Why isn't there a liberal wing of the NRA threatening revolt if Trump oversteps his 'authoritah'...?


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership
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Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

What say me?

I 'say', write actually, you should sell a gun or two and invest in a writing course, if you want to be taken seriously.
Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.
Yeah you play with that propaganda, I am a liberal, I have a firearm, my children are liberals they have firearms. I have worked with many liberals they own weapons that shoot bullets. I guess it's all a dream, or that's the rhetoric you would have us believe.
A liberal is not a democrat only they can be a member of any party.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

Honestly I think you are specifying the radical Left more than the whole. I am a supporter of our POTUS with many Lefty acquaintances. We also serve together. We hunt, fish, go orienteering (always armed). For the vocal anti-gun crowd it's likely all about holding the political line unless they've suffered a personal gun related tragedy. If that is the case for them then the difficulties multiply and rational thought suffers, as it should when those we care about are harmed.

For the pundits? Anti-gun rhetoric is about ratings, views, cash, galvanizing their base and of course winning politically. But in my experience your average democrat is just as likely to be armed. Some of them even police their brass. Or so I hear.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

Honestly I think you are specifying the radical Left more than the whole. I am a supporter of our POTUS with many Lefty acquaintances. We also serve together. We hunt, fish, go orienteering (always armed). For the vocal anti-gun crowd it's likely all about holding the political line unless they've suffered a personal gun related tragedy. If that is the case for them then the difficulties multiply and rational thought suffers, as it should when those we care about are harmed.

For the pundits? Anti-gun rhetoric is about ratings, views, cash, galvanizing their base and of course winning politically. But in my experience your average democrat is just as likely to be armed. Some of them even police their brass. Or so I hear.
For reloading everyone else seems to trash them.
Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.
Yeah you play with that propaganda, I am a liberal, I have a firearm, my children are liberals they have firearms. I have worked with many liberals they own weapons that shoot bullets. I guess it's all a dream, or that's the rhetoric you would have us believe.
A liberal is not a democrat only they can be a member of any party.

Common sense ^^^

M_M is common, but he lacks sense.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue to be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47? The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters inbound? Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being able to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive? 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.
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Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.
Yeah you play with that propaganda, I am a liberal, I have a firearm, my children are liberals they have firearms. I have worked with many liberals they own weapons that shoot bullets. I guess it's all a dream, or that's the rhetoric you would have us believe.
A liberal is not a democrat only they can be a member of any party.

Common sense ^^^

M_M is common, but he lacks sense.
I live in the same state I know..
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?

You didn't read what I wrote which is fine is a little long. But I now return the favor.
Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.

That makes no sense. Liberalism invented this country, therefore the country is literally based on it.
Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.
Yeah you play with that propaganda, I am a liberal, I have a firearm, my children are liberals they have firearms. I have worked with many liberals they own weapons that shoot bullets. I guess it's all a dream, or that's the rhetoric you would have us believe.
A liberal is not a democrat only they can be a member of any party.
That's fantastic that y'all are armed and libs... Anecdotal reports of Suzanna, Tom, Dick & Harry are great but we are hopefully talking in generalities here so as not to get bogged down on the village level when the Nation as a whole is what we're examining... :)
Liberals inhabit both parties and own weapons which belch fire and projectiles...true story Bro...I served with many..
No, you really didn’t. There can’t be a liberal wing of anything the US is based on. You can’t be polar opposite of the country wanting rights to be taken away while supporting those rights. Doesn’t work like that.
Yeah you play with that propaganda, I am a liberal, I have a firearm, my children are liberals they have firearms. I have worked with many liberals they own weapons that shoot bullets. I guess it's all a dream, or that's the rhetoric you would have us believe.
A liberal is not a democrat only they can be a member of any party.
That's fantastic that y'all are armed and libs... Anecdotal reports of Suzanna, Tom, Dick & Harry are great but we are hopefully talking in generalities here so as not to get bogged down on the village level when the Nation as a whole is what we're examining... :)
Well, the simple thought always goes with simple minds, generalize away...But use little words and short phrases.
This reminds me of the idiots that lock their doors just to hear their car honk.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being able to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.
Hope you choose to read the article... it addresses the very gov. issue you so humorously articulated...lol
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

there's no liberal wing of the nra because, by and large, liberals have figured out that the nra is a shill for the firearms industry and doesn't give a flying fuck about your average gun owner.

if you think liberals don't own weapons, you're very mistaken; they're just not as stupid as your average con.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

there's no liberal wing of the nra because, by and large, liberals have figured out that the nra is a shill for the firearms industry and doesn't give a flying fuck about your average gun owner.

if you think liberals don't own weapons, you're very mistaken; they're just not as stupid as your average con.
So are you contending that the anti's are surreptitiously firearm owners but they go out en masse decrying gun ownership / restriction on types of guns? Remember we're trying not to talk anecdotally here about who you might know etc. Broad issue / Generally speaking. Good point about the incompatibility of an organization such as the NRA with liberalism... So are (generally speaking) liberals arming themselves commensurately with the 'dire' times under Trump.. in you opinion? Could you see any kind of lobying entity that they might create for legislative challenges that impact their perception of safety from 'Trumpian' overreach...?

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