Why Joe Biden Won't Run For President


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
Hillary lovers and Bill Clinton swooners can rest easy. There is absolutely zero chance of Joe Biden entering the race as a Democratic Presidential candidate. Why? I'm glad you asked.

Hillary had Bill for a coach. These two have weathered many a bimbo and many a storm in their "marriage" arraignment. Theirs has been a marriage of common interests - power and money.

Hillary has enough dirt on President Obama socked away to destroy his legacy and most probably provide legal ramifications that would last far into his future when he is far removed from his power as President and leader of the Democrat Party. Obama knows this and so does his lackey, Joe Biden who is forever beholden to Obama for giving him some small crumb of significance on the political scene.
Hillary lovers and Bill Clinton swooners can rest easy. There is absolutely zero chance of Joe Biden entering the race as a Democratic Presidential candidate. Why? I'm glad you asked.

Hillary had Bill for a coach. These two have weathered many a bimbo and many a storm in their "marriage" arraignment. Theirs has been a marriage of common interests - power and money.

Hillary has enough dirt on President Obama socked away to destroy his legacy and most probably provide legal ramifications that would last far into his future when he is far removed from his power as President and leader of the Democrat Party. Obama knows this and so does his lackey, Joe Biden who is forever beholden to Obama for giving him some small crumb of significance on the political scene.
Sorry, but not believable.

Mrs. BJ is as dirty as a pig in shit...even dirtier than BO.

Don't you think Big Ears has plenty of dirt on her and her horndog husband?
On the other hand, Obama has the power to destroy Hillary with criminal prosecution. If her candidacy goes south, Biden may the answer to their dreams of pardons.
Hillary lovers and Bill Clinton swooners can rest easy. There is absolutely zero chance of Joe Biden entering the race as a Democratic Presidential candidate. Why? I'm glad you asked.

Hillary had Bill for a coach. These two have weathered many a bimbo and many a storm in their "marriage" arraignment. Theirs has been a marriage of common interests - power and money.

Hillary has enough dirt on President Obama socked away to destroy his legacy and most probably provide legal ramifications that would last far into his future when he is far removed from his power as President and leader of the Democrat Party. Obama knows this and so does his lackey, Joe Biden who is forever beholden to Obama for giving him some small crumb of significance on the political scene.
Sorry, but not believable.

Mrs. BJ is as dirty as a pig in shit...even dirtier than BO.

Don't you think Big Ears has plenty of dirt on her and her horndog husband?

Indeed but she and Bill have thus far avoid any prosecution for their crimes altogether. Well, Bill did get his law license pulled for committing perjury in the Monica thing but he was not impeached and Hilly stayed by his side.
On the other hand, Obama has the power to destroy Hillary with criminal prosecution. If her candidacy goes south, Biden may the answer to their dreams of pardons.

Not gonna happen. Like I said, she has plenty on Obama. Blackmail.
Ah, the fascinating logic of the conspiracy theorists.

The funny thing is how after Biden doesn't run, they'll point to their conspiracy theory as proof of how right they were.

You know why Biden isn't running? Because it's too freakin' late to jump in. The resources needed have already been grabbed by everyone else.
If Biden doens't run, it's because he's become a Girl Scout troop leader, that's the only thing that could keep him from running
Realistically, Biden would have 2 weeks left to declare. Georgia has an ironclad filing deadline of Oct. 29 to get on the ballot.
You Far RWers are pretty funny! Wringing your greasy little hands over Hillary. Better get your sleeping pill subscription refilled. It is a long time until November 2016.:badgrin::badgrin:
Joe Biden is too old and too devastated after his son's death to run for president. Liberals need to find an another candidate to promote.
Biden was knocked out by weak Mike Dukakis, waaaaaaaaaaay back in 88, and your gonna tell me he can do better than that almost 30 years later:rofl:, SORRY, he was also smoked early in 2007, 2008,..

He will also be 75 in 2017, and he knows if he runs he will get stopped again..

To all the idiots that believe he will magically appear and win the nomination, get a fukkin clue, he will never be President and if he can't figure that out on his own:poke: he's a lot dumber than I thought..
Biden was knocked out by weak Mike Dukakis, waaaaaaaaaaay back in 88, and your gonna tell me he can do better than that almost 30 years later:rofl:, SORRY, he was also smoked early in 2007, 2008,..

He will also be 75 in 2017, and he knows if he runs he will get stopped again..

To all the idiots that believe he will magically appear and win the nomination, get a fukkin clue, he will never be President and if he can't figure that out on his own:poke: he's a lot dumber than I thought..

A three legged cocker spaniel will beat trump......Next!
Biden's withdrawal from the Presidential race is anything but. Hillary will get the nomination unless she implodes, in which case Biden will be the only acceptable substitute anyway. No reason for him to enter the fray before that eventuality; he has already proven his acceptability to Democrats.
Democrats, of course, never cared much about Biden. He was always a non-issue. It was only Republicans here who kept bringing him up obsessively. He was apparently their last best hope to somehow stop Hillary.

It may have been a delusional hope, but it was hope nonetheless.And now that hope is gone. Everyone, go easy on the Hillary Derangement Syndrome sufferers for a while. Reality is starting to penetrate into their bubble, and it's causing them pain.
Obama must be hopping mad that his dopey surrogate decided not to run.

He still needs to eliminate Hillary and have someone else, maybe Liz warren, maybe Susan Rice, run
Biden will not run for President because Bill and Hillary just transferred untold millions of dollars into his spanking new French bank account.
Democrats, of course, never cared much about Biden. He was always a non-issue. It was only Republicans here who kept bringing him up obsessively. He was apparently their last best hope to somehow stop Hillary.

It may have been a delusional hope, but it was hope nonetheless.And now that hope is gone. Everyone, go easy on the Hillary Derangement Syndrome sufferers for a while. Reality is starting to penetrate into their bubble, and it's causing them pain.

Pfft. I was terrified that Biden would run because he polls the best against all the Republican candidates. Yeah he's a total gaffe machine and a dip shit but he would get a ton of sympathy votes. I am not worried about Hillary in the least bit. There's so much dirt on her that even Democrats know she is corrupt as hell. Biden did the GOP a HUGE favor today by basically handing the nomination to Hillary on a silver platter. This far out, with her name recognition, Hillary should be destroying the GOP candidates in the polls and instead she's lucky to break even

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