Why isn't prostitution legalized?

It's a no brainer. I never thought about it but my husband brought this up to me and it makes perfect sense, especially in light of what is already legal in the porn industry

Ask your husband if he'd be okay with a brothel setting up shop in your neighborhood or next to his place of business, not to mention having his taxes increased to pay for the high costs of regulating it and increased costs of policing all the attendant negative consequences.

When it comes to legalized prostitution one of the largest hurdles is the "Yeah fine do it but not in my back yard" syndrome, the same problem that's been faced by adult bookstores and strip clubs only to a more extreme degree.

Nevada brothels are not on the Vegas strip. They are many miles outside of town
People to not like nudie bars set up next to their business but they are still zoned for "the other side of the tracks"

Who cares what goes on behind closed doors?

That's because Prostitution is not legal in Clark County.

It maybe legal in Nevada, but not Clark County and I would assume
not legal in whatever County, Reno is in.

It's set up like that so that the Hotels can control it (Get a piece of the action,
plus protect their guests)

Those gals pay the hotels and the hotels let them roam, but they must
treat the guests properly or the Hotels will turn them into the law.
Completely inaccurate, Hotel-Casino Management on the strip, downtown and off strip do not tolerate prostitution in any way shape or form, that being said, it's difficult to control on property given the nature of Las Vegas ("party town") and the fact that prostitutes working Vegas hotels are sophisticated enough to know how to keep a very low profile (otherwise they have really short careers).

It's not tolerated by Las Vegas law enforcement and it's not tolerated by any reputable hotel/casino and contrary to popular myth prostitution isn't any more rampant in Las Vegas than in any other big city where you have lots of tourists.

Can you find it here in Vegas if you want it? sure but if you partake you're not only risking getting arrested (both the LVPD and hotel-casino management take a VERY dim view of it) you're also risking getting rolled or worse (especially if you're a tourist).

The one thing you were correct about is that it's illegal in Clark County (which is were Vegas is located) because the State allows the Counties to make the legality decisions while the cities still retain zoning rights within their limits.
Common Operating Agreements for modern times!
I'd like to see our universities offer degrees in Prostitution

Too many self taught amateurs in the ranks. A woman should have to learn the trade before she can proudly declare ...I am a Prostitute

It is not as easy as it seems and many would flunk out. I imagine there would be a lot of homework and the exams would be brutal

But in the end you can achieve a "Masters in Prostitution" or a "PhD in Prostitution"

Imagine the pride of being the parent or sibling or child of such a highly educated person!
How about a more culinary, Mistress of Dessert, cert.
Prostitution will never be fully legalized. For one thing it leads to bizarre circumstances like young women being denied unemployment benefits because they have refused employment as a prostitute. It will never be fully legalized as a taxed and regulated industry. It is impossible to control.

Fortunately with the invention of sex robots human prostitutes will go the way of the dodo bird. A robot brothel opened in Ireland and ended local prostitution. Not to mention, absolutely sanitary.
We have fifty States with which to, hold the line, whenever the general government fails us.

We have the legal concept of employment at will and States that allege to subscribe to that legal concept.

It is merely and only about, equal protection of the law.
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)
"The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in."That's right you fucking MORON!
"Young women have great paying jobs" working as prostitutes and pole dancers AKA prostitutes/crack/heroin addicts-in-training
Go back to jerking off in your truck!
Permanent Ignore!
I did notice you declared yourself a LIBERAL.
Why am I not surprised?
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)
I want to know why someone can legally massage 99% of my body but not finish me off? Massage places would boom. I'd go once a month not once a year
You're the result of someone who hasn't been capable of having a normal relationship with a partner.
Spend your money on therapy instead of having to pay a stranger to jack you off.

Gambling is a vice...prostitution is a vice, according to the Abrahamic faiths. Still, after thousands of years, they still exist.Go figure.

Gambling is a vice...prostitution is a vice, according to the Abrahamic faiths. Still, after thousands of years, they still exist.Go figure.
Go into ANY inner city shithole in the world and tell me that the human trafficting in VERY young girls and boys is the same 'sin' as someone blowing their paycheque playing blackjack...........asshole!!!!!!!
Go into ANY inner city shithole in the world and tell me that the human trafficting in VERY young girls and boys is the same 'sin' as someone blowing their paycheque playing blackjack...........asshole!!!!!!!
I'm talking about prostitution as legal profession. Human trafficking and minors are another topic altogether. Perhaps you might want to make a separate thread for that.

Gambling is a vice...prostitution is a vice, according to the Abrahamic faiths. Still, after thousands of years, they still exist.Go figure.
Go into ANY inner city shithole in the world and tell me that the human trafficting in VERY young girls and boys is the same 'sin' as someone blowing their paycheque playing blackjack...........asshole!!!!!!!

If prostitution were legal you wouldn't have human trafficking ...there would be no need for it
If you find it occurring...prosecute just like now

Leave legal prostitutes alone......THEY are not causing harm
The best legalized prostitution can hope for is both legal and illegal prostitution. Bring on the bots!

Gambling is a vice...prostitution is a vice, according to the Abrahamic faiths. Still, after thousands of years, they still exist.Go figure.
We're self destructive by nature, unlike any other animal
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)

You may want to consider getting a regular job. May not pay as well, but income would be a little more consistent.
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)

Is OP cruising for a piece of ass?
Go into ANY inner city shithole in the world and tell me that the human trafficting in VERY young girls and boys is the same 'sin' as someone blowing their paycheque playing blackjack...........asshole!!!!!!!

I'm talking about prostitution as legal profession. Human trafficking and minors are another topic altogether. Perhaps you might want to make a separate thread for that.

Are you that naive? They are all closely related.
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)

Is OP cruising for a piece of ass?

Do you know what you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?

A piece of ass that will bring tears to your eyes!:whip:

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