why israel army dont finish the job and genocide ... ?

And how many Israelis have been killed by Palestinians? How many? You "Iranian people have had enough"? Then rise, my friend. RISE! And get rid of the Mullahs that have corrupted your country. RISE!

even in this source: Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library
its jewish propaganda and they are lier

israel =24,969

I worked with members of the Mossad in the 80s. Bottom line? The Israeli people know how to duck. The Palestinians? Not so much...

Like I said - Iran was a decent country....oh, that's right..no it isn't. Still throwing dissidents off of roof tops?

yes .i agree. jewish are smarter than arabs. because arabs are idiots and moron

Poor Dani-------MUST hate arabs
and you dont? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

no. No one HATES arabs with the intensity that Shiite shit of iran hate arabs
i dont believe it.i like this propaganda :biggrin:
propaganda is very useful . jewish media are master for it
they teaching ......... us :biggrin:

your comment makes no sense "I like this propaganda" is not a sensible
comment unless you SPECIFY which propaganda you "like". You then say
"propaganda is very useful"------what propanganda? Do you think at all before
you post your garble?
i think independent can understand it.its not your business
i didnt quote your post..

what is "IT"?? In English when you use the word "it"-----you must refer to something. The "it" in the context you used it is like a pronoun. You are very
confused and express yourself like a dement

but why israel do it too ? it= genocide palestini and KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK jewish STINKING SHITTY ASS

You simply believe the bullshit propaganda. bullshit propaganda.= genocide palestini
i dont believe it.i like this propaganda it- this propaganda = genocide palestini

you get MORE AND MORE stupid-----first you COMPLAINED because Israel does NOT kill the dogs and slut-bitches in Gaza-----now you complain that Israel DOES. You are so EAGER for genocide--------because you think like the lump of shit that the whore AMINA dropped in Mecca

give me a hug darling
sorry for bad english

i dont defend genocide

but i cant understand why israel dont genocide all of gaza and Southern Lebanon people ?

they killing palestinis every day.and making global hate every day ...........
but if they kill all of them quickly .people will forget very soon.

+ we(iranian people ) are angry for sending our money to hezbollah and palestine.

enough is enough

And how many Israelis have been killed by Palestinians? How many? You "Iranian people have had enough"? Then rise, my friend. RISE! And get rid of the Mullahs that have corrupted your country. RISE!

even in this source: Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library
its jewish propaganda and they are lier

israel =24,969

I worked with members of the Mossad in the 80s. Bottom line? The Israeli people know how to duck. The Palestinians? Not so much...

Like I said - Iran was a decent country....oh, that's right..no it isn't. Still throwing dissidents off of roof tops?

Long ago----Iran was a decent country----then the Ayatoilet pigs took over

I know that for a fact. My Father was there often before he retired from the Air Force. The Shah was canned a few years later. Then the country went to shit.
thank you usa for didnt support shah
every country went to shit in history.spring will come ........
sorry for bad english

i dont defend genocide

but i cant understand why israel dont genocide all of gaza and Southern Lebanon people ?

they killing palestinis every day.and making global hate every day ...........
but if they kill all of them quickly .people will forget very soon.

+ we(iranian people ) are angry for sending our money to hezbollah and palestine.

enough is enough

And how many Israelis have been killed by Palestinians? How many? You "Iranian people have had enough"? Then rise, my friend. RISE! And get rid of the Mullahs that have corrupted your country. RISE!

even in this source: Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library
its jewish propaganda and they are lier

israel =24,969

I worked with members of the Mossad in the 80s. Bottom line? The Israeli people know how to duck. The Palestinians? Not so much...

Like I said - Iran was a decent country....oh, that's right..no it isn't. Still throwing dissidents off of roof tops?

Long ago----Iran was a decent country----then the Ayatoilet pigs took over

I know that for a fact. My Father was there often before he retired from the Air Force. The Shah was canned a few years later. Then the country went to shit.
my city before revolution
And how many Israelis have been killed by Palestinians? How many? You "Iranian people have had enough"? Then rise, my friend. RISE! And get rid of the Mullahs that have corrupted your country. RISE!

even in this source: Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library
its jewish propaganda and they are lier

israel =24,969

I worked with members of the Mossad in the 80s. Bottom line? The Israeli people know how to duck. The Palestinians? Not so much...

Like I said - Iran was a decent country....oh, that's right..no it isn't. Still throwing dissidents off of roof tops?

Long ago----Iran was a decent country----then the Ayatoilet pigs took over

I know that for a fact. My Father was there often before he retired from the Air Force. The Shah was canned a few years later. Then the country went to shit.
my city before revolution
Pretty small city.
And how many Israelis have been killed by Palestinians? How many? You "Iranian people have had enough"? Then rise, my friend. RISE! And get rid of the Mullahs that have corrupted your country. RISE!

even in this source: Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library
its jewish propaganda and they are lier

israel =24,969

I worked with members of the Mossad in the 80s. Bottom line? The Israeli people know how to duck. The Palestinians? Not so much...

Like I said - Iran was a decent country....oh, that's right..no it isn't. Still throwing dissidents off of roof tops?

Long ago----Iran was a decent country----then the Ayatoilet pigs took over

I know that for a fact. My Father was there often before he retired from the Air Force. The Shah was canned a few years later. Then the country went to shit.
my city before revolution

Yeah. Try that now and see how far you get. Talk about oppression....I remember (I was in the DIA then) when the hostages were taken and the "revolution" started. We had one agent from Iran in our office. He regularly got the shit kicked out of him. He finally left for Iran. The last I heard he was killed by "students" in 1980. Good riddance.
sorry for bad english

i dont defend genocide

but i cant understand why israel dont genocide all of gaza and Southern Lebanon people ?
they killing palestinis every day.and making global hate every day ...........
but if they kill all of them quickly .people will forget very soon.

+ we(iranian people ) are angry for sending our money to hezbollah and palestine.

enough is enough

you are thinking like MUHUMMAD the rapist pig.
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
sorry for bad english

i dont defend genocide

but i cant understand why israel dont genocide all of gaza and Southern Lebanon people ?
they killing palestinis every day.and making global hate every day ...........
but if they kill all of them quickly .people will forget very soon.

+ we(iranian people ) are angry for sending our money to hezbollah and palestine.

enough is enough

you are thinking like MUHUMMAD the rapist pig.
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it
sorry for bad english

i dont defend genocide

but i cant understand why israel dont genocide all of gaza and Southern Lebanon people ?
they killing palestinis every day.and making global hate every day ...........
but if they kill all of them quickly .people will forget very soon.

+ we(iranian people ) are angry for sending our money to hezbollah and palestine.

enough is enough
First of all, Israel withdrew from South Lebanon in 2000, so they cannot commit a genocide against the South Lebanese if they aren't present there.

Since you live in Iran, I have to ask you--why is Iran so obsessed with Israel? You don't even share a disputed border with Israel.

Every year, Israel comes up with technological and medical advances. Instead of building atomic bombs, why don't you take that know-how and do something beneficial for humanity? Why do you support terror groups and proxy armies that cause havoc throughout the Middle east? Israel might have given the West Bank independence a long time ago, if not for the fact that Israel fears that a Palestine would become a client state of Iran's.

regime said : if we dont ........
.usa will attack iran..
israel is our hostage in middle east.why usa didnt attack iran in last 37 years ? .because they know we cant attack usa. but we can destroy israel
Israel has nukes and they would use them.
you are thinking like MUHUMMAD the rapist pig.
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it

so?? they "believe"-------there are IRANIANS who "BELIEVE" that the whole world should be SHIITE SHIT------in fact your idiot ACHMADINEJAD_-----announce that "fact" in the UN . There are muslims in south east asia---
who "BELIEVE" that south east ASIA is "MUSLIM LAND" and is---CORRECTLY
a MUGHAL CALIPHATE -------The very first muslim I knew well-----was a surgeon
from NEW DEHLI-------talked endlessly of the MUGHAL EMPIRE as if the
MUGHALS invented chappatis and dal. ----absolutely sure that one day----the
EMPIRE of the MUGHALS WOULD RETURN to RULE. I have relatives whose property was CONFISCATED BY SHIITE SHIT----in Iran------there were jews living in Iran LONG BEFORE THE SHIITE SHIT got there. In fact there were jews living in the land the romans called PALESTINA long before the arab sunni shit got there. -----there were jews living in the land of the birth of the rapist pig MUHUMMAD for more than 1000 years before amina dropped that load of shit in Mecca. Whatever the arabs you despise "believe"-----it is also a fact that SHIITE SHIT of Iran are USING the fake issue for the sake of Shiite shit imperialism. How are your HOUTHI scum doing in Yemen lately?. Saudi arabia is getting
ORGANIZED. How do you imagine the YEMENIS feel about the Shiite shit
controlled by Iran who have been killing sunnis for more than a decade?
Because, retard, they don't.
You simply believe the bullshit propaganda.

i dont believe it.i like this propaganda :biggrin:
propaganda is very useful . jewish media are master for it
they teaching ......... us :biggrin:

your comment makes no sense "I like this propaganda" is not a sensible
comment unless you SPECIFY which propaganda you "like". You then say
"propaganda is very useful"------what propanganda? Do you think at all before
you post your garble?
i think independent can understand it.its not your business
i didnt quote your post..

what is "IT"?? In English when you use the word "it"-----you must refer to something. The "it" in the context you used it is like a pronoun. You are very
confused and express yourself like a dement

but why israel do it too ? it= genocide palestini and KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK jewish STINKING SHITTY ASS

You simply believe the bullshit propaganda. bullshit propaganda.= genocide palestini
i dont believe it.i like this propaganda it- this propaganda = genocide palestini
Israel responds to attacks against it's people. Rocket fire into it's city is replied with overwhelming fire at the launch sites. Israel blows up cache's of weapons which are usually hidden in civilian areas. Israel is not initiating combat but replying to attacks against it. You want peace then stop attacking Israel.

Personally I think they should permanently seal any gates between Israel and Palestine and not allow any Palestinian into Israel at all for prayer, hospital, employment, whatever reason and then their problems would go away.
you are thinking like MUHUMMAD the rapist pig.
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it
Muslims stole that land first. Jews just took back what was theirs.
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it
Muslims stole that land first. Jews just took back what was theirs.

when ? stone age? or ice age ?
the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it
Muslims stole that land first. Jews just took back what was theirs.

when ? stone age? or ice age ?

recent history------the history of the planet earth is NOT a mere 1400 years ------
the most important stuff happened before amina dropped her pile of shit in
and it is chaos.and usa and west dont want it..so they never will attack to iran
so screaming against israel is very smart strategy for iran regime. isnt it ?
And what are you going to scream about when all your old Mullah's die off and you're allowed to wear Levi's in public again?
israelis don't do that.

but iran should stop funding the terrorists of hezbollah. that would be helpful and there won't have to be any bombings at all.

it must be frustrating being a supporter of terrorists who are too stupid to do even that job properly.
And the US should stop funding terrorists in Tel Aviv.

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