Why isn't Trump taking active measures to prevent 2018 election meddling?

Here is my guess: He welcomes help from all sources, domestic and foreign, to help elect and re-elect pro-Trump candidates who will protect his presidency. What do you think?

Trump has done nothing to stop Russia from meddling in the 2018 midterms

Trump Has Not Asked Us To Stop Russian Election Meddling, Intelligence Chiefs Testify

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Obama and Hillary both claimed that it's impossible to cheat or for anyone to meddle in elections. I take it they and others have flip flopped yet again.

Looks like the only thing we can do is insist on voter ID to keep those Russians away from the polls. And it would help if the liberal media stopped with the fake news and vicious attacks. People who listen to them might change their minds about voting for someone. Well, that's what Hillary claimed.

The FBI and other agencies don't need direct orders to do their jobs. They are setting it up to make it look like Trump wants meddling and then they will claim that after the election if Dems get their asses handed to them. If they win, they'll say there was no meddling.

If illegal aliens voted for Repubs, we wouldn't have very many here, let alone voting. There is your election meddling. Encouraging illegals to vote and counting the nearly 20 million of them in the census allow sanctuary states to get more electoral votes. That is outright cheating by the left.

What do you expect Trump to do? Don't you trust the CIA, FBI and other agencies to do the jobs they are supposed to do? Not that the FBI has earned anyone's trust. If foreign governments meddle the way Obama did with others, do you guys want to go to war with them or what?
Trump thinking of giving ambassador up to russia for questioning ? May they drag his sorry ass out of the WH and shoot the pig
Here is my guess: He welcomes help from all sources, domestic and foreign, to help elect and re-elect pro-Trump candidates who will protect his presidency. What do you think?

Trump has done nothing to stop Russia from meddling in the 2018 midterms

Trump Has Not Asked Us To Stop Russian Election Meddling, Intelligence Chiefs Testify

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Can you deal with the truth?

What did Obama do while this was going on under his nose?

This is a DEAD ISSUE if Clinton wins...

Cry me a F'ing river...
Why isn't Trump taking active measures to prevent 2018 election meddling?

Why didn't Obama take active steps in 2014 to prevent Russian Interference in 2016?
He already has, dufus.

What measures has he taken? His intel chiefs have stated under oath that they've been given no direction. None.
Try google.

Trump sends cyber warfare strategy to Congress

Have you read the article? From your link:

The text of the letter sent Thursday contains no clues about the actual contents of the report. An aide to the Senate Armed Services Committee told The Hill that the document is classified.
You are one confused mofo...
Why isn't Trump taking active measures to prevent 2018 election meddling?

Why didn't Obama take active steps in 2014 to prevent Russian Interference in 2016?

But, but Obama. The thread title refers to 2018.
He already has, dufus.

What measures has he taken? His intel chiefs have stated under oath that they've been given no direction. None.
Try google.

Trump sends cyber warfare strategy to Congress

Have you read the article? From your link:

The text of the letter sent Thursday contains no clues about the actual contents of the report. An aide to the Senate Armed Services Committee told The Hill that the document is classified.
You are one confused mofo...

I'm not confused about the following link in my OP:

The White House eliminated the position of cybersecurity coordinator on the National Security Council on Tuesday, doing away with a post central to developing policy to defend against increasingly sophisticated digital attacks and the use of offensive cyber weapons.

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role
Here is my guess: He welcomes help from all sources, domestic and foreign, to help elect and re-elect pro-Trump candidates who will protect his presidency. What do you think?

Trump has done nothing to stop Russia from meddling in the 2018 midterms

Trump Has Not Asked Us To Stop Russian Election Meddling, Intelligence Chiefs Testify

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Why hasn't anything been done for the last several years? Obama insisted that it was impossible to meddle with the election when Trump raised the issue, so he did nothing. Nations have been messing in other nations' elections and leadership forever. Heck, we don't wait for an election, we send in bombs and drones. Just ask Gadhaffi what Obama and Hillary did to him. Oh that's right, you can't, he's dead.
What's funny is the total blackout on the obvious. Does anyone REALLY think Russia was the only country trying to mess with the election? Seriously? China has many smart hackers. Anyone think they just sat idly by and did nothing with Hillary's virtually unprotected email server? I'd be extremely surprised if someone tried to claim Russia was the only one.
Here is some breaking news from The New York Times that relates to this thread:

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.

More: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered
“Why isn't Trump taking active measures to prevent 2018 election meddling?”

Because to do so would be for Trump to acknowledge the fact that Russia has been, is now, and continues to interfere with American elections – something he has consistently denied.
Here is my guess: He welcomes help from all sources, domestic and foreign, to help elect and re-elect pro-Trump candidates who will protect his presidency. What do you think?

Trump has done nothing to stop Russia from meddling in the 2018 midterms

Trump Has Not Asked Us To Stop Russian Election Meddling, Intelligence Chiefs Testify

White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role
Why don’t you legislate voter ID laws if you’re so he’ll bent on this idea

Why don't you address the thread topic?
I did
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

Apparently you don't know how the IRS operates. They can't expose Trump's tax returns to the public.
My guess: Russia has the goods on him. If they didn't have compromat before, they have it now from the secret summit. He likely owes Russian banks more than $.5B too.

Thank you. I would guess Trump owes Russia much more than "$.5B". We need to see Trump's tax returns and related documents.
Why? Do you think you will find something IRS auditors missed?

They don't want to see the returns because they wouldn't understand them. What they want is for their favorite taking head or online rage machine to tell them some data point in the returns that they can pretend to be outraged about.

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