Why isn't there a liberal wing of the NRA threatening revolt if Trump oversteps his 'authoritah'...?

I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

No guts.
Your right.. I'm sorry! Still don't know why they don't prepare for the possible collapse of the legal channels and even the remote potential for gov. overreach. If every Jewish family that had their door knocked on by the SS had a pistol and used it in response to force... many claim that there would have been no Holocaust.

You're correct. The Nazis would have just killed them in their homes instead of the camps with firearms instead of cyanide.

I wonder how the Trumpanzees would have acted in Munich in 1938 when the door kicking was taking place...."They shouldn't have shot at the officers" would likely have been the chant.
This is one of the many problems with the left abortion isn't about your fucking its about killing children and responsibility for one's actions.
Your right.. I'm sorry! Still don't know why they don't prepare for the possible collapse of the legal channels and even the remote potential for gov. overreach. If every Jewish family that had their door knocked on by the SS had a pistol and used it in response to force... many claim that there would have been no Holocaust.

You're correct. The Nazis would have just killed them in their homes instead of the camps with firearms instead of cyanide.

I wonder how the Trumpanzees would have acted in Munich in 1938 when the door kicking was taking place...."They shouldn't have shot at the officers" would likely have been the chant.
It is one thing to disassociate the Jews as an integral part of German Society and mentally stack them up in comparison to the might of the German war machine of the 30's & 40's. The reality is that as a part of German society they likely could have had a much more insidious, quelling effect on the build up of the Aryan homogony if they were merely am armed presence and quietly defied the gun registration / confiscation. A parallel could be drawn to the registration or confiscation that we're facing now with some weapons in various states... CT, CA for instance. The below is an excerpt from an article published by Religious News Journal re. this issue in the Wiemar Republic (primarily in my mind) & the Nazi Germany of the 30's. As with most things I lend about as much credence to this as the next article spinning a 180 on the issue. I am merely asking the question as it is quite pertinent to the raging gun debate today here at home. It also speaks to the argument that many make about the utter futility of an armed citizenry being able to act as a check against tyranny, given the US Military might.

It is now 73 years since the end of World War II, and since the liberation of the concentration camps.

We were reminded of that as we commemorated Yom Ha Shoah, the remembrance day named with the Hebrew word for the Holocaust, on Thursday (April 12). But rather than offering us more clarity, as the decades tick by, the Shoah offers us only new, or ever-new, questions and mysteries.
  • How could the most civilized nation in Europe have perpetrated such a horror?
  • How could the masses have listened to Hitler?
  • Why didn’t more Germans resist Hitler’s rise to power?
  • Why weren’t American Jews and their organizations more effective?
  • Where was God in the midst of this whirlwind?
Those are all good, enduring, perhaps eternal questions.

But, there is one question that many people are now raising. It is an obscene question: If the Jews had had guns, couldn’t they have prevented the Holocaust?
  • Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, has asked: “How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?”
  • Housing Secretary Ben Carson has stated: I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed.”
  • Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, shared a Facebook post blaming the Holocaust in part on gun control and attacking survivors of the high school shooting in Parkland, Fla.
The post featured a photograph of a pile of shoes of Holocaust victims.

To all the kids that walked out of school to protest guns, these are the shoes of Jews that gave up their firearms to Hitler. They were led into gas chambers, murdered and buried in mass graves. Pick up a history book and you’ll realize what happens when you give up freedoms and why we have them.

  • Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, has declared: “In Germany, firearm registration helped lead to the Holocaust.”
Then, there are the Facebook memes:

  • “I saw a movie once where only the police and military had guns. It was called Schindler’s List.”
  • “Disarmed victims wear them” (with a photo of a yellow Jewish star)
  • “You don’t need guns, they said. Get on the train, they said.”
Please. Stop.

There were 200,000 Jews in Germany. They were of all ages, and from all walks of life. But, there is one thing that they — and every other Jew of Europe lacked — and that was a military tradition.

Does anyone really think that they would have been able to stand up against an army that would decimate the armies of France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Austria, Greece — that would invade the Soviet Union?

Yes, there were Jews who rose up in armed resistance against the Nazis.

Those stories are legendary — the Warsaw ghetto uprising; the Vilna ghetto uprising; the Bialystok ghetto; Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz-Birkenau, among others. Jewish partisans fought in the forests. The Jewish authorities in Palestine sent armed Jews into Hungary and Slovakia to try to save Jews; the most famous of them was the heroine-poet Hannah Senesh.

All of these actions were heroic. The Warsaw ghetto held out against the Germans longer than France did!
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Several U.S. presidents were members of the NRA. JFK was a life member. The NRA hasn't changed since JFK but the democrat party has been turned upside down and the left wing media has become the propaganda arm of the nationalist socialist people's new democrat party.
Interesting point about the MSM being an integral arm of the Dem party (often glossed over). I suppose Donna Brazile being spoon fed questions by CNN to prep HRC with for a Presidential Debate, lends some credence to that assertion... lol

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