Why isn't there a liberal wing of the NRA threatening revolt if Trump oversteps his 'authoritah'...?

I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

there's no liberal wing of the nra because, by and large, liberals have figured out that the nra is a shill for the firearms industry and doesn't give a flying fuck about your average gun owner.

if you think liberals don't own weapons, you're very mistaken; they're just not as stupid as your average con.
So are you contending that the anti's are surreptitiously firearm owners but they go out en masse? Remember we're trying not to talk anecdotally here about who you might know etc. Broad issue / Generally speaking. Good point about the incompatibility of an organization such as the NRA with liberalism... So are (generally speaking) liberals arming themselves commensurately with the 'dire' times under Trump.. in you opinion? Could you see any kind of lobying entity that they might create for legislative challenges that impact their perception of safety from 'Trumpian' overreach...?

i'm contending that you and your *article* are full of shit.

let me know if that's too complex for you
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

there's no liberal wing of the nra because, by and large, liberals have figured out that the nra is a shill for the firearms industry and doesn't give a flying fuck about your average gun owner.

if you think liberals don't own weapons, you're very mistaken; they're just not as stupid as your average con.
So are you contending that the anti's are surreptitiously firearm owners but they go out en masse? Remember we're trying not to talk anecdotally here about who you might know etc. Broad issue / Generally speaking. Good point about the incompatibility of an organization such as the NRA with liberalism... So are (generally speaking) liberals arming themselves commensurately with the 'dire' times under Trump.. in you opinion? Could you see any kind of lobying entity that they might create for legislative challenges that impact their perception of safety from 'Trumpian' overreach...?

i'm contending that you and your *article* are full of shit.

let me know if that's too complex for you
No prob. U know what they say about an opinion... glad you shared yours... :) Speaks volumes... lol
Several U.S. presidents were members of the NRA. JFK was a life member. The NRA hasn't changed since JFK but the democrat party has been turned upside down and the left wing media has become the propaganda arm of the nationalist socialist people's new democrat party.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?

You didn't read what I wrote which is fine is a little long. But I now return the favor.

I did actually, I just commented on the interesting bit.


The last paragraph of your post demonstrates ignorance of centuries of guerilla warfare and really millennia-- although wars fought before advent of gunpowder are another matter--including tactics used by America's own revolutionaries two plus centuries ago. Armored vehicles and aircraft require fuel, replacement parts, maintenance and an array of other lubricating fluids all meaning necessity for supply lines and troops to guard/escort them begging the question who manufactures these aforementioned items? Hint: not the military. Who produces food to fill a soldier's stomach? Boom! All that materiel is off the table-- over time of course.

What about hearts and minds? Say I'm an army national guardsman. Who am I related to? Don't get me wrong our Top is like a really loving surrogate father. The kind who makes his subordinates wash and wax his car for special detail. But after last formation for the weekend I go home to civilian family and friends. What makes you so certain I'll participate in any domestic counterinsurgency that includes killing my family, friends and neighbors? Well, maybe some of my neighbors.

As for the high technology you evidently venerate as Godhead? It can all be hacked, jammed, rewired, reengineered, etc. for civilian use against those who bring it to bear on the hypothetical future American revolutionaries.

So at length yes I prefer to bear arms (as many as I wish) rather than proceed forth with bare arms.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue to be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47? The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters inbound? Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being able to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive? 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.
Asymmetric Warfare. Then you have to assume that the Military will follow an unlawful order to fire on US citizens.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?

You didn't read what I wrote which is fine is a little long. But I now return the favor.

I did actually, I just commented on the interesting bit.


The last paragraph of your post demonstrates ignorance of centuries of guerilla warfare and really millennia-- although wars fought before advent of gunpowder are another matter--including tactics used by America's own revolutionaries two plus centuries ago. Armored vehicles and aircraft require fuel, replacement parts, maintenance and an array of other lubricating fluids all meaning necessity for supply lines and troops to guard/escort them begging the question who manufactures these aforementioned items? Hint: not the military. Who produces food to fill a soldier's stomach? Boom! All that materiel is off the table-- over time of course.

What about hearts and minds? Say I'm an army national guardsman. Who am I related to? Don't get me wrong our Top is like a really loving surrogate father. The kind who makes his subordinates wash and wax his car for special detail. But after last formation for the weekend I go home to civilian family and friends. What makes you so certain I'll participate in any domestic counterinsurgency that includes killing my family, friends and neighbors? Well, maybe some of my neighbors.

As for the high technology you evidently venerate as Godhead? It can all be hacked, jammed, rewired, reengineered, etc. for civilian use against those who bring it to bear on the hypothetical future American revolutionaries.

So at length yes I prefer to bear arms (as many as I wish) rather than proceed forth with bare arms.

You live in pure fantasy world. The bunker in your head is deep enough.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?

You didn't read what I wrote which is fine is a little long. But I now return the favor.

I did actually, I just commented on the interesting bit.


The last paragraph of your post demonstrates ignorance of centuries of guerilla warfare and really millennia-- although wars fought before advent of gunpowder are another matter--including tactics used by America's own revolutionaries two plus centuries ago. Armored vehicles and aircraft require fuel, replacement parts, maintenance and an array of other lubricating fluids all meaning necessity for supply lines and troops to guard/escort them begging the question who manufactures these aforementioned items? Hint: not the military. Who produces food to fill a soldier's stomach? Boom! All that materiel is off the table-- over time of course.

What about hearts and minds? Say I'm an army national guardsman. Who am I related to? Don't get me wrong our Top is like a really loving surrogate father. The kind who makes his subordinates wash and wax his car for special detail. But after last formation for the weekend I go home to civilian family and friends. What makes you so certain I'll participate in any domestic counterinsurgency that includes killing my family, friends and neighbors? Well, maybe some of my neighbors.

As for the high technology you evidently venerate as Godhead? It can all be hacked, jammed, rewired, reengineered, etc. for civilian use against those who bring it to bear on the hypothetical future American revolutionaries.

So at length yes I prefer to bear arms (as many as I wish) rather than proceed forth with bare arms.

You live in pure fantasy world. The bunker in your head is deep enough.
Last I checked, the world has always been unpredictable... None of us are omniscient... lol
What I've gathered so far would lead me to believe that liberals / progressives are quite trusting in gov. institutions and the rule of law. Secondarily, some are definitely lashing out irrationally (like dear Del & Wry Catcher) as if they intuitively know that they are on precarious ideological ground when it comes to the gun issue & how it might effect them adversely in an uncertain world.
Last edited:
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?

You didn't read what I wrote which is fine is a little long. But I now return the favor.

I did actually, I just commented on the interesting bit.


The last paragraph of your post demonstrates ignorance of centuries of guerilla warfare and really millennia-- although wars fought before advent of gunpowder are another matter--including tactics used by America's own revolutionaries two plus centuries ago. Armored vehicles and aircraft require fuel, replacement parts, maintenance and an array of other lubricating fluids all meaning necessity for supply lines and troops to guard/escort them begging the question who manufactures these aforementioned items? Hint: not the military. Who produces food to fill a soldier's stomach? Boom! All that materiel is off the table-- over time of course.

What about hearts and minds? Say I'm an army national guardsman. Who am I related to? Don't get me wrong our Top is like a really loving surrogate father. The kind who makes his subordinates wash and wax his car for special detail. But after last formation for the weekend I go home to civilian family and friends. What makes you so certain I'll participate in any domestic counterinsurgency that includes killing my family, friends and neighbors? Well, maybe some of my neighbors.

As for the high technology you evidently venerate as Godhead? It can all be hacked, jammed, rewired, reengineered, etc. for civilian use against those who bring it to bear on the hypothetical future American revolutionaries.

So at length yes I prefer to bear arms (as many as I wish) rather than proceed forth with bare arms.

You live in pure fantasy world. The bunker in your head is deep enough.

We'll leave light on for you for when you come around knockin'.
What I've gathered so far would lead me to believe that liberals / progressives are quite trusting in gov. institutions and the rule of law. Secondarily, some are definitely lashing out irrationally (like dear Del & Wry Catcher) as if they intuitively know that they are on precarious ideological ground when it comes to the gun issue & how it might effect them adversely in an uncertain world.

They could be overly trusting in their government but I suspect its also a mentality of victimhood or martyrdom often championed by their Party. Then there's the threat of strong fellow Americans ready and willing to stand united against any emergent government tyranny. Does that intimidate them? To some extent I think so. I do agree with you that they know they're on precarious moral ground but them acknowledging such fears truthfully also means changing their core beliefs. Maybe they're also afraid of guns and can't understand how anyone could see them as a useful tool and way of life to preserve life.
It's been dissected by many. In conservatives the fear centers of the brain are hyperactive. They continue be deathly afraid of things even when there is no threat or they have inflated the threat to ludicrous levels.

i.e. Good idea to have 3 days of water and food, batteries, a radio, perhaps pills to purify water? Yes. If you have a family maybe a week's worth? Or even two just to be sure? Yes probably. Is it sane to build an underground bunker and stock it with 10,000 rounds of ammo, food for 3 years, and booby traps to kill intruders? NO. But the fear centers in their brains have short-circuited shut and are caught in a perpetual loop.

i.e. Is it a good idea to own a gun for home protection? Probably, though many legal guns are used to kill family members instead of intruders. But having a gun in the home 'just in case' isn't outside the realm of sanity. Is it normal to have an arsenal of semi-auto assault rifles, closets of ammunition, a pistol in every room. No. Again the fear has overwhelmed these people and they see immense threat where the threat doesn't exist or is very small.

65 million school children go to school, walk around town, ride their bikes, and do everything else children do without carrying a gun and they don't feel threatened around every corner. Perhaps grownups need to dial down the paranoia factor to more align with children that aren't armed to the teeth every minute because the threats are extremely rare.

And lastly the gun huggers that want to still pretend they're 'just modern minutemen waiting for the gubmint to try 'n take over'. Who you going to fight with a pistol and an AK-47. The 50 M1 tanks rolling down the road? Or perhaps the 20 Apache attack helicopters in bound. Maybe the 200 inbound tomahawk cruise missiles? The days of the population being abel to fight it's own military ended 120 years ago. How long are these derps going to keep this myth alive. 20 years from now when standing armies are using 100,000 unit drone armies armed with particle beam weapons are these idiots still going to be pretending that 'somehow, someway we're going to defeat them all with our AK-47s an' save the day!'.

There's really no need to insult our brain chemistry and I would be remiss in being dismissive and yet: ask yourself who is more likely to survive any violent encounter? The armed or unarmed? Perhaps you could pose that question to a police officer? Owning and carrying a firearm is about that 1% chance of having to defend yourself or the ones you love/are responsible for. I presume you'd rather throw your loved ones lives on the mercy of a given criminal?

You didn't read what I wrote which is fine is a little long. But I now return the favor.

I did actually, I just commented on the interesting bit.


The last paragraph of your post demonstrates ignorance of centuries of guerilla warfare and really millennia-- although wars fought before advent of gunpowder are another matter--including tactics used by America's own revolutionaries two plus centuries ago. Armored vehicles and aircraft require fuel, replacement parts, maintenance and an array of other lubricating fluids all meaning necessity for supply lines and troops to guard/escort them begging the question who manufactures these aforementioned items? Hint: not the military. Who produces food to fill a soldier's stomach? Boom! All that materiel is off the table-- over time of course.

What about hearts and minds? Say I'm an army national guardsman. Who am I related to? Don't get me wrong our Top is like a really loving surrogate father. The kind who makes his subordinates wash and wax his car for special detail. But after last formation for the weekend I go home to civilian family and friends. What makes you so certain I'll participate in any domestic counterinsurgency that includes killing my family, friends and neighbors? Well, maybe some of my neighbors.

As for the high technology you evidently venerate as Godhead? It can all be hacked, jammed, rewired, reengineered, etc. for civilian use against those who bring it to bear on the hypothetical future American revolutionaries.

So at length yes I prefer to bear arms (as many as I wish) rather than proceed forth with bare arms.

You live in pure fantasy world. The bunker in your head is deep enough.

We'll leave light on for you for when you come around knockin'.
What I've gathered so far would lead me to believe that liberals / progressives are quite trusting in gov. institutions and the rule of law. Secondarily, some are definitely lashing out irrationally (like dear Del & Wry Catcher) as if they intuitively know that they are on precarious ideological ground when it comes to the gun issue & how it might effect them adversely in an uncertain world.

They could be overly trusting in their government but I suspect its also a mentality of victimhood or martyrdom often championed by their Party. Then there's the threat of strong fellow Americans ready and willing to stand united against any emergent government tyranny. Does that intimidate them? To some extent I think so. I do agree with you that they know they're on precarious moral ground but them acknowledging such fears truthfully also means changing their core beliefs. Maybe they're also afraid of guns and can't understand how anyone could see them as a useful tool and way of life to preserve life.
Good points, never even considered the victimhood mentality or just flat out knowing they can rely on the group that they are castigating with vitriol. For the record though... I did not say "precarious moral ground" that was probably a slip on your part. I for one will never assume to make that judgement on the fly... "precarious ideological ground" is quite another story though. lol .. I do also understand the fear of the unknown as you aptly described... how about a national take your liberal to the range day...
Here you go Sahba, one of my favorite progressives on Gun Control;

I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership
The reason there is not Left wing section of the NRA is that they have not rendered the first adm void yet.
Here you go Sahba, one of my favorite progressives on Gun Control;

Why at 1:15 does she say "I'm a Jewish girl from NY surrounded by liberals"? Are you holding her out to be a liberal here, cus that doesn't make her phraseology make much sense... I could definitely get along with her, .. though she might have the 'doomsday prepper' syndrome a bit more than myself... lol
Thanks for adding the clip! I hope it makes Del & Wry Catcher more accepting of those they disagree with, though it's kind of like throwing the toddlers in the deep end... lol
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

there's no liberal wing of the nra because, by and large, liberals have figured out that the nra is a shill for the firearms industry and doesn't give a flying fuck about your average gun owner.

if you think liberals don't own weapons, you're very mistaken; they're just not as stupid as your average con.
So are you contending that the anti's are surreptitiously firearm owners but they go out en masse decrying gun ownership / restriction on types of guns? Remember we're trying not to talk anecdotally here about who you might know etc. Broad issue / Generally speaking. Good point about the incompatibility of an organization such as the NRA with liberalism... So are (generally speaking) liberals arming themselves commensurately with the 'dire' times under Trump.. in you opinion? Could you see any kind of lobying entity that they might create for legislative challenges that impact their perception of safety from 'Trumpian' overreach...?
The NRA is no different than any other rightwing organization in that it propagates the lie that liberals ‘oppose’ gun ownership and seek to ‘confiscate’ guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that liberals own guns, enjoy the shooting sports, and support current Second Amendment jurisprudence recognizing the individual right to possess firearms.

Liberals are at odds with the NRA for much of the same reasons they’re at odd with other rightwing groups: the NRA’s propensity for lying, the NRA’s ridiculous slippery slope fallacy about ‘gun confiscation,’ and the NRA’s support for a failed, wrongheaded conservative political agenda having nothing to do with guns or gun ownership.
I've tried to through all sorts of cajoling methods to conversationally dissect the mind of the anti gun crowd, be they liberal, progressive or both (usually the case) and their mantra of "common sense" gun this or that... I have to confess that the deeper I delve the less in makes sense. Perhaps a couple well spoken 'lab specimens' could help me and countless others out there understand this better. Given all the alarmist cries of Trump doom and gloom on y'alls part I have to tell you honestly that I was in your shoes in 08, 12 & leading up to 16... What I and millions of other conservative, Constitutionalists did was buy more guns... the kind we thought we might not be able to get a few legislative sessions down the road.

Is the relative lack of fortifying oneself with arms a sign of faith, that I don't have... A sign of insight that I don't have... An optimism or fatalistic view of life & death that I don't have ... Why do we on the 'left' and 'right' behave so differently... It's like having a disparate DNA helix, the contrast is almost palpable... When I talk to my gay and lesbian acquaintances, it seems that they have tentatively dipped their big toe in the water, out of fear mostly... but why not the 3rd and 4th wave feminists in pink pussy head-ware, or the staunch Bloomberg followers, or the academic "elites" (lol) or the young millennials... etc. etc. ? What say you...

The Left Has the Stronger Case for Gun Ownership

there's no liberal wing of the nra because, by and large, liberals have figured out that the nra is a shill for the firearms industry and doesn't give a flying fuck about your average gun owner.

if you think liberals don't own weapons, you're very mistaken; they're just not as stupid as your average con.
So are you contending that the anti's are surreptitiously firearm owners but they go out en masse decrying gun ownership / restriction on types of guns? Remember we're trying not to talk anecdotally here about who you might know etc. Broad issue / Generally speaking. Good point about the incompatibility of an organization such as the NRA with liberalism... So are (generally speaking) liberals arming themselves commensurately with the 'dire' times under Trump.. in you opinion? Could you see any kind of lobying entity that they might create for legislative challenges that impact their perception of safety from 'Trumpian' overreach...?
The NRA is no different than any other rightwing organization in that it propagates the lie that liberals ‘oppose’ gun ownership and seek to ‘confiscate’ guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that liberals own guns, enjoy the shooting sports, and support current Second Amendment jurisprudence recognizing the individual right to possess firearms.

Liberals are at odds with the NRA for much of the same reasons they’re at odd with other rightwing groups: the NRA’s propensity for lying, the NRA’s ridiculous slippery slope fallacy about ‘gun confiscation,’ and the NRA’s support for a failed, wrongheaded conservative political agenda having nothing to do with guns or gun ownership.
It would seem that I erred in the scope of my target group, liberal / progressive, when in reality I should be looking at a much smaller segment of that larger ideological categorization. Help me out here, how would you best categorize the anti gun people devoutly there at the State House for legislation, marching in the streets with anti 2A signs, Mom's against crowd... Collectively who are they in one encapsulating rubric?
Here you go Sahba, one of my favorite progressives on Gun Control;

Why at 1:15 does she say "I'm a Jewish girl from NY surrounded by liberals"? Are you holding her out to be a liberal here, cus that doesn't make her phraseology make much sense... I could definitely get along with her, .. though she might have the 'doomsday prepper' syndrome a bit more than myself... lol
Thanks for adding the clip! I hope it makes Del & Wry Catcher more accepting of those they disagree with, though it's kind of like throwing the toddlers in the deep end... lol

For political scientists that study demographics, generally speaking, the Jewish vote goes to Democrats. She was just talking about the friends, family, and community that she was raised in.

This shouldn't be a shocker to you.

She was referring to the community that she grew up in, not the N.H. audience that she is speaking to.

"For Jews, the default mode is “D.” Those Jewish voters who have swung right during the Obama administration will snap back to the left next November as long as the Democrats’ White House seeker is at least slightly more Zionist than Louis Farrakhan."
Why Jews Liberal [site:name] | National Review

Folks that are familiar with political science and pundits and know who Naomi is, will tell you, she is far left. So far in fact, after she published the book this was based on, the Bush Administration put her on the terrorist watch list, kept her from flying, and pretty much destroyed her career. That is probably why you haven't heard of her. Most liberals over forty probably know who she was.

She used to have hundreds of thousands of followers and was a former advisor to Clinton and Gore till she was Red Pilled. Now she barely musters a few thousand. The Bush administration and the Deep State cabal destroyed her.

Naomi Wolf - Wikipedia
What I've gathered so far would lead me to believe that liberals / progressives are quite trusting in gov. institutions and the rule of law. Secondarily, some are definitely lashing out irrationally (like dear Del & Wry Catcher) as if they intuitively know that they are on precarious ideological ground when it comes to the gun issue & how it might effect them adversely in an uncertain world.
Sorry, no.

Liberals know very well the evil government is capable of, such as government seeking to compel women to give birth against their will, government denying gay and transgender Americans their right to equal protection of the law, government violating the voting rights of minorities, and government denying immigrants their right to due process of the law – liberals have fought that government evil at the ballot box and in the courts for decades, and continue to do so now.

As for the opinions of particular individuals, to infer anything in general with regard to those opinions fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, representative of no one and nothing.
What I've gathered so far would lead me to believe that liberals / progressives are quite trusting in gov. institutions and the rule of law. Secondarily, some are definitely lashing out irrationally (like dear Del & Wry Catcher) as if they intuitively know that they are on precarious ideological ground when it comes to the gun issue & how it might effect them adversely in an uncertain world.
Sorry, no.

Liberals know very well the evil government is capable of, such as government seeking to compel women to give birth against their will, government denying gay and transgender Americans their right to equal protection of the law, government violating the voting rights of minorities, and government denying immigrants their right to due process of the law – liberals have fought that government evil at the ballot box and in the courts for decades, and continue to do so now.

As for the opinions of particular individuals, to infer anything in general with regard to those opinions fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, representative of no one and nothing.
Your right.. I'm sorry! Still don't know why they don't prepare for the possible collapse of the legal channels and even the remote potential for gov. overreach. If every Jewish family that had their door knocked on by the SS had a pistol and used it in response to force... many claim that there would have been no Holocaust.

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