why israel army dont finish the job and genocide ... ?

gee----Iranian kids are desperate-------they actually believe that ANYONE, including Netanyahu, CARES how they respond to his comment about blue jeans------I doubt that more than five people in the world CARE how muzzie dogs and sluts cover their shitty asses
I hear the word on the street is that you personally met Mohammed before he went to Allah and neither one cared for you that much?

They said you were rude.
you are thinking like MUHUMMAD the rapist pig.
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it

Palestinian mandate was created by the British after the Ottomans owned that land . The MAJORITY of that mandate was to be Jew free. And was LEFT to be consolidated under local government. MOST of it was absorbed by Jordan. The West Bank was never governed directly by Palestinians in modern times. They HAD an opportunity while it belonged to Jordan. But they destroyed that relationship.

If after 40 years -- the Palestinians STILL cannot form a government and respectable leadership -- they will lose the opportunity to become a self-governing nation.. Their "homeland" is about as enforceable as the American Indian homeland was in America. Because they have not learned the importance of having something as organized and determined as a Zionist movement. Nationalism is not a high priority for them it seems.

I HOPE they get their act together and develop a peaceful nationalist movement. But I don't think that will ever happen without them killing each other as they did when their LAST government fell apart..
gee----Iranian kids are desperate-------they actually believe that ANYONE, including Netanyahu, CARES how they respond to his comment about blue jeans------I doubt that more than five people in the world CARE how muzzie dogs and sluts cover their shitty asses
I hear the word on the street is that you personally met Mohammed before he went to Allah and neither one cared for you that much?

They said you were rude.

really? I have known LOTS of muhummads----to which one do you allude?
Some, clearly, thought they would "go to allah" someday
Palestinian mandate was created after the Ottomans owned that land by the British. The MAJORITY of that mandate was to be Jew free. And was LEFT to be consolidated under local government. MOST of it was absorbed by Jordan. The West Bank was never governed directly by Palestinians in modern times. They HAD an opportunity while it belonged to Jordan. But they destroyed that relationship.

If after 40 years -- the Palestinians STILL cannot form a government and respectable leadership -- they will lose the opportunity to become a self-governing nation.. Their "homeland" is about as enforceable as the American Indian homeland was in America. Because they have not learned the importance of having something as organized and determined as a Zionist movement. Nationalism is not a high priority for them it seems.

I HOPE they get their act together and develop a peaceful nationalist movement. But I don't think that will ever happen without them killing each other as they did when their LAST government fell apart..
Oh, what the hell do you kno...............um.............I said I'll be nice! I said I'll be nice. I will be nice.

Thank you for sharing!
i thinking what ?

the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it

Palestinian mandate was created by the British after the Ottomans owned that land . The MAJORITY of that mandate was to be Jew free. And was LEFT to be consolidated under local government. MOST of it was absorbed by Jordan. The West Bank was never governed directly by Palestinians in modern times. They HAD an opportunity while it belonged to Jordan. But they destroyed that relationship.

If after 40 years -- the Palestinians STILL cannot form a government and respectable leadership -- they will lose the opportunity to become a self-governing nation.. Their "homeland" is about as enforceable as the American Indian homeland was in America. Because they have not learned the importance of having something as organized and determined as a Zionist movement. Nationalism is not a high priority for them it seems.

I HOPE they get their act together and develop a peaceful nationalist movement. But I don't think that will ever happen without them killing each other as they did when their LAST government fell apart..

you know what is most holy place after kaaba for moslem ?
Al-Aqsa Mosque in jeruslam

i dont talk about land. problem is holy land

Last edited:
gee----Iranian kids are desperate-------they actually believe that ANYONE, including Netanyahu, CARES how they respond to his comment about blue jeans------I doubt that more than five people in the world CARE how muzzie dogs and sluts cover their shitty asses
I hear the word on the street is that you personally met Mohammed before he went to Allah and neither one cared for you that much?

They said you were rude.
maybe she was .maybe she is noah daughter :badgrin:
Genesis 9:29 Noah lived a total of 950 years, and then he ...
Bible Hub
So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died. ... But this in no way excuses the covetousness and barbarity of those who enrich ...
really? I have known LOTS of muhummads----to which one do you allude?
Some, clearly, thought they would "go to allah" someday
The original one (and I'm not talking about Ali).

I have no idea who was THE FIRST MUHUMMAD. I believe that it might be a
very OLD Arabic name. ------based on what I sorta know about semitic languages---
it means-----something like "charming person" the 'MU' is,, I believe, a prefix that indicates a person who does or is ---something the HAMOOD part means
something like "CHARMING"----as in 'pleasant' or 'nice'
Palestinian mandate was created after the Ottomans owned that land by the British. The MAJORITY of that mandate was to be Jew free. And was LEFT to be consolidated under local government. MOST of it was absorbed by Jordan. The West Bank was never governed directly by Palestinians in modern times. They HAD an opportunity while it belonged to Jordan. But they destroyed that relationship.

If after 40 years -- the Palestinians STILL cannot form a government and respectable leadership -- they will lose the opportunity to become a self-governing nation.. Their "homeland" is about as enforceable as the American Indian homeland was in America. Because they have not learned the importance of having something as organized and determined as a Zionist movement. Nationalism is not a high priority for them it seems.

I HOPE they get their act together and develop a peaceful nationalist movement. But I don't think that will ever happen without them killing each other as they did when their LAST government fell apart..
Oh, what the hell do you kno...............um.............I said I'll be nice! I said I'll be nice. I will be nice.

Thank you for sharing!

Not so sure I like the kindler, gentler O'Billo..:uhoh3:

At least I CARE about Palestinian being successful. I have my doubts that MOST of their supporters do have their best interests at heart. ESPECIALLY some YOU might know that are constantly urging them to send their kids to die for a "resistance" with no leadership and no real goals..
the disgusting rapist, murdering PIG was told by ALLAH to kill all people who refused to lick muhummad's shitty ass. He was UNABLE to kill so many people so he claimed "I AM SUCH A NICE GUY---I AM NOT KILLING ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LICK MY STINKING SHITTY ASS"-----read the koran

but why israel doing it ?

Dani -- The PLO were kicked out of Jordan for making war against the King. The West Bank was Jordanian control for a couple decades and the radical Palestinians DESTROYED their chance for autonomy with Jordan. THEN -- the Pali leadership was KICKED out of Lebanon. Egypt is now a major player in the Gaza Blockade because they don't trust Pali leadership under Hamas.

In Syria -- Palestinians live like prisoners in refugee camps for DECADES. Now they are used by ALL SIDES for target practice and as human shields.

You need to realize how many opportunities the Palestinians have rejected to form a self-governing nation. It's not just Israel's fault. There is a long history of them abusing the govts that have hosted them. And a long history of their failure to organize and govern themselves..
i agree with you .i know it .
but i have question. if somebody come to your home or your land by force and give back only 1/8 of your land to you
then if you fight with them .........................?????
i dont want discuss about israel is jewish land or arabs.
but palestinis beleive it

Palestinian mandate was created by the British after the Ottomans owned that land . The MAJORITY of that mandate was to be Jew free. And was LEFT to be consolidated under local government. MOST of it was absorbed by Jordan. The West Bank was never governed directly by Palestinians in modern times. They HAD an opportunity while it belonged to Jordan. But they destroyed that relationship.

If after 40 years -- the Palestinians STILL cannot form a government and respectable leadership -- they will lose the opportunity to become a self-governing nation.. Their "homeland" is about as enforceable as the American Indian homeland was in America. Because they have not learned the importance of having something as organized and determined as a Zionist movement. Nationalism is not a high priority for them it seems.

I HOPE they get their act together and develop a peaceful nationalist movement. But I don't think that will ever happen without them killing each other as they did when their LAST government fell apart..

you know what is most holy place after kaaba for moslem ?
Al-Aqsa Mosque in jeruslam

i dont talk about just land. problem is holy land


So? muhummad decided to consider the place HOLY----because jews
considered it holy------so his followers STOLE it in order to act like ALPHA
APES. His follower PIG BARBUR did the same thing to HINDUS
in the city of AYODHIYA .. The Taliban bombed the Buddhist art in
Afghanistan ------for the SAME ALPHA APE idea---------disgusting behavior.
---someday some----GROUP will STEAL THE FUGGING KAABA or throw
pig shit into the WELL IN QOM where the Mahdi is living with his whories
really? I have known LOTS of muhummads----to which one do you allude?
Some, clearly, thought they would "go to allah" someday
The original one (and I'm not talking about Ali).

I have no idea who was THE FIRST MUHUMMAD. I believe that it might be a
very OLD Arabic name. ------based on what I sorta know about semitic languages---
it means-----something like "charming person" the 'MU' is,, I believe, a prefix that indicates a person who does or is ---something the HAMOOD part means
something like "CHARMING"----as in 'pleasant' or 'nice'
mohammand = praiser
really? I have known LOTS of muhummads----to which one do you allude?
Some, clearly, thought they would "go to allah" someday
The original one (and I'm not talking about Ali).

I have no idea who was THE FIRST MUHUMMAD. I believe that it might be a
very OLD Arabic name. ------based on what I sorta know about semitic languages---
it means-----something like "charming person" the 'MU' is,, I believe, a prefix that indicates a person who does or is ---something the HAMOOD part means
something like "CHARMING"----as in 'pleasant' or 'nice'
mohammand = praiser

I doubt it ---maybe "person who is praised"----as a rough translation-----it seems to me -----more like "charming person"
Not so sure I like the kindler, gentler O'Billo..:uhoh3:

At least I CARE about Palestinian being successful. I have my doubts that MOST of their supporters do have their best interests at heart. ESPECIALLY some YOU might know that are constantly urging them to send their kids to die for a "resistance" with no leadership and no real goals..
You got me there. I could care less about Palestinian's or Israeli's. Or Iranians for that matter.

My big hate group is neocons!
Not so sure I like the kindler, gentler O'Billo..:uhoh3:

At least I CARE about Palestinian being successful. I have my doubts that MOST of their supporters do have their best interests at heart. ESPECIALLY some YOU might know that are constantly urging them to send their kids to die for a "resistance" with no leadership and no real goals..
You got me there. I could care less about Palestinian's or Israeli's. Or Iranians for that matter.

My big hate group is neocons!

OK !!! Now we're talking !!!

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