Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Because she isn't guilty of either.

And goddamn, texas is fucked up.

The evidence found by Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch group found conclusive evidence that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the upper echelons of the FBI have their fingerprints all over it, plus they have in their possession all of the emails Hillary thought she had ridded of by having her computer destroyed, cloroxed, and axe-hammered the hard drive. She's goin' down, pal. She had Trump framed before and after he beat her, so if you keep hearing the words "insurance policy," you will get it when she is incarcerated.

God your stupid.

Cloroxed? You know Bleachbit was just a name, not a chemical.

Thank you, sir. I stand corrected.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Because she isn't guilty of either.

And goddamn, texas is fucked up.

The evidence found by Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch group found conclusive evidence that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the upper echelons of the FBI have their fingerprints all over it, plus they have in their possession all of the emails Hillary thought she had ridded of by having her computer destroyed, cloroxed, and axe-hammered the hard drive. She's goin' down, pal. She had Trump framed before and after he beat her, so if you keep hearing the words "insurance policy," you will get it when she is incarcerated.

God your stupid.

Cloroxed? You know Bleachbit was just a name, not a chemical.

Thank you, sir. I stand corrected.

I always love when someone misspells you're when they're calling you stupid.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Because she isn't guilty of either.

And goddamn, texas is fucked up.

The evidence found by Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch group found conclusive evidence that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the upper echelons of the FBI have their fingerprints all over it, plus they have in their possession all of the emails Hillary thought she had ridded of by having her computer destroyed, cloroxed, and axe-hammered the hard drive. She's goin' down, pal. She had Trump framed before and after he beat her, so if you keep hearing the words "insurance policy," you will get it when she is incarcerated.

God your stupid.

Cloroxed? You know Bleachbit was just a name, not a chemical.

Thank you, sir. I stand corrected.

I always love when someone misspells you're when they're calling you stupid.

Hey, in high school I had to help my teachers read the class genius's papers and interpret it for them, sometimes. I just automatically overlook the "their there they're" stuff and the "your you're yore" stuff, too. :D
My best dreams are when I see that bitch Clinton hanged....or ....sent to an eternal suffering prison.....

She and her idiot traitor schizophrenic Bill....I want to see them pay for all their crimes.
And I think she should be placed in solitary confinement when she is imprisoned for her crimes, until she fesses up to her wrongdoing and asks for forgiveness for all the hundreds of millions of Americans she hurt, and the tens of millions of unborn Americans she upheld the brutal killings of (studies show even a fetus can feel mortal pain and will try to escape the abortionist's killing equipment by dodging it instinctively.)

And I think they ought to get a committee of pro-lifers like me to determine whether Hillary is sincere or not about her sorrow for her evil deeds.

the bitch Clinton should be burnt at the stake.OK? nothing less nothing more

Sorry, doll. The Constitution's Bill of Rights does not allow cruel nor unjust punishment. The little snowflake will just have to take what the justice system gives her, and we have to live with it as the good sports American citizens are supposed to be. :muahaha: I will give the Prison Cooks my recipe, however, for the hardest damn biscuits in the world.


never "sorry doll me" ok?

but I agree with you...sent the witch to jail for an eternity.
I guess this is where the dumbing down of humainty rears it's ugly head

God help us!

We shall overcome the Clinton Cartel.

The Clinton Cartel is already finished. It's all over but the retention of the colluders who swindled America from the halls of the FBI.

Payment due for trying to destroy freedom.

The Clintons are merely a bookmark in a long line of what you lament Beautress

Further, we live in an orwellian version of freedom

Go ahead, ask this BB to define it, 1/2 the posters here think it's owning a firearm

Well, sparky, we probably don't agree much, but rather than judge people on how rich or poor they are as good or bad doesn't cut it with me. The Good Book says something like "The sun shines and the rain rains on the rich as well as the poor." To me that means not all poor people are the best or the worst, and that not all rich people are the best or the worst, either. Other things fall into line as well--age, experience, the determination to learn from errors and be a better person for it, intelligence is good, but not all-important. Sometimes a man's responsibilities change when he is given an incentive, and that change can be the difference in the case of a President who has a lot of management expertise, fiscal intelligence, and appreciation for those who do well. I feel that President Trump made his share of mistakes, took his lumps for them, and tried hard to get it right the next time. I think he's done the same thing since he was elected. That really ticked his adversaries off, so being who they are, they set him up with false allegations and lies about him, and all their scheming and planning came to nothing except the expenditure of $40 million dollars at the expense of the American taxpayer for a few seats in congress for the Democrats who created this little shitstorm.

Trump hails from wall street, his entire history and experience as a CEO ,along with every other wall street CEO no way shape or form is a meritocracy. Biz men do not ,have never, and never will bow to representative collectivism ,why do you think they hate unions?

They have systematically lobbied and legislated to their favor for so many generations in America ,that they've become the deep state /shadow gub'mit lamented daily here

So for Trump to assume a seat of power is basically cutting to the chase of ousting former ponzi puppet potus' , for a more direct influence.

In his defense, Trump is no more or less moral than anoyone else serving time in sodom and gomorrah , he just happens to be on top of the heap ,far more a target than the sea of iniquity surrounding him

I guess this is where the dumbing down of humainty rears it's ugly head

God help us!

We shall overcome the Clinton Cartel.

The Clinton Cartel is already finished. It's all over but the retention of the colluders who swindled America from the halls of the FBI.

Payment due for trying to destroy freedom.

The Clintons are merely a bookmark in a long line of what you lament Beautress

Further, we live in an orwellian version of freedom

Go ahead, ask this BB to define it, 1/2 the posters here think it's owning a firearm

Well, sparky, we probably don't agree much, but rather than judge people on how rich or poor they are as good or bad doesn't cut it with me. The Good Book says something like "The sun shines and the rain rains on the rich as well as the poor." To me that means not all poor people are the best or the worst, and that not all rich people are the best or the worst, either. Other things fall into line as well--age, experience, the determination to learn from errors and be a better person for it, intelligence is good, but not all-important. Sometimes a man's responsibilities change when he is given an incentive, and that change can be the difference in the case of a President who has a lot of management expertise, fiscal intelligence, and appreciation for those who do well. I feel that President Trump made his share of mistakes, took his lumps for them, and tried hard to get it right the next time. I think he's done the same thing since he was elected. That really ticked his adversaries off, so being who they are, they set him up with false allegations and lies about him, and all their scheming and planning came to nothing except the expenditure of $40 million dollars at the expense of the American taxpayer for a few seats in congress for the Democrats who created this little shitstorm.

Trump hails from wall street, his entire history and experience as a CEO ,along with every other wall street CEO no way shape or form is a meritocracy. Biz men do not ,have never, and never will bow to representative collectivism ,why do you think they hate unions?

They have systematically lobbied and legislated to their favor for so many generations in America ,that they've become the deep state /shadow gub'mit lamented daily here

So for Trump to assume a seat of power is basically cutting to the chase of ousting former ponzi puppet potus' , for a more direct influence.

In his defense, Trump is no more or less moral than anoyone else serving time in Sodom and Gomorrah, he just happens to be on top of the heap ,far more a target than the sea of iniquity surrounding him

The way I view it, Americans did the right thing by putting a man who has the tools in his workbox to fix an economy that has been stretched to the limit by spending more than it can squeeze out of the American people. The war between those who defend one person versus his adversary is irrelevant to most of us. We know when we're screwed, and overspending has changed the original intention of the founders for government not to be the powerful entity, but that the people should enjoy this power by earning and keeping their own money. It pretty much stayed that way until the Congress decided to impose an income tax on everyone to invest in World War I in which Royalty wars threw the European nations into a tug of war they couldn't resolve and lured the yanks in due to (1) Plenty of people to furnish assistance to causes, (2) Sudden family ties (3) Same-language sympathy, and (4) Relief from Americans being considered cast-off nobodies in the world. The Congress couldn't resist the lure as being "good for" everyone in the USA. And where did that lead us? It led us into slavery to make enough money to live on and pay the government whatever it thereafter said it needed based on having representation in government.

WE put President Trump in office to take his best shot at taking the national debt to zero. But his spendaholic predecessor in his general disdain for his political adversaries as unworthy of ruling fairly, also took dead aim at all supporters of those he hated. That went over about as well as an oversized anvil falling on the national foot. People of every clan did the pragmatic thing by voting for Trump. And considering that the adversary was evasive with a grand jury, inventive with convenient loopholes to avoid exposure, and in general, not trustworthy with other people's life savings (Whitewater), she upended her own success with past wrongs she never made right with malice for all who didn't kiss her ass.

President Trump has had his challenges, and he set about fixing what was broken as best he could. For one thing, all the branches of military had been rendered unwanted by his predecessor, who did all one could do to diminish America militarily, which was way out of step with mainstream America. Obama and Hillary had their own plans on power over the entire world. Obama wanted to reduce white power totally, and Hillary just wanted to be the King. So they played political game circles with all things sacred--destroying faith, promoting abortion as a necessity for women, diminishing family and increasing governmental power to replace family power.

We who want to eliminate the national debt acknowledge that money had to be spent to re-establish America's position of bartering in the world, so considering all things I can think of, we will likely need another strong financial person for the next 3 or 4 presidential election terms, which would mean 20 years. America is still a little young and fickle, but if we have another 180 degree swing to the winner-takes-all-and-raises-it-all giveaways to squanderers of opportunity, it will become a dizzying return to full hatred in government as we have right now, in which giving an inch is considered an unquenchable loss by either side.

I feel so badly about the condition of angst in this nation. I hope we can get our debts paid off and never come back to this disagreeable condition again. I have a family matter to attend to this week, and my best friend is on his death bed. The best prayer I have is "Lord, help us find our way back to civility with renewed trust in one another, and paying our debts back to those we borrowed from to wind up debtors." amen.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

This is a retorical question right? You're not REALLY serious are you?:abgg2q.jpg:

I sure as hell hope the thread title was being sarcastic and was just a retorical question for your sake.

otherwise you would be in the same catagory as sealybozo,a brainwashed sheep who seriously thinks the democrats are clean but the republicans are evil or USMB'S biggest troll political chic,she is just he opposite as him and thinks the dems are corrupt but the republicans can do no wrong despite the overwhelming evidence and history of THEIR corruption as well.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

those two should marry each other.:haha: two brainwashed sheep who cant face reality both parties are corrupt and are one in the same only called a different name.:rolleyes:

getting back to the topic,Man I cannot believe this topic is STILL going on but since it is,you ARE joking right? that WAS a retorical question in the OP right? :D

many american sheep have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system into thinking that our government serves the people and that the two parties have different views which could not be anything furthe from the truth.

just look at the history spanning the last five administrations all the way back to 1980. we get a new president in office from a different party and nothing ever changes,it always the same policys,

ask yourself this question. has a former first lady EVER gone to jail?:rolleyes:

No I did not think so. Neither has a president or even former president.

If you were REALLY being serious in the OP,you are very dense and have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system same as sealybobo and polical chic,

there is one different law for politicians than there is for us citizens ESPECIALLY presidents and former first ladies.they commit crimes EVERYDAY that WE go to jail for if we commit the same offense. case closed,class dismissed.

Not to toot my own horn but this is the ONLY post on the thread that matters and answers the question and right to the point.

everything else that has been said in all the other previous posts is all irrelevent and does not matter. this is the ONLY post that people should read if they REALLY want an honest and truthful answer.:rolleyes:


Okay I take back what i said in my last post. My previous post before this one AND this post here by Purge are the ONLY two posts on here that have been made that matter. The only mistake he made in the the pic there is it NEEDS to say at the bottom- ONE SET FOR POLITICIANS AND ONE SET FOR THE REST OF US.:beer:

my previous post what I said before this one and this post by the purge are the ONLY two posts on this thread that matters.The Purge gave an answer that was even more direct and right to the point more so than I did. My previous post before this one and this post by the purge are the ONLY two posts that matter since they both answer the question,everything else said before this post of the purge and afterwards,is all irrelevent and needs to be disregarded.

Are you retarded?
this coming from a sheep who covers his ears and closes his eyes and runs off anytime a video or link is shown with hard documented evidence of clinton and obamas corruption exposed.:abgg2q.jpg::biggrin::laughing0301::lmao:
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Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

This is a retorical question right? You're not REALLY serious are you?:abgg2q.jpg:

I sure as hell hope the thread title was being sarcastic and was just a retorical question for your sake.

otherwise you would be in the same catagory as sealybozo,a brainwashed sheep who seriously thinks the democrats are clean but the republicans are evil or USMB'S biggest troll political chic,she is just he opposite as him and thinks the dems are corrupt but the republicans can do no wrong despite the overwhelming evidence and history of THEIR corruption as well.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

those two should marry each other.:haha: two brainwashed sheep who cant face reality both parties are corrupt and are one in the same only called a different name.:rolleyes:

getting back to the topic,Man I cannot believe this topic is STILL going on but since it is,you ARE joking right? that WAS a retorical question in the OP right? :D

many american sheep have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system into thinking that our government serves the people and that the two parties have different views which could not be anything furthe from the truth.

just look at the history spanning the last five administrations all the way back to 1980. we get a new president in office from a different party and nothing ever changes,it always the same policys,

ask yourself this question. has a former first lady EVER gone to jail?:rolleyes:

No I did not think so. Neither has a president or even former president.

If you were REALLY being serious in the OP,you are very dense and have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system same as sealybobo and polical chic,

there is one different law for politicians than there is for us citizens ESPECIALLY presidents and former first ladies.they commit crimes EVERYDAY that WE go to jail for if we commit the same offense. case closed,class dismissed.

Not to toot my own horn but this is the ONLY post on the thread that matters and answers the question and right to the point.

everything else that has been said in all the other previous posts is all irrelevent and does not matter. this is the ONLY post that people should read if they REALLY want an honest and truthful answer.:rolleyes:

Do you want a post that nourishes your narcissism or the truth?
Hillary Clinton's web of corruption

Debbie Waserman-Schultz
Hillary Clinton rigged and stole 2016 Primary
Bloomberg explains why so many people had it wrong about Hillary Clinton's campaign:
Gary Byrne, Secret Service officer calls Clinton a 'dictator'
Hillary is instructed on why she should stop blaming people for Hillary's election loss:
New scandals enveloping Clinton, Obama amid questions about Russian collusion

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