why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


You liberals set the bar with the Clintons as far as lying goes...…

Trump has a long way to go to catch up with those two...
Great, so let’s see you post 3,000 lies by the Clintons. If you can’t, you expose yourself as just another Trump cockholster...

I would be here for weeks if I tried to post all the Clinton lies .

Stick that in your cockholster…..

Thanks for proving I was right — you’re nothing but another Trump cockholster.

So Obama telling the Russian ambassador to tell Putin he'll remove the missile defense once he gets reelected wasn't treasonous, nor was his shipping hundreds of billions to Islamic terrorists in Iran. Ha ha ha! Since when did Leftards the same people who love Che Guevara, Catstro and all the Commie murderers and presented Putin with a "reset button" become so hungry for nuclear war?
You were at the meeting with Obama and Putin? Did Obama tell him that our intelligence agencies are all full of shit and only the KGB has the facts. You sure have a lot of fantasies here sonny. Was Guevara or Castro as bad as goons like Pinochet and a host of others that we installed and/or supported? Not even close. Learn some history kid.
35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists
There's a clear recording of Obama committing treason by telling the Russian Ambassador that he would be more flexible with missile defense after he gets reelected. And we all know about the reset button. Putin chewed Obama and Hillary like the weak, corrupt crooks they were, and shat them out. All of the so called meddling occured because Putin had read Obama as an inept quisling who wouldn't stand up for America. He was right.
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.
You were at the meeting with Obama and Putin? Did Obama tell him that our intelligence agencies are all full of shit and only the KGB has the facts. You sure have a lot of fantasies here sonny. Was Guevara or Castro as bad as goons like Pinochet and a host of others that we installed and/or supported? Not even close. Learn some history kid.
35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists
There's a clear recording of Obama committing treason by telling the Russian Ambassador that he would be more flexible with missile defense after he gets reelected. And we all know about the reset button. Putin chewed Obama and Hillary like the weak, corrupt crooks they were, and shat them out. All of the so called meddling occured because Putin had read Obama as an inept quisling who wouldn't stand up for America. He was right.
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

why wouldn't his staff be aware of it, in that scenario; unlike Your guy.
So Obama telling the Russian ambassador to tell Putin he'll remove the missile defense once he gets reelected wasn't treasonous, nor was his shipping hundreds of billions to Islamic terrorists in Iran. Ha ha ha! Since when did Leftards the same people who love Che Guevara, Catstro and all the Commie murderers and presented Putin with a "reset button" become so hungry for nuclear war?
lol. just more fake news from the right wing. make any more deasl, "behind our backs" with our former enemies while ditching our long time allies?
Everything I said is true. The Left has been commie appeasers for the longest time because as can see see many of their leaders ARE Commies. No Allie has been ditched. Trump simply puts American economic interests and security first. And he has performed very successfully so far.

he called the piglet from NK a 'smart cookie & talented'... he complimented the philippine's leader duterte on how he handles his drug problem... he has assassins go around on motorcycles & point blank executes anyone using buying or selling drugs.

sweet, huh?
Yeah, and in the meantime the piglet was being squeezed behind the scenes, and forced to cough up his nukes. While Obama oversaw an EXPANSION of Kim's nukes and beligerence, Trump will oversee the destruction, ya dumbass Leftard. Look at the results!
You poor, demented, rightwingnut freak...

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
Non of that is conclusive. That our enemies walked all over us and laughed at us during the Obama administration is without a doubt. Probably the worst president in history when it comes to foreign policy. Hey, at least he didn't sit in his ass like Obama did and let ISIS grow like a cancer. You Leftards have a problem with reality.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

Oh don't worry, we're going to get whoever made that anti Islam youtube clip that caused the protests that our Ambassador in Ben Ghazi got murdered.
What does that video have to do with anything?
We are talking about LYING, aren't we? Obama and Hillary lying to the nation about the real reason one of our Ambassadors was murdered, and then Hillary lied to the parents of the fallen, while they are greeting their coffins. Nobody lied like those two, but of course the Left and the corrupt media kept covering up for them.
And the GOP investigated that and determined they didn’t lie.

That makes you the liar for continuing to call them liars over a matter for which the were exonerated by the body trying to implicate them.

Why can’t you accept reality?
Wrong! The GOP investigated the cause of the incident, and our response, moron. It was obvious that Obama and Hillary lied. Not a single sane objective person would think otherwise.
There's a clear recording of Obama committing treason by telling the Russian Ambassador that he would be more flexible with missile defense after he gets reelected. And we all know about the reset button. Putin chewed Obama and Hillary like the weak, corrupt crooks they were, and shat them out. All of the so called meddling occured because Putin had read Obama as an inept quisling who wouldn't stand up for America. He was right.
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

why wouldn't his staff be aware of it, in that scenario; unlike Your guy.

Because...DUH...nobody was around, dipstick. It was only him and the ambassador. His "staff" never released the fact that he made those secret comments, neither did Obama. It came out accidently.
You were at the meeting with Obama and Putin? Did Obama tell him that our intelligence agencies are all full of shit and only the KGB has the facts. You sure have a lot of fantasies here sonny. Was Guevara or Castro as bad as goons like Pinochet and a host of others that we installed and/or supported? Not even close. Learn some history kid.
35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists
There's a clear recording of Obama committing treason by telling the Russian Ambassador that he would be more flexible with missile defense after he gets reelected. And we all know about the reset button. Putin chewed Obama and Hillary like the weak, corrupt crooks they were, and shat them out. All of the so called meddling occured because Putin had read Obama as an inept quisling who wouldn't stand up for America. He was right.
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

Oh? Collusionand collaboration of what?
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

Oh don't worry, we're going to get whoever made that anti Islam youtube clip that caused the protests that our Ambassador in Ben Ghazi got murdered.
What does that video have to do with anything?
We are talking about LYING, aren't we? Obama and Hillary lying to the nation about the real reason one of our Ambassadors was murdered, and then Hillary lied to the parents of the fallen, while they are greeting their coffins. Nobody lied like those two, but of course the Left and the corrupt media kept covering up for them.
And the GOP investigated that and determined they didn’t lie.

That makes you the liar for continuing to call them liars over a matter for which the were exonerated by the body trying to implicate them.

Why can’t you accept reality?
Wrong! The GOP investigated the cause of the incident, and our response, moron. It was obvious that Obama and Hillary lied. Not a single sane objective person would think otherwise.
Despite your nonsense, the GOP-led investigation determined they didn’t lie. Why are you ignoring the findings of that investigation?
There's a clear recording of Obama committing treason by telling the Russian Ambassador that he would be more flexible with missile defense after he gets reelected. And we all know about the reset button. Putin chewed Obama and Hillary like the weak, corrupt crooks they were, and shat them out. All of the so called meddling occured because Putin had read Obama as an inept quisling who wouldn't stand up for America. He was right.
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

Oh? Collusionand collaboration of what?

To hold off on any aggressive action by the Russians which would endanger Obama's reelection. Why else would Obama mention the missile defense if it wasn't something that the Russians were upset about? This is clear evidence of a conspiracy. Mueller would for sure serve that as a reason for indictment. It's interesting how a Leftard justifies just about anything Obama and Hillary did but feign this fake selective outrage when Trump literally does nothing.
lol. just more fake news from the right wing. make any more deasl, "behind our backs" with our former enemies while ditching our long time allies?
Everything I said is true. The Left has been commie appeasers for the longest time because as can see see many of their leaders ARE Commies. No Allie has been ditched. Trump simply puts American economic interests and security first. And he has performed very successfully so far.

he called the piglet from NK a 'smart cookie & talented'... he complimented the philippine's leader duterte on how he handles his drug problem... he has assassins go around on motorcycles & point blank executes anyone using buying or selling drugs.

sweet, huh?
Yeah, and in the meantime the piglet was being squeezed behind the scenes, and forced to cough up his nukes. While Obama oversaw an EXPANSION of Kim's nukes and beligerence, Trump will oversee the destruction, ya dumbass Leftard. Look at the results!
You poor, demented, rightwingnut freak...

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
Non of that is conclusive. That our enemies walked all over us and laughed at us during the Obama administration is without a doubt. Probably the worst president in history when it comes to foreign policy. Hey, at least he didn't sit in his ass like Obama did and let ISIS grow like a cancer. You Leftards have a problem with reality.

Just how fucking demented are you? Evidence of North Korea rebuilds ng their nuclear facilities is not evidence of North Korea rebuilding their nuclear facilities??

lol. just more fake news from the right wing. make any more deasl, "behind our backs" with our former enemies while ditching our long time allies?
Everything I said is true. The Left has been commie appeasers for the longest time because as can see see many of their leaders ARE Commies. No Allie has been ditched. Trump simply puts American economic interests and security first. And he has performed very successfully so far.

he called the piglet from NK a 'smart cookie & talented'... he complimented the philippine's leader duterte on how he handles his drug problem... he has assassins go around on motorcycles & point blank executes anyone using buying or selling drugs.

sweet, huh?
Yeah, and in the meantime the piglet was being squeezed behind the scenes, and forced to cough up his nukes. While Obama oversaw an EXPANSION of Kim's nukes and beligerence, Trump will oversee the destruction, ya dumbass Leftard. Look at the results!
You poor, demented, rightwingnut freak...

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
Non of that is conclusive. That our enemies walked all over us and laughed at us during the Obama administration is without a doubt. Probably the worst president in history when it comes to foreign policy. Hey, at least he didn't sit in his ass like Obama did and let ISIS grow like a cancer. You Leftards have a problem with reality.
Actually, I have more of a problem with the right wing cutting taxes while alleging we have, "national security" problems.

wartime Tax Rates or your alleged Wars, are right wing fake news that helps the rich get richer faster, at the Expense of the Poor.
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

Oh? Collusionand collaboration of what?

To hold of on any aggressive action by the Russians which would endanger Obama's reelection. Why else would Obama mention the missile defense if it wasn't that the Russians were upset about? clear evidence of a conspiracy.


Is “holding off Russian aggression” collusion or collaboration?
And, he was debriefed and transcribed; unlike Your guy.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

why wouldn't his staff be aware of it, in that scenario; unlike Your guy.

Because...DUH...nobody was around, dipstick. It was only him and the ambassador. His "staff" never released the fact that he made those secret comments, neither did Obama. It came out accidently.

it was an Open mike in an Open forum; Unlike Your guy.
Everything I said is true. The Left has been commie appeasers for the longest time because as can see see many of their leaders ARE Commies. No Allie has been ditched. Trump simply puts American economic interests and security first. And he has performed very successfully so far.

he called the piglet from NK a 'smart cookie & talented'... he complimented the philippine's leader duterte on how he handles his drug problem... he has assassins go around on motorcycles & point blank executes anyone using buying or selling drugs.

sweet, huh?
Yeah, and in the meantime the piglet was being squeezed behind the scenes, and forced to cough up his nukes. While Obama oversaw an EXPANSION of Kim's nukes and beligerence, Trump will oversee the destruction, ya dumbass Leftard. Look at the results!
You poor, demented, rightwingnut freak...

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
Non of that is conclusive. That our enemies walked all over us and laughed at us during the Obama administration is without a doubt. Probably the worst president in history when it comes to foreign policy. Hey, at least he didn't sit in his ass like Obama did and let ISIS grow like a cancer. You Leftards have a problem with reality.

Just how fucking demented are you? Evidence of North Korea rebuilds ng their nuclear facilities is not evidence of North Korea rebuilding their nuclear facilities??

While Obama was in charge the N Koreans were lobbing missiles over Japan and the South and threatening Guam, Russia had invaded Crimea and threatening Ukraine, and ISIS was a full blown terrorist organization conducting operations all over Europe and the US, now with Trump in charge ISIS has been decimated, the N Koreans have stopped lobbing missiles and talking dismantlement, and Russia and its allies i.e. Syria and Iran have been put on notice. So which is better, shithead? Leftards always have a problem rational thought.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

Oh? Collusionand collaboration of what?

To hold of on any aggressive action by the Russians which would endanger Obama's reelection. Why else would Obama mention the missile defense if it wasn't that the Russians were upset about? clear evidence of a conspiracy.


Is “holding off Russian aggression” collusion or collaboration?

Telling a foreign adversary "you'll have more flexibility with the missile defense shield" once reelected is clear evidence of treason and betrayal. Obama sold out our countries interests and security repetively. It all started with the Apology Tour.
Hah? That was an open mic moment Obama did not know would come out. Stop sucking that coolaid:

He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.

why wouldn't his staff be aware of it, in that scenario; unlike Your guy.

Because...DUH...nobody was around, dipstick. It was only him and the ambassador. His "staff" never released the fact that he made those secret comments, neither did Obama. It came out accidently.

it was an Open mike in an Open forum; Unlike Your guy.

My guy did what exactly? It was an open mic that wasn't supposed to be open, dumbass, so That's when Obama tried to slip in his secret message.
Everything I said is true. The Left has been commie appeasers for the longest time because as can see see many of their leaders ARE Commies. No Allie has been ditched. Trump simply puts American economic interests and security first. And he has performed very successfully so far.

he called the piglet from NK a 'smart cookie & talented'... he complimented the philippine's leader duterte on how he handles his drug problem... he has assassins go around on motorcycles & point blank executes anyone using buying or selling drugs.

sweet, huh?
Yeah, and in the meantime the piglet was being squeezed behind the scenes, and forced to cough up his nukes. While Obama oversaw an EXPANSION of Kim's nukes and beligerence, Trump will oversee the destruction, ya dumbass Leftard. Look at the results!
You poor, demented, rightwingnut freak...

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
Non of that is conclusive. That our enemies walked all over us and laughed at us during the Obama administration is without a doubt. Probably the worst president in history when it comes to foreign policy. Hey, at least he didn't sit in his ass like Obama did and let ISIS grow like a cancer. You Leftards have a problem with reality.
Actually, I have more of a problem with the right wing cutting taxes while alleging we have, "national security" problems.

wartime Tax Rates or your alleged Wars, are right wing fake news that helps the rich get richer faster, at the Expense of the Poor.
Ha ha ha! A Leftie that has a problem with cutting taxes. What a suprise! Your commie leader Obama INCREASED our taxes while cutting our military and national security infrastructure!
he called the piglet from NK a 'smart cookie & talented'... he complimented the philippine's leader duterte on how he handles his drug problem... he has assassins go around on motorcycles & point blank executes anyone using buying or selling drugs.

sweet, huh?
Yeah, and in the meantime the piglet was being squeezed behind the scenes, and forced to cough up his nukes. While Obama oversaw an EXPANSION of Kim's nukes and beligerence, Trump will oversee the destruction, ya dumbass Leftard. Look at the results!
You poor, demented, rightwingnut freak...

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
Non of that is conclusive. That our enemies walked all over us and laughed at us during the Obama administration is without a doubt. Probably the worst president in history when it comes to foreign policy. Hey, at least he didn't sit in his ass like Obama did and let ISIS grow like a cancer. You Leftards have a problem with reality.

Just how fucking demented are you? Evidence of North Korea rebuilds ng their nuclear facilities is not evidence of North Korea rebuilding their nuclear facilities??

While Obama was in charge the N Koreans were lobbing missiles over Japan and the South and threatening Guam, Russia had invaded Crimea and threatening Ukraine, and ISIS was a full blown terrorist organization conducting operations all over Europe and the US, now with Trump in charge ISIS has been decimated, the N Koreans have stopped lobbing missiles and talking dismantlement, and Russia and its allies i.e. Syria and Iran have been put on notice. So which is better, shithead? Leftards always have a problem rational thought.
Obama... Obama.... Obama....

Your ODS can’t get Obama off your brain. Regardless of how demented he gets you, this is about Trump, not Obama.

Like the lying, obedient, Trump cockholster you are, you idiotically claimed Trump will oversee the destruction of NK’s nukes — only satellite imagery reveals they are building up their nuclear facilities, not tearing them down.
He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.
why wouldn't his staff be aware of it, in that scenario; unlike Your guy.
Because...DUH...nobody was around, dipstick. It was only him and the ambassador. His "staff" never released the fact that he made those secret comments, neither did Obama. It came out accidently.
it was an Open mike in an Open forum; Unlike Your guy.
My guy did what exactly? It was an open mic that wasn't supposed to be open, dumbass, so That's when Obama tried to slip in his secret message.
he didn't have a closed meeting.
He went through his staff; unlike Your guy.
Nope! He secretly transmitted a message to the Ambassador when he thought the mic was off. Clear evidence of collusion and collaboration.
Oh? Collusionand collaboration of what?
To hold of on any aggressive action by the Russians which would endanger Obama's reelection. Why else would Obama mention the missile defense if it wasn't that the Russians were upset about? clear evidence of a conspiracy.

Is “holding off Russian aggression” collusion or collaboration?
Telling a foreign adversary "you'll have more flexibility with the missile defense shield" once reelected is clear evidence of treason and betrayal. Obama sold out our countries interests and security repetively. It all started with the Apology Tour.
No, it’s not, ya lying Trump cockreceptacle. It was Obama informing Medvedev he’d have to wait to hold any discussions on any such topics because he had to be re-elected to hold them. That’s neither collusion nor collaboration. It was stalling. Furthermore, as president, Obama was elected to hold such discussions with other foreign leaders, just as Trump is now.

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