Why Joe Biden got Shokin fired in Ukraine

You’d better brief the State dept. and John Kerry to name a few, who were praising him at that time.
No they weren’t.

This is what they were actually saying:

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the September 24 speech.
No they weren’t.

This is what they were actually saying:

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the September 24 speech.
Stefanik disagrees with you…

Stefanik disagrees with you…

Stefanik is a Republican hack.

Two problems with your narrative.

One, look for any praise for Shokin specifically. The speech praises the Ukrainian government.

Two, look at the dare. It’s March 2015, one month after he was appointed. It’s not even any time for him to have done anything to praise.

You understand how times works, right?
Why would the US give money to a corrupt character like shotkin ? Biden was following state dept advice. Its a matter of record.

This was a great exchange. The murky world of conspiracy nonsense being exposed to sunlight with an adult in the room.
CIA marionette Bidenochio following State Department advice as Miss Pigtoria Nuland watches on as voyeur.
Did this actually happen on 2 Feb 2016 or did it not?
'....Shokin's office issued a warrant to seize all of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky's properties in Kyiv on 2 Feb 2016.'
It was a renewal of a prior court order that Shokin allowed to lapse. It's not even an investigation. Just freezing assets.

In 2014, the UK asked for help investigating Zlochevsky. The PGO didn't help at all and the case had to be dropped. Someone in the PGO was almost assuredly bribed by Zlochevsky to do so. The US wanted Shokin to investigate and find out. He didn't. Because Shokin didn't care about corruption in his office.
It was a renewal of a prior court order that Shokin allowed to lapse. It's not even an investigation. Just freezing assets.

In 2014, the UK asked for help investigating Zlochevsky. The PGO didn't help at all and the case had to be dropped. Someone in the PGO was almost assuredly bribed by Zlochevsky to do so. The US wanted Shokin to investigate and find out. He didn't. Because Shokin didn't care about corruption in his office.
Then the prior court order should come with a link and the precise date that it was issued. Where is the link and precise 2014 date for the UK asking for anything?
No they weren’t.

This is what they were actually saying:

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the September 24 speech.
In this report, the term 'endemic corruption' is extremely problematic due to CIA operations there for 70 years.
Then the prior court order should come with a link and the precise date that it was issued. Where is the link and precise 2014 date for the UK asking for anything?
In this report, the term 'endemic corruption' is extremely problematic due to CIA operations there for 70 years.
No, endemic corruption is due to Russian control of the country for well more than the last 70 years.

Endemic corruption is the Russian system of governance.
No, endemic corruption is due to Russian control of the country for well more than the last 70 years.

Endemic corruption is the Russian system of governance.
Endemic corruption must go back further than you suggest. Hitler knew of the Ice Age swastika carving found at the Mezin, Ukraine, paleolithic site. (USMB search)
Let's get to the details of the firing of Shokin.

Congress has a hearing that this came up in.
Seems it is Biden who is corrupt and not Shokin.
Garland has had to testify.

14K views 37 minutes ago

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about Burisma.


How’s the weather in Moscow?
America did not force Putin to invade Ukraine. But America tires of wars super fast and Biden stepped in shit by not forcing the war to end quickly. Biden operates as if he plans for the war to last at least 10 more years. Biden has operated in a pace that snails operate in. Now the Congress wants this over today.
What do you mean plan for the war to last at least 10 more years.
The war (from Putins plans) wasn't supposed to last more than 2 weeks.
It was only with American and NATO assistance that allowed Ukraine to last this long against the Russian military.
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What do you mean plane for the war to last at least 10 more years.
The war (from Putins plans) wasn't supposed to last more than 2 weeks.
It was only with American and NATO assistance that allowed Ukraine to last this long against the Russian military.
Two weeks would be when the supply of vodka runs out.
Then the prior court order should come with a link and the precise date that it was issued. Where is the link and precise 2014 date for the UK asking for anything?
If it's the case I remember, there was something like $25 million in assets frozen in Great Britain, and because Shokin dropped the prosecution, England had to return the money.

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