Why isn't prostitution legalized?

I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)
I want to know why someone can legally massage 99% of my body but not finish me off? Massage places would boom. I'd go once a month not once a year
You're the result of someone who hasn't been capable of having a normal relationship with a partner.
Spend your money on therapy instead of having to pay a stranger to jack you off.
Are you referring to my parents? That's funny because my parents were together for 50 years until my mom died over a year ago. You couldn't have had a better example of a loving relationship. I can't help it if one woman for the rest of my life isn't an option. I'm sorry that I'd like to get a FULL body massage. I think it'd be wonderful. Is that so wrong you prude?

Gambling is a vice...prostitution is a vice, according to the Abrahamic faiths. Still, after thousands of years, they still exist.Go figure.
Go into ANY inner city shithole in the world and tell me that the human trafficting in VERY young girls and boys is the same 'sin' as someone blowing their paycheque playing blackjack...........asshole!!!!!!!

If prostitution were legal you wouldn't have human trafficking ...there would be no need for it
If you find it occurring...prosecute just like now

Leave legal prostitutes alone......THEY are not causing harm

Wrong. Legalizing something doesn't eliminate the illegal actions of the same.

Here they pushed for the lottery many years ago. One of the benefits (they told us) is that it would eliminate illegal gambling. After they passed the lottery, the mob started to use state picked numbers for their games. Their payout was higher and of course, no taxation.

Do you really think there are no illegal marijuana sales in states that have legalized marijuana? Think again.

Watch some episodes of the show COPS sometime, especially COPS in Vegas. You frequently see them busting prostitutes on the street.

So legalizing X doesn't eliminate the illegal X. It only brings them some competition.
I'd like to see our universities offer degrees in Prostitution

Too many self taught amateurs in the ranks. A woman should have to learn the trade before she can proudly declare ...I am a Prostitute

It is not as easy as it seems and many would flunk out. I imagine there would be a lot of homework and the exams would be brutal

But in the end you can achieve a "Masters in Prostitution" or a "PhD in Prostitution"

Good. Then you can pay for your daughters education for that degree.
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)
I want to know why someone can legally massage 99% of my body but not finish me off? Massage places would boom. I'd go once a month not once a year
You're the result of someone who hasn't been capable of having a normal relationship with a partner.
Spend your money on therapy instead of having to pay a stranger to jack you off.
Sometimes you feel like a knut, sometimes you don't.
I agree prostitution should be legalized. Because adults fucking is legal and selling things is legal. So why should it be illegal to sell something that's legal to give away for free? Seems like a waste of justice system time & resources to bother with it.

Now, now, no reason to plagiarize

Same reason some want to keep pot banned.

The prison industrial complex makes its money off of arresting people and they're best friends with the fundies.

Correct. Because our prisons have so much space in them, somebody needs to fill those spaces. :bang3::bang3::bang3:
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)

Having trouble getting a date?
Prostitution will never be fully legalized.
Umm.. it's already fully legalized, taxed, regulated and well controlled in parts of Nevada, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, parts of Australia just to name a few.

That being said, just because it works acceptably in some places doesn't make it a good idea for all places nor does it mean that the costs don't outweigh the benefits.
And even in all those places there are prostitutes operating illegally. What do you think they are arrested for?

When a man wants a little extra and is willing to pay, he doesn't go to a legal brothel. This is why so many in the Netherlands had to close.
I'd like to see our universities offer degrees in Prostitution

Too many self taught amateurs in the ranks. A woman should have to learn the trade before she can proudly declare ...I am a Prostitute

It is not as easy as it seems and many would flunk out. I imagine there would be a lot of homework and the exams would be brutal

But in the end you can achieve a "Masters in Prostitution" or a "PhD in Prostitution"

This Man Got a PhD in Threesomes
I am a liberal and I see a huge revenue the government and business can be earning earning by making Prostitution legalized. I think keeping it illegal is doing more harm then good.

I am a big fan of HBO's 'Cat House' and I think a lot of the problems with prostitution today could be eliminated by legalizing it and allowing brothels. Nevada should not be the only state, but many states should legalize it. Safer environment for the girls, you take the pimps out of it, the girls get tested for diseases.

I also think a lot problems with prostitution could be reduced by allowing more strip clubs, they are safe alternatives for a lot lonely men... and I will admit a lot of truck drivers like to go to strip clubs, I am a truck driver. When men are not given the alternative because there are no strip clubs close by then they resort to more dangerous options. The clubs also give a lot young women great paying jobs and help boost the economy in the cities they are in.

Unfortunately in Republican states the conservatives try their best to discourage strip clubs or put in crazy laws that will make no girls not to work there. 10-foot no-contact rule, no alcohol allowed if girls dance nude, pasties they have to wear so are never truly topless dancing... Crazy Republican laws :)

In Republican states? How many liberal states have legalized prostitution?

Seeking sex and seeking entertainment are two different things. A sexual urge will not be satisfied by going to a strip club. It would only make it worse. Strip clubs are for entertainment--not sex, unless you attend a real sleazy place that has both.

A prostitution problem? Where are these places where prostitution is such a problem? Only a fraction of 1% of our population actually go out to hire a hooker legal or not.

This sounds personal with you instead of political. If you're over-the-road, I suggest you get a local job where you can get a girlfriend or perhaps get married. Or maybe do like so many do and get married, teach your wife how to back in a trailer, and get her licensed so she can take trips with you.
I'd like to see our universities offer degrees in Prostitution

Too many self taught amateurs in the ranks. A woman should have to learn the trade before she can proudly declare ...I am a Prostitute

It is not as easy as it seems and many would flunk out. I imagine there would be a lot of homework and the exams would be brutal

But in the end you can achieve a "Masters in Prostitution" or a "PhD in Prostitution"

Imagine the pride of being the parent or sibling or child of such a highly educated person!
“A whore should be judged by the same criteria as other professionals offering services for pay — such as dentists, lawyers, hairdressers, physicians, plumbers, etc. Is she professionally competent? Does she give good measure? Is she honest with her clients?
It is possible that the percentage of honest and competent whores is higher than that of plumbers and much higher than that of lawyers. And enormously higher than that of professors.”

Robert A. Heinlein
Ahh the myth of the honest hooker with a heart of gold.

No. They really are drug addicts who will go through your pockets.
With all the porn, why is any trucker paying for sex? And, for anyone not mobile, with all the modern sluts, why is anyone paying specifically for sex?

Why is prostitution still a thing?
With all the porn, why is any trucker paying for sex? And, for anyone not mobile, with all the modern sluts, why is anyone paying specifically for sex?

Why is prostitution still a thing?
One way or another you always pay for sex. Prostitutes are cheaper.

Gambling is a vice...prostitution is a vice, according to the Abrahamic faiths. Still, after thousands of years, they still exist.Go figure.
Go into ANY inner city shithole in the world and tell me that the human trafficting in VERY young girls and boys is the same 'sin' as someone blowing their paycheque playing blackjack...........asshole!!!!!!!

If prostitution were legal you wouldn't have human trafficking ...there would be no need for it
If you find it occurring...prosecute just like now

Leave legal prostitutes alone......THEY are not causing harm

Wrong. Legalizing something doesn't eliminate the illegal actions of the same.

Here they pushed for the lottery many years ago. One of the benefits (they told us) is that it would eliminate illegal gambling. After they passed the lottery, the mob started to use state picked numbers for their games. Their payout was higher and of course, no taxation.

Do you really think there are no illegal marijuana sales in states that have legalized marijuana? Think again.

Watch some episodes of the show COPS sometime, especially COPS in Vegas. You frequently see them busting prostitutes on the street.

So legalizing X doesn't eliminate the illegal X. It only brings them some competition.

In your example the state didn't legalize gambling, it simply horned in the business and granted itself a monopoly. Of course, people prefer not to be ripped off by a state run monopoly.
Prostitution will never be fully legalized.
Umm.. it's already fully legalized, taxed, regulated and well controlled in parts of Nevada, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, parts of Australia just to name a few.

That being said, just because it works acceptably in some places doesn't make it a good idea for all places nor does it mean that the costs don't outweigh the benefits.
And even in all those places there are prostitutes operating illegally. What do you think they are arrested for?

When a man wants a little extra and is willing to pay, he doesn't go to a legal brothel. This is why so many in the Netherlands had to close.
I'm not aware that they are arrested for anything. What "extra" could a man possibly wants if hes getting sex?
Prostitution will never be fully legalized.
Umm.. it's already fully legalized, taxed, regulated and well controlled in parts of Nevada, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, parts of Australia just to name a few.

That being said, just because it works acceptably in some places doesn't make it a good idea for all places nor does it mean that the costs don't outweigh the benefits.
And even in all those places there are prostitutes operating illegally. What do you think they are arrested for?
They could be arrested for a variety of things though I'd imagine the primary cause would be operating without a proper license and/or documentation.

When a man wants a little extra and is willing to pay, he doesn't go to a legal brothel. This is why so many in the Netherlands had to close.
What "little extra" are you referring to? and how does that relate to your incorrect assertion that "Prostitution will never be fully legalized"?

FYI: The reason some brothels and sex clubs in Amsterdam were closed (almost a decade ago) didn't have anything to do with a man wanting "extras", it had to do with the city government claiming that they were fronts for criminal activity like human trafficking and money laundering.

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