Why isn't Trump taking active measures to prevent 2018 election meddling?

My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

They don't want to see the returns because they wouldn't understand them. What they want is for their favorite taking head or online rage machine to tell them some data point in the returns that they can pretend to be outraged about.

We want to know who Trump owes money to - like Russia.
Intel chiefs are puzzled by Trump's lack of action and direction to protect the 2018 mid-term election.
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

They don't want to see the returns because they wouldn't understand them. What they want is for their favorite taking head or online rage machine to tell them some data point in the returns that they can pretend to be outraged about.

We want to know who Trump owes money to - like Russia.
You dingbat
You’re all over the place and yet you accuse me of not staying on topic
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

They don't want to see the returns because they wouldn't understand them. What they want is for their favorite taking head or online rage machine to tell them some data point in the returns that they can pretend to be outraged about.

We want to know who Trump owes money to - like Russia.

Do you want to know that for all politicians or just Trump?
...and still no Russian connection

I still can't believe they're so completely focused on Russia that they're ignoring other nations with advanced cyber capabilities that would really like to influence our elections, like China.
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

They don't want to see the returns because they wouldn't understand them. What they want is for their favorite taking head or online rage machine to tell them some data point in the returns that they can pretend to be outraged about.

We want to know who Trump owes money to - like Russia.
i want to know who our politicians owe money to. i won't limit this to be a qualifier for ONLY the other side like you and many seem to want to do. when you like the person in power you don't seem to give a shit how or why they're rich. how the clintons can leave office broke and stealing shit and come back as SoS and suddenly be multi-millionaires again.

when i see you equally concerned, your concerns will have merit. when i see you only give a damn about the other side, tits on a nun have more value.
He already has, dufus.

What measures has he taken? His intel chiefs have stated under oath that they've been given no direction. None.
Try google.

Trump sends cyber warfare strategy to Congress

Have you read the article? From your link:

The text of the letter sent Thursday contains no clues about the actual contents of the report. An aide to the Senate Armed Services Committee told The Hill that the document is classified.
You are one confused mofo...

I'm not confused about the following link in my OP:

The White House eliminated the position of cybersecurity coordinator on the National Security Council on Tuesday, doing away with a post central to developing policy to defend against increasingly sophisticated digital attacks and the use of offensive cyber weapons.

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role
How long was that post in existence and who filled it? If it was so key to the effort how did it not prevent the Trump cyber collusion with Russia?
He already has, dufus.

What measures has he taken? His intel chiefs have stated under oath that they've been given no direction. None.
Try google.

Trump sends cyber warfare strategy to Congress

Have you read the article? From your link:

The text of the letter sent Thursday contains no clues about the actual contents of the report. An aide to the Senate Armed Services Committee told The Hill that the document is classified.

So you want him to publish the exact strategies they are going to use against potential hackers?

Are you really that stupid?

"Hey hackers!" we are going to do X,Y and Z to stop you from hacking!"
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

They don't want to see the returns because they wouldn't understand them. What they want is for their favorite taking head or online rage machine to tell them some data point in the returns that they can pretend to be outraged about.

We want to know who Trump owes money to - like Russia.
i want to know who our politicians owe money to. i won't limit this to be a qualifier for ONLY the other side like you and many seem to want to do. when you like the person in power you don't seem to give a shit how or why they're rich. how the clintons can leave office broke and stealing shit and come back as SoS and suddenly be multi-millionaires again.

when i see you equally concerned, your concerns will have merit. when i see you only give a damn about the other side, tits on a nun have more value.

There's a reason why politicians go to Washington moderately well off and leave office fabulously wealthy. Apparently though, it's okay if democrats do it.

I wouldn't, for example, mind seeing how much top democrats get from Planned Parenthood. We know they spend A LOT on lobbying and campaign donations, so who gets what?
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And yet no votes were changed as a result of Russia's "meddling".

Minds were influenced. Are you not influenced by corporate advertising to buy their products?
have you looked at the ads?

i have. i have no real life at times so i spend a recent friday and saturday night looking at them and seeing just what the uproar was about.

around 10% or so were political. did they lean in any given direction? yes. hate. but from the ads themselves there was no ELECT TRUMP TRUMP IS GOOD mantra going on. in fact both were usually mocked "by the other side".

everything else was them simply trolling in a "firestarter" mode. it had atheists talking about sky fairies and making religious digs at people. why?


it had anti-gun people putting out false/mixed facts and mocking gun owners.
it had pro-gun people putting out false/mixed facts and mocking the anti-gunners why?


it had anti-civil war monument ads saying they all need to come down
it had pro-civil war monument ads saying they need to stay up. why?


*everything* i saw was based around getting 1 faction to reply back bitching at the first faction so people who have that belief would dive in to tell off those people now bitching at their cause they didn't even know was theirs til the bitching started.

now i went through >500 of these just to look and run what comparison i could. many more are out there but in that sampling it simply does not support that russia spend money on ads to support trump. they went to get groups arguing with each other.

look around. it works. it's got you and many on both sides so fired up we're headed to a "civil war" to resolve our differences. our "reactions". so as you run around hating the "other group" just remember the immortal words of obama on these things - "it's what they want you to do".

be a puppet or use your own mind and put the hate away.

your call.
Here is my guess: He welcomes help from all sources, domestic and foreign, to help elect and re-elect pro-Trump candidates who will protect his presidency. What do you think?

Trump has done nothing to stop Russia from meddling in the 2018 midterms

Trump Has Not Asked Us To Stop Russian Election Meddling, Intelligence Chiefs Testify

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

My guess is that he knows it is not significant, and he expects his policies to have such good results that his margin of victory will be enough to silence all but the more vile and hysterical of libs.

Which are all of you, so what does it matter?

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