Why isn't it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Why isn't it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color?

10 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jack Hellner

Every day, the media and other Democrats seek to brand Republicans as racists if they dare disagree with Democrats' radical leftist ideology and policies.

Democrats who engage in lawless acts and who happen to be people of color, are treated as heros. That includes two legislators who participated in a riot, protest or insurrection in Tennessee with the aim of disrupting legislative hearings and then got themselves expelled from that body as a result. They were invited to the White House and they were feted. That stands in stark contrast to the failure of Joe Biden to visit the Christian families of Nashville who were just killed recently by a transgender mass shooter. But Biden being Biden, he invited the two disruptive legislators to D.C. for the purpose of playing the race card. He certainly didn't want to take questions on Afghanistan.
In contrast, for decades Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been under attack from the left for the sole reason that he is a black conservative. When Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court, the media and other Democrats sought to destroy him for an unconfirmed story about some kind of sex harassment against Anita Hill, which Thomas vehemently denied. It was no different from their comparable effort to destroy Judge Brett Kavanaugh with an unverified story about things he supposedly did when he was young during his Supreme Court hearings.
Now they are out to destroy Thomas because he took trips with a billionaire friend without disclosing them, which based on a loophole in U.S. law, he wasn't required to report anyway. Rather than close the loophole, which they have the power to do as legislators, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants Thomas to be impeached for this. There is absolutely no indication that Thomas has ever done political favors for the billionaire in exchange for the trips, so why is this treated as a big scandal?
I don't recall USAToday calling it a scandal that Biden frequently stays at a private equity billionaire's mansion. I bet he doesn't disclose the huge value of these stays on his disclosure forms. How much would it cost for a family to stay there? It certainly exceeds the annual gift tax exclusion.
No matter how many minorities are shot and killed by career criminals, there is no demand that Soros family funders stop. Biden and other Democrats don't say a word.
But if Clarence Thomas takes some legally permitted trips, he must be stopped.
It is so hard to spot that everything from the media is about pushing a leftist agenda.
They don't care what color of person they insist on destroying. The only thing they care about is whether their targets are conservatives -- and they have a special little cold spot for black conservatives.

It doesn't matter to the left if something is true or not - they just want to create doubt and use it to hurt their opponents......they are under the direction of the father of lies.
The evil Leftist Democrat groomers have been racist since their inception. Let's just start calling them out.
It's obvious that Maoist Democrat and their subordinate Quisling Media seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color...”
We no longer have media, its controlled by the Deep State. We have unscrupulous hacks who parrot Progressive Marxist Maoist doctrine, who manipulate mass hysteria and have taken populist, political dogma to grotesque heights.
It's now indistinguishable from censorship and laughably crude propaganda!
There is a RACIST attitude by the LEFT that people of color DO NOT have the RIGHT to DISAGREE with the LEFT, and if they do, the LEFT tosses cards and name calls....

and worse.
Even though legal slavery ended more than a century and a half ago, but to this day, the Democraps think that they own black people, or at least their votes and political support. A black person who dares to support conservative causes, is the modern-day equivalent of a runaway slave, and that is how Democraps treat them.
Because Democrats realize their voters don't pay attention to politics and issues. Again, without the uneducated and politically ignorant, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. In short, it works.

Look at the sheep on this service, constantly calling Trump a racist. Yet when you question them about what Trump ever said about blacks that was racist, they dummy up. They have nothing to say. They voted for Biden, the candidate that said the most racist things about blacks during his career than any other candidate in our lifetime. It's fun to rub their nose in it.

If you're black and on the plantation and not smart enough to leave, you are a victim. If you are black and do leave he plantation, you're an Uncle Tom. And to the people that call us racists, these derogatory names are perfectly acceptable.
Because racism is a tool to them.

They don't actually care about racism at all in any way, shape or form. If they cared about racism they would stop saying they support blacks deserve better jobs, more money, preferential admissions to college or employment opportunities. They just say those things to get blacks on their side and ignore the fact when you say blacks deserve special treatment that really you're saying blacks aren't capable of doing stuff on their own and you're saying you approve of taking away opportunity from non blacks based on their skin color which is racism in it's purest form.

They don't care about blacks or trannies or women that want abortions or any of that. They are simply votes to them, they don't even see them as people. They are a fetish to them, something to be exploited.

They don't run on reason, sanity, the best interest of the country, reality, hard work or any of that. They run on feelings and words. So they push racism when it comes to their people, and ignore it when it involves people on their side. It's all a big lie to blacks just to get their support.

Why isn't it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color?

10 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jack Hellner

Every day, the media and other Democrats seek to brand Republicans as racists if they dare disagree with Democrats' radical leftist ideology and policies.

Democrats who engage in lawless acts and who happen to be people of color, are treated as heros. That includes two legislators who participated in a riot, protest or insurrection in Tennessee with the aim of disrupting legislative hearings and then got themselves expelled from that body as a result. They were invited to the White House and they were feted. That stands in stark contrast to the failure of Joe Biden to visit the Christian families of Nashville who were just killed recently by a transgender mass shooter. But Biden being Biden, he invited the two disruptive legislators to D.C. for the purpose of playing the race card. He certainly didn't want to take questions on Afghanistan.
In contrast, for decades Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been under attack from the left for the sole reason that he is a black conservative. When Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court, the media and other Democrats sought to destroy him for an unconfirmed story about some kind of sex harassment against Anita Hill, which Thomas vehemently denied. It was no different from their comparable effort to destroy Judge Brett Kavanaugh with an unverified story about things he supposedly did when he was young during his Supreme Court hearings.
Now they are out to destroy Thomas because he took trips with a billionaire friend without disclosing them, which based on a loophole in U.S. law, he wasn't required to report anyway. Rather than close the loophole, which they have the power to do as legislators, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants Thomas to be impeached for this. There is absolutely no indication that Thomas has ever done political favors for the billionaire in exchange for the trips, so why is this treated as a big scandal?
I don't recall USAToday calling it a scandal that Biden frequently stays at a private equity billionaire's mansion. I bet he doesn't disclose the huge value of these stays on his disclosure forms. How much would it cost for a family to stay there? It certainly exceeds the annual gift tax exclusion.
No matter how many minorities are shot and killed by career criminals, there is no demand that Soros family funders stop. Biden and other Democrats don't say a word.
But if Clarence Thomas takes some legally permitted trips, he must be stopped.
It is so hard to spot that everything from the media is about pushing a leftist agenda.
They don't care what color of person they insist on destroying. The only thing they care about is whether their targets are conservatives -- and they have a special little cold spot for black conservatives.

It doesn't matter to the left if something is true or not - they just want to create doubt and use it to hurt their opponents......they are under the direction of the father of lies.
The evil Leftist Democrat groomers have been racist since their inception. Let's just start calling them out.
It's obvious that Maoist Democrat and their subordinate Quisling Media seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color...”
We no longer have media, its controlled by the Deep State. We have unscrupulous hacks who parrot Progressive Marxist Maoist doctrine, who manipulate mass hysteria and have taken populist, political dogma to grotesque heights.
It's now indistinguishable from censorship and laughably crude propaganda!
Because blacks with their own opinions are Uncle Tom's, just as pro life women are fighting a war against women.
Even though legal slavery ended more than a century and a half ago, but to this day, the Democraps think that they own black people, or at least their votes and political support. A black person who dares to support conservative causes, is the modern-day equivalent of a runaway slave, and that is how Democraps treat them.
The illiberal identity politics played by the left judges all people on their fixed traits and not their behavior. They assign specific behavior patterns to everybody predicated on these fixed traits, and anybody who diverges from them must be punished.

A Jewish person is only tolerated as long as they seek to destroy Israel. A woman's only role is as a radical feminist and cannot be a housewife. Asians need to be quiet and obedient, and blacks can only be black if they are full-on ghetto.

To leftists, nobody can just be who they are, free from the constraints of being put in a little box.
You could run Ronald McDonald for President and as long as there is a D next to his name, blacks would vote for him.

In 1984, if you had written in “Bozo the Clown” for President, you would have been casting a valid vote for an actual candidate.

His real name was Lawrence Weiss; he went by the stage name Larry Harmon; and he was most famous, as an actor, for playing the part of the iconic clown. And in 1984, he ran for President, as a write-in candidate. Went through whatever legal hoops were involved, to be legally recognized as such.

His name didn't directly appear on the ballot, but at least in California, where I was in charge of running an election precinct that year, his name did appear on a separate document, a list of qualified write-in candidates, along with several different variations of his names that you could write to cast a valid vote for him.

... because it is their politics, not their color, that is demonized.

You don't read the "worthless Negro" trope just against liberal peoples of color.
Yes, racists on the right believe that QAnon lie.

Did your beaked BIRDBRAIN parrot that from a Dem talking point??

Most non-Dems with IQ over 5 have figured out Q-Anon is a fraud. Apparently figuring that out requires an IQ over 5 on both sides, and here you are...



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