Why its actually "good"that R-Wers are questioning Hillary's health...

When you take a minute to actually contemplate the right wingers' NEW obsession about Hillary supposedly being on her death bed, you'd see that this same obsession points out TWO important sub-issues:

1. It will force the media to better scrutinize Clinton's doctors' review and reports of her health status VERSUS Trump's quack doctor's, and

2. The fact that Trump is actually OLDER than Clinton.

Also, it's only fair because a big deal was made of McCains health in 2008.

Congrats to Dems and the media for setting the precedent about questioning age and health.

If she has brain damage and can't remember how to handle classified documents, she should not be POTUS.
I'm almost as worried about Hillary's health as I am about letting the UN oversee ICANN.

It's all so scary! Where do I turn?
Congrats to Dems and the media for setting the precedent about questioning age and health.

Agree on that part......By the way, on the VERY unlikely scenario that Trump were to become president he would be the OLDEST president to ever be sworn in....older than Reagan...Interesting, isn't it?
Trumps not hacking up parts of his lung, disappearing for weeks, hasn't had an aneurysm, isnt taking a boatload of medicine, doesn't have thyroid disease, doesnt fall while he's walking etc....

Excellent post....You're basing YOUR diagnosis on what the renowned Doctor, Sean Hannity has concluded after a thorough examination of Hillary Clinton's health status....Now, WHO the fuck could argue with THAT???

No, thats all based on her medical reports and are you denying that she had an aneurysm? As always, you're wrong.
Trumps not hacking up parts of his lung, disappearing for weeks, hasn't had an aneurysm, isnt taking a boatload of medicine, doesn't have thyroid disease, doesnt fall while he's walking etc....

Soooo, moron, you are quite sure that Hillary is:

Hacking up parts of her lungs?
Disappearing for WEEKS?
Taking BOATLOADS of medicine?
CONSTANTLY falls while she's walking?

....and yes, MILLIONS of people have had an aneurysm but it is NOT a death sentence.
Talking about Hillary's health WILL bring the spotlight on the need for a thorough (not a two-sentence "evaluation" from a digestion doctor written in 5 minutes) report on Trump's own health records.

....and THAT is good news......
t's all so scary! Where do I turn?

My sincere advise....Please ask any of the right wingers on here if there's any room under their beds where they've been hiding for the last 8 years in fear of being taken away to an Obama's re-education camp..
t's all so scary! Where do I turn?

My sincere advise....Please ask any of the right wingers on here if there's any room under their beds where they've been hiding for the last 8 years in fear of being taken away to an Obama's re-education camp..

Exactly, that's what I tell the stupid liberal idiots who think Trump is going to put everyone in concentration camps and execute all minorities.

They're fucking retards.
Age has nothing to do with it and Clinton's health is certainly a legitimate issue at this point since whatever has been bothering her does not seem to be going away

Of course age SHOULD have nothing to do with it.....But when Clinton is referred to as, "that OLD bitch" or, "that OLD witch"....is it just hateful sexism even though her opponent is older?

No, it's just honesty. She IS an old bitch.
I think we are entitled to a current, complete, unbiased medical report on both candidates. Do you agree?

absolutely..........So far we have a fairly extensive medical record from Clinton....but forTrump'swe have 2 sentences prepared in 5 minutes by a quack gastro doctor.

So, by all means......let's have more extensive scrutiny.
Congrats to Dems and the media for setting the precedent about questioning age and health.

Agree on that part......By the way, on the VERY unlikely scenario that Trump were to become president he would be the OLDEST president to ever be sworn in....older than Reagan...Interesting, isn't it?
Are you referring to the Republican president to testified, under oath, that he "couldn't remember" key points of his activities and responsibilities during his administration?

That Reagan?
t's all so scary! Where do I turn?

My sincere advise....Please ask any of the right wingers on here if there's any room under their beds where they've been hiding for the last 8 years in fear of being taken away to an Obama's re-education camp..
They have a right to be scared. He took away their guns, didn't he?

No, he's coming for their guns on Nov. 8th, while they're out voting. :)
t's all so scary! Where do I turn?

My sincere advise....Please ask any of the right wingers on here if there's any room under their beds where they've been hiding for the last 8 years in fear of being taken away to an Obama's re-education camp..
They have a right to be scared. He took away their guns, didn't he?

No, he's coming for their guns on Nov. 8th, while they're out voting. :)
Hmm. Tough choice. Leave and vote for Trump, or stay home and protect hearth and home against the full force and fury of the armed forces of the United States.
They have a right to be scared. He took away their guns, didn't he?

If he had the ability, he would have. Unfortunately for him we have a Constitution that most of us respect. Of course that will change if Hil-liar gets in and puts a bunch of commies on the court. Then we really can kiss our guns goodbye.
Congrats to Dems and the media for setting the precedent about questioning age and health.

Agree on that part......By the way, on the VERY unlikely scenario that Trump were to become president he would be the OLDEST president to ever be sworn in....older than Reagan...Interesting, isn't it?

Libs aren't supposed to discriminate based on sex, race, or age.
I think we are entitled to a current, complete, unbiased medical report on both candidates. Do you agree?

I think that would be a little intrusive, but it wouldn't hurt if their doctors could say whether they had any problems that would prohibit them from serving as President.

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