Why Joe Biden is losing ground in key swing states

The problem there was that Gov. Scott had engaged in a massive program of voter suppression, which is why black turnout dropped from 72% in 2012 to 47% in 2016.

Try again, Walter
187,000 dead from Covid Trump is NOT to blame, look at Cuomo and sending infected patients back to nursing homes.

NY had a lower death rate at Nursing homes compared to the rest of the country. Sorry, man, Trump owns Covid.

If you get sick, you should have followed the guidelines. Its not Trump's fault.

You go with that, buddy. Seriously,

Jobs are coming back slowly, we need that vaccine to get back to normal, its coming.

Jobs aren't coming back all that soon, and a vaccine won't fix everything.

Many of those closed businesses are because of democrat governors' and mayors' stupid shutdowns.

And many of them are because Trump so weakened the economy.

Riots in democrat cities are helping Trump as the polling shows, keep burning those slums down!

Except he's really not gaining in the polls. Eventually, people will hold him accountable for the actions of riot wing hate groups getting involved.
There are rumblings of the elderly very nervous of the Progs. There are enough videos and photos of old people being maimed and killed by younger people to warrant their concerns. For their own safety they will vote Trump or suffer the consequences and people will not care.
NY had a lower death rate at Nursing homes compared to the rest of the country. Sorry, man, Trump owns Covid.
You go with that, buddy. Seriously,
Jobs aren't coming back all that soon, and a vaccine won't fix everything.
And many of them are because Trump so weakened the economy.
Except he's really not gaining in the polls. Eventually, people will hold him accountable for the actions of riot wing hate groups getting involved.

Trump still has a 50% shot to win.

And for that, the Democratic Party should be deeply ashamed and embarrassed.
Trump still has a 50% shot to win.

And for that, the Democratic Party should be deeply ashamed and embarrassed.

Nowhere near that... and frankly, it's you bloodsuckers on Wall Street who inflicted Trump on us.
There is a 5%-7% or so "stealth" vote for Trump, democrats who poll for Biden when asked, but will vote for Trump in November, which proves the OP's point about 2016 in WI.

No, actually, Wisconsin was a case of voter suppression, not polling errors, and it was the only one that the pollsters got horribly wrong. MI, PA, FL, and NC were all close, and the polls showed they were going to be close.

An October Surprise for Hillary was all that was needed to do her in.

Trump's problem going into November.

187,000 dead from Covid
6 million people sick
40 million jobs lost
100,000 businesses closed for good
A summer of Riots.

187,000 dead from Covid Trump is NOT to blame, look at Cuomo and sending infected patients back to nursing homes.
6 million people sick If you get sick, you should have followed the guidelines. Its not Trump's fault.
40 million jobs lost Jobs are coming back slowly, we need that vaccine to get back to normal, its coming.
100,000 businesses closed Many of those closed businesses are because of democrat governors' and mayors' stupid shutdowns.
A summer of Riots. Riots in democrat cities are helping Trump as the polling shows, keep burning those slums down!

The covid numbers are bogus....
Joe Biden's pathetic attempt to blame President Trump for the foreign-funded, Democrat facilitated out-of-control violence & terrorism in Democrat politician-run cities is adding to the turn away from Biden and Democrats.


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