stuck' to Hillary?

Dowager cow. lol.
How Hillary Clinton zapped intelligence information to the FBI to use against Trump campaign:

The Obama White House had complete Obama approval. Was Obama lazy? Or was he in on making changes in the Constitution without having to account for it?
At first, my examination of champion bulls yesterday was just out of curosity. But it taught me something about bulls, Mr. Toro. <<<<<<<< b u r p >>>>>>>>

Here, I went to all the trouble of picking (from hundreds of choices) the shortest, to the pointest ones so even a single-visioned and impatient bull could understand them, it was a waste of my time. Did you even watch one of those videos? A couple? All of them?

Your pretense of ignoring unpleasant, but true political information is duly noted. Now if you have a question as to why the Democrats continually initiate one after another after another plans on delegitimizing the presidency of Donald Trump, or if you wish to validate why the Democrats would commit criminal acts by the dozens to accomplish soiling the Constitution and the Executive Branch of the United States of America, please ahem just snort it out. Or are you just a silly old dowager cow stamping her foot like Maxine Waters to get rid of President Trump Or the other dowager cow, Nancy Pelosi, who no longer wants to impeach the president, she wishes to "just put him in jail," as she patronizingly looks over the top of her screw-loosened reading glasses to look more authoritative?

Has anything ever 'stuck' to Hillary?

Dowager cow. lol.
During their Arkansas Gubernatorial term, the Clintons were both informants to the FBI. That gave them a certain amount of immunity. How long this went on is of great concern to the Judicial Watch office.

The Hannity video above explains some of the people in the FBI who were involved in Hillary's years as Secretary of State Deep State shenannigans such as the phony Russian dossiers.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Because she didn’t commit treason or conspire?
Rand Paul calls for indictment of Hillary Clinton

Hypocrite Rand of course wont call for one on criminal traiter and the clintons pal Bush since he is a republican. Rand is a sellout to the american people and to his father.
The truth is coming.

The clintons are indeed mass murderers and should no doubt have been put behind bars YEARS ago for those crimes and many others but the Clintons got nothing on George Bush and his criminal activities against americans and yet hypocrites like Rand Paul wont speak ONE WORD about HIS mass murders and what equal traiters they are to the american people as well.fuck you and your hypocrisy Rand.:mad:
The truth is coming.

The clintons are indeed mass murderers and should no doubt have been put behind bars YEARS ago for those crimes and many others but the Clintons got nothing on George Bush and his criminal activities against americans and yet hypocrites like Rand Paul wont speak ONE WORD about HIS mass murders and what equal traiters they are to the american people as well.fuck you and your hypocrisy Rand.:mad:

Rand Paul calls for indictment of Hillary Clinton

Hypocrite Rand of course wont call for one on criminal traiter and the clintons pal Bush since he is a republican. Rand is a sellout to the american people and to his father.

How is Rand Paul much different from his dad, policy-wise ?

Well Ron has the same visions our last REAL president kennedy did,the last president who followed the constitution serving the people instead of the bankers as every president since then has. Like Kennedy,Ron also has said many times for America to be great again,we need to do what Kennedy tried and died trying to do,get rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed.

I cant recall Rand ever saying that. Plus Rand proved what a sellout he was that he is not a RINO like Ron is and part of the establishment when Ron after he did not get the republican nomination,he was asked if he would support Romney and Ron being the patriot he is said no he would not since Romney and Obama are two birds of a feather,part of the establishment.Romney showed what a traiter he was same as Obama by laughing about Paul wanting to get rid of the CIA,FBI and fed when he asked what he thought of Paul wanting to do that.

Rand sold us all out though and endorced Romney and went over to the establishment Republican side.

Do you HAVE a video of Rand talking about getting rid of the CIA,FBI and fed,the reason the world is in a mess and will always be as long as they are here? and do you HAVE one of him talking about how the Clintons pal Bush is a criminal and needs to be prosecuted as well?

if you can produce those 2 videos for me,then i will take back what i said that Rand does not have the same policys as patriot Ron does despite him selling out to americans and voting for establishment puppet Romney back then.he was a traiter to us all them so you cant trust him.
During their Arkansas Gubernatorial term, the Clintons were both informants to the FBI. That gave them a certain amount of immunity. How long this went on is of great concern to the Judicial Watch office.

The Hannity video above explains some of the people in the FBI who were involved in Hillary's years as Secretary of State Deep State shenannigans such as the phony Russian dossiers.
Secretary of the Deep State, Hillary Clinton's days of hiding behind a vast media
smokescreen are numbered.
During their Arkansas Gubernatorial term, the Clintons were both informants to the FBI. That gave them a certain amount of immunity. How long this went on is of great concern to the Judicial Watch office.

The Hannity video above explains some of the people in the FBI who were involved in Hillary's years as Secretary of State Deep State shenannigans such as the phony Russian dossiers.
Secretary of the Deep State, Hillary Clinton's days of hiding behind a vast media
smokescreen are numbered.
I'm hearing that too, Angelo. Washington DC time, however, is not always connected to the public at large.
I'm hearing that too, Angelo. Washington DC time, however, is not always connected to the public at large.
Her friend Comey threw her under the bus a long time ago
when Gowdy was questioning him. They have several confirmed counts of perjury under oath before Congress.

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